We Are Not Alone In Our Struggles

out of the way

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re not alone in our struggles to make things better for ourselves. Anything we want changed in our lives will be a struggle. To make a change means to break up old habits.

Old habits are hard to die. We feel comfortable and familiar with our old habits. If we want to make changes some of our habits will need breaking up for room for new habits.

With new habits, old habits will render useless. We won’t need them. But to acquire new habits, we must use them everyday and consistently.

There will be times when we’ll forget something that requires memory on our part to execute the new habits.

Our new habits that prove useful for change will require us to struggle a bit until the new habits remain and become a part of our psyche.

Experiencing The New

freedom ... !
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Experiencing something new is the best way to make a change. Some things are unchanging unless we experience something that will help us change.

To experience something means actually doing something. An experience can help expand our minds so we can see that there are more choices available.

When we have more choices we have more freedom to be more of ourselves. Milton Erickson wants us to discover more about our potentials and ourselves.

He wants our minds to concentrate on the vast store of experiences that we all have and learn to use them when in need and/or desire to free ourselves from the rigid ideas.

Changes Occur Within Us

Sphere within a sphere, UN visitor's plaza, New York City
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Change has to be done by us. No one can make change occur within us. We bear the burden of responsibility to cause change within.

We have to decide what we want changed in our lives. When we commit to changing ourselves, we’re not giving away our power.

We need the power to change. It’s no use to waiting for someone to change us because that’s giving away our power. Changing is a subjective experience that occurs within each of us.

No one has the right to force change on to another person. No one likes change forced upon him or her.  Everyone has to decide to make a change for him or her. Beside we ultimately have to make the changes ourselves, if we want to be adaptive to new situations.

Observe, then Change it

Labomed CxL
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we want to learn something about ourselves, we must observe ourselves. Most of our behaviors are done without our knowledge. If we want to make a change in a certain area in our lives we must observe what we do to resist change.

Change isn’t easy. But if we want to do something to fulfill our purposes, change is a prerequisite. Change is required. That’s why it’s true that if we want something, it requires great labor to get it.

Change requires labor. And labor that we’re not used to isn’t easy. Change is difficult but not impossible. However, observing our behaviors will help us seek out those behaviors that are keeping us from doing what we need to do to make change possible.

The hardest part about change is to maintain it. It’s something that we can continue to do is to keep out old habits and to maintain new changes until those new behaviors become new habits.

Time is the important element to the process of change. It takes time to develop new habits. Instead of waiting until tomorrow to start changing old habits, why not we start today.

It’s just a delay, if we wait for tomorrow. Remember tomorrow is just an illusion. If we think about it, tomorrow is not real but today is real because we’re in it.

When Views are influenced

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

After we have renewed ourselves visiting our loved-ones, we can take on the days ahead. Our unconscious mind is altered when we visit someone who we haven’t seen for a while.

It is because each one of us brings to gathering different points of view from different backgrounds. We’re changed a little after a gathering of people.

It’s interesting when we bring up what’s current in the news and develop a discussion and even a little debate about them.  We each have slightly different versions or more information about what’s now in the news whether it’s about taxes or politics.



A Different Conclusion of Change

Lighthouse prism
Written By Eugene Morgan

What about change?  Change is good. There are things we can change and there are things we can’t change. Perhaps we can’t change certain things, but we can change our attitude about them.   But how can we change the way we look at things?  One way we can change the way we look at a problem for example, is changing where we place our attention.  If we look at a problem the same way, then we will come up with the same conclusion, but if we shift our attention to another entry point of the problem then we will come up with a different conclusion.  It may not be the conclusion we want, but the important thing, is that it is a different conclusion and a good exercise.