An Idea that grows into more Ideas

Mustard seeds of some sort
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we have an idea we ought not be afraid to use it. Not every idea that pops up in our minds will be useful. But it’s nice to see if it can be useful in some way.

Ideas are like finding a new pair of shoes that fit; we have to try many before we find the one that’s fits comfortably.  By applying one idea to a situation, we may learn something else that sparks another idea that may work better.

Ideas are like seeds; we just have to find the right condition and the right climate for them to grow.  A new idea helps us to expand our thinking so we can see things differently than before. Expanding our thinking helps us to look at possibilities that we haven’t seen yet.

4 thoughts on “An Idea that grows into more Ideas

  1. MEM

    Thanks, Jym.

  2. MEM


    I’m glad you like the metaphor!

  3. Joe

    After staring at my chalkboard all day, I appreciate the comment that “Ideas are like finding a new pair of shoes that fit.”

  4. Very poetic, and true –

    Those thoughts which land in fertile soil and are nurtured and encouraged are the ones that create our lives…


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