Flexibility is Creativity

white light

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Where there is creativity, there is flexibility. In other words, we must be flexible to create creativity.  It is all right to allow our minds to wonder and brainstorm about things.  Brainstorming allows us to imagine things without restrictions. Kids do this all the time. We were once kids. So if we can look back and to see ourselves as children imagining what it would be like to do this  or that—and we can pretend. When we pretended as children, we gave ourselves permission to be what we wanted to be because we wanted to know what it would be like. As children we can go as far as we can imagine ourselves to be doing something wonderful and fulfilling.  Creativity is a way to give ourselves back our freedom in life because as adults we get so involved with our fast-paced life that we forget that we can slow down our pace and think about the wonderment of life.


Create Your Own Atmosphere

Watermelon Welcome Mat

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to wait until a change of atmosphere; instead we can create our own atmosphere. It’s like moving into a new office. If we want our office to feel welcoming, then we can put up picture of positive messages or use bright colors to help create a positive atmosphere. Every holiday is an opportunity to celebrate with decorations. Every holiday has a theme. We can do the same in our personal life create a new theme if we’re dissatisfied.  When we create another theme we’re changing the atmosphere. Just simply cleaning the house or doing yard work can create welcoming atmosphere.


Creativity and Choices


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Creativity is another opportunity to have more choices in one’s life. Creativity is thinking differently than before. Creativity is revelation to something that we don’t know about. Creativity is the result of our imagination. Imagination is the expression of our creativity.  Creativity is permissible. Creativity is without judgments. Creativity is a tool to help to get around the closed doors— rigid thinking. Creativity is another form of choice. Creativity helps us to see beyond what seemed at the time impossible. It is in the way we think about things that we have an opportunity and ability to expand our mind.


Wait For The Answer

Door / Barrel Distortion Test

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have resources at our disposal but how do we get access to them? When it comes to creativity, it really comes from the back of our mind (the unconscious or the subconscious mind). We all experienced an idea that pops into our mind and we ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I think of that?”  We didn’t come up with it consciously but unconsciously. So we ought to trust our unconscious mind more and just wait to our unconscious mind gives us the answers or steers us in the right direction to find out the answers or the solution to something that’s nagging at us.  Sometime questions can be answered through a dream or after good night sleep.  Our unconscious mind is constantly at work while we’re sleeping and processing everything that happened that day.

When Creativity is Ready

 the " ∞ " creativity
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s not a good idea to force creativity. Creativity is ready to show itself when we least expected. This is why it’s a good idea to carry a pen and something to write on.

Just as fast as a great idea flashes in our minds, it can be taken away just as quickly. We all experienced when a great idea or a solution pops into our minds that enlightened our understanding while in the middle of doing something else, somehow get distracted by something, that we forget what that great idea was.

The more we try to recall the idea, the more we can’t remember. The good news is that our unconscious or subconscious mind will always bring up new ideas; we just have to catch them.

You Have The Power Within To Follow Your Own Path

rayo 3
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Our internal resource is our power to move things in our lives; resources that we have acquired over our lives through our experiences.

As long as we’re learning new experiences, we’re accumulating our power. The problem for most of us is learning to get access to our resources to help us to succeed in life.

Our limited frames of reference, our biases and our limitations tend to get in the way. These are the challenges that we have to contend with thus freeing some of these things so we can use what we already have within.

We tend to give our power away when we don’t follow our own path in life.  The power within us can free us from our biases, only if we open our minds up for new ideas and follow our own path.

An Idea that grows into more Ideas

Mustard seeds of some sort
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we have an idea we ought not be afraid to use it. Not every idea that pops up in our minds will be useful. But it’s nice to see if it can be useful in some way.

Ideas are like finding a new pair of shoes that fit; we have to try many before we find the one that’s fits comfortably.  By applying one idea to a situation, we may learn something else that sparks another idea that may work better.

Ideas are like seeds; we just have to find the right condition and the right climate for them to grow.  A new idea helps us to expand our thinking so we can see things differently than before. Expanding our thinking helps us to look at possibilities that we haven’t seen yet.

Creativity, Learning and Wondering

Written By Eugene Morgan

There will always be a battle between what we don’t see and what’s revealed to us. Creativity is not easily given away.  We must work for it. We have a lot of questions unanswered. Creativity is a glimpse of some of those answers that we seek.

Learning the wonderment of life is our entertainment.  Learning is entertaining.  Learning is seeking enlightenment. Life is our teacher; it’s a continuous learning.

When a flash of creativity opens up our minds, we experience an exhilarating feeling of understanding that we never experienced before.  Scientists, philosophers, spiritualists, and other leaders have given their lives for the quest of understanding and experience so as the rest of us, its human nature to search and wonder about life and how we play a part in the universe.

The Unconscious Search For Creativity

Light Bulb
Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we want an answer or an idea right away. Creativity is a wait-and-see process not an on-demand process. When we don’t have an answer or an idea right way, it could be from a conscious block, or we aren’t in a certain mindset to receive the idea and/or answer from our unconscious minds.

When there is a delay, our unconscious minds is searching from our vast storehouse of experiences to put together ideas to help in finding a solution. The ideas usually come to us when we least expect them, usually when we are attending to other things.

Getting It Right is not Always Better

Children playing
Written By Eugene Morgan

As children we were free to imagine and be ourselves without any restrictions. But as we grew older our parents and our teachers told us that to master something, we had to get it right.  But when we began to focus on getting things right, we began losing our creativity.  As result, our creativity repressed and laid dormant inside us.

However, it’s all right to brainstorm or to think freely without trying to get it right.  When we allow ourselves to think freely, new ideas and new solutions will start to become conscious to us.

Adult thinking or conscious thinking is quick to dismiss crazy ideas or ideas that won’t fit into the situation we’re trying to solve.  Although the idea sounds illogical, let’s us use our creativity to find out if the idea can find its way into solving a problem.  Yes, applying logic is one good approach but applying creativity is even better.




A Better Way of Thinking

Written by Eugene Morgan

We don’t necessarily have to think differently to solve a problem; sometimes we just need a different place to think.  Changing scenery is a useful approach to help increase creative thinking.  It’s about rearranging our patterns, which can break up and free us from our old way of thinking.  By focusing on a single idea we can stir creative thinking. If we just sit and allow ourselves to focus and degrade all external influences, our unconscious minds will begin to take notice.  We can just wait and see what comes up to the surface.

Expanding and More Choices

Balloon Fiesta # 1
Written by Eugene Morgan

When we expand our mind, we have more choices thus more creative freedom in our lives. Rigidity is our worse enemy. Rigidity in the dictionary means the lacking of flexibility. We all have some biases about something. At one time in our lives our minds were flexible and unstructured. But as we grew older, because we began to see how complicated and enormous the world was, we developed mental short cuts to simplify our world. But now it’s time for us to learn again. Expanding our minds is like filling a balloon up with helium, it begins to rise.  Our minds like a balloon are no longer tethered by gravity, they’re free and can clearly see everything.