Can Adults Learn From Children?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What can we learn from children? A child likes to explore freely without limits. A child is not afraid to make a mistake when learning something new.

A child enjoys learning new things while playing. A child looks at things from a different view than an adult. Everything a child sees is from a clean slate.

Everything a child explores is new.  A child enjoys listening to stories. A child enjoys touching everything with his or her hands which includes tasting everything else.

A child can do anything, as long there’s a parent present to keep the child safe. Exploration and experience is a reoccurring theme that we can learn from a child. Scientists, archeologists, anthropologists, researchers are really children in grown up bodies.

4 thoughts on “Can Adults Learn From Children?

  1. MEM

    Ellie, thanks for commenting.

  2. MEM

    David, I couldn’t say it better than that.

  3. We can learn a lot from children by exploring, by allowing ourselves to step out of our comfort zones, by getting past our inhibitions. I sing (tone-deaf, though I am) around the house and wrestle with my kids. In the privacy of my home, I am still a kid. Sadly, our brains do not learn as fast as adults, and it is not just because we have too many preconceptions already drummed in.

  4. I so love this reminder. Exploration of our inner and outer world tends to get lost as we grow up. If we can keep even a smidge of that childlike belief in ourselves and the world, there’s no limit to what we can do.

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