A Sprinkle of Humor Makes Life Better

Rainbow Nonpareil Sprinkles 10-14-09 3

Written by Eugene Morgan

“Enjoy life and enjoy it thoroughly.  And the more humor you can put into life, the better off you are,” Milton Erickson

Humor is like sprinkling sugar on reality, it has a taste of bittersweet.  We have had some bittersweet experiences and will continue to have them.  With the bitter experiences we can sprinkle a little humor on it and with the sweet experiences we can save and use it later.  It is easier to get through bitter experiences as long as we wear the eyeglasses of humor. Humor can bring us through a lot of life’s difficulties.  It’s all right to have a good laugh sometimes, “the better off you are,” according to Erickson.  It’s better for us to laugh things off than to live life so seriously.  Thus, we can seriously laugh at our problems, while we enjoy thoroughly the good things life brings us.  There will come a time, when we will be face to face with death, and it will smile at us, we will just smile back; that’s what it means to enjoy life thoroughly.



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