Make Dreams, Then Make Realities


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. —Jesse Owens

Having a dream is nice. Dreams can make us hopeful in the midst of a struggle. With determination, dedication, self-disciple, and effort we still need to keep our eyes on the ball. We still need to be reminded as to why we started. What motivated us to begin in the first place? There are times that we want to give up when things don’t work out. We will make mistakes, put we can learn from them. We can take breaks in between our efforts. We can also reward ourselves each time we reach a milestone. We won’t know what we’re doing at first, but each day we get better and thus become more efficient in our work. We’re competing with ourselves, not with someone else. It is our dream we’re fulfilling not someone else’s. It is our treasure chest of experiences from our determination, dedication, that we will find meaningful and most fulfilling.


[bctt tweet=”We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. Jesse Owens”]




Limitations and Potentials


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have experienced our limitations but somehow we got around them when we wanted to pursue our dreams. We realized that we had to let go of some biases for us to move beyond our limitations. We don’t deny what was limiting to us. And, we don’t accept the fact that our limitations define us. We have a greater purpose than our limitations.  Some of our limitations are visible to others while some of our limitations are invisible which we can easily keep hidden.  However, we cannot ignore the fact that we have potentials waiting for us to be discovered. Our resources make up those potentials, which was accumulated through our experiences. So no experiences are wasted when we can learn from them and to use in some useful today.

Tomorrow’s Dreams

Dream weaver

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t let today’s disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow’s dreams.”— Unknown

Today will be in the past tomorrow. We can look at our disappointments as a learning experience. We can find a positive side if we look for one. We don’t have to be influenced by yesterday’s disappointments. A good question we can ask ourselves is why was our response a disappointment? The disappointments were based on a certain expectation we had on an event. For example, we probably wanted to get something accomplish that day, or we didn’t come up with idea on a project. As long as we make an effort and not give in because in due time, things will turn around. Our unconscious mind continues to search for ideas way long after we call it a day. Our unconscious mind is always preparing us for the next day.


When Miracles Start

The miracle /:ðə,ðɪ,ðiː ˈmɪrək(ə)l:/

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”— Richard Wilkins

If we only focus more on our dreams, then we won’t have much time thinking about our fears. Self-doubt only delays progress and without the hope of starting a new project. We have a choice to use our energy to either be preoccupied with nagging doubts or to use the energy we have to make our dreams real.  We ought to acknowledge that we have trepidations about starting something new, but those anxieties shouldn’t stop us from doing something that will fulfill and satisfy our lives today. We fear things because we don’t know what’s going to happen. We want to anticipate and feel control over the outcome. We will make mistakes, mistakes that we can learn from and tweak and make adjustments.

Memories and Dreams

Post Written By Eugene Morga

“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.”—Douglas Ivester

Our memories represent our past’s experiences while our dreams represent what could be in our future.  Although we allow our memories to define us, we can know that our dreams help us to look for what is possible.  We can rehearse in our dreams what we wish to do in real time. In our memories we can see a trail of experiences while our dreams are like a flashlight in the dark, we can see where the trail leads us. Some memories are painful while other memories are happy experiences.  We can dream as far as our imagination can take us.


Regrets and/or Dreams

Day 155/365 ~ If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“A man is not old until regrets take the place of his dreams.” —

When we’re dreaming, we’re fulfilling a need, a wish fulfillment until we make the dream into fruition. The truth is that not all our dreams will be fulfilled. Dreams create hope in us to see the possibility that we could make them real. A dream allows us to live out our lives without interruptions. Regrets, on the other hand, are only things we’ve wished we had done in our lives. It is all right to have fewer regrets.  We all have done some marvelous things and those things we can share with one another, including our dreams.

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In The Direction of Your Dream

In the direction of dreams

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined. –Henry David Thoreau

Dreams are what we experience in our mind and what we want to do in our future. Our dreams set the stage of what we want to be. Our dreams give us structure and a plan to make things real in our lives. Our dreams are our anticipation of what’s to come. Our dreams are rehearsals we do to get ready for the real thing. We’re allowed to imagine things in our dream that we’re not ready yet to explore in real-time.


Wait For The Answer

Door / Barrel Distortion Test

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have resources at our disposal but how do we get access to them? When it comes to creativity, it really comes from the back of our mind (the unconscious or the subconscious mind). We all experienced an idea that pops into our mind and we ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I think of that?”  We didn’t come up with it consciously but unconsciously. So we ought to trust our unconscious mind more and just wait to our unconscious mind gives us the answers or steers us in the right direction to find out the answers or the solution to something that’s nagging at us.  Sometime questions can be answered through a dream or after good night sleep.  Our unconscious mind is constantly at work while we’re sleeping and processing everything that happened that day.

Time, Effort, Progress

Earth Sapphire Progress Picture-3 16-july-2011
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Progress is made when we put in the time.  Progress is made when we do what is important first. It’s always nice to look back on how much progress we have made on something. Progress means that we are moving towards our goal. We are getting closer to finishing the race. Progress is self-improvement, knowing that we have done sometimes we hold dear to our hearts. We experience a feeling of accomplishment when we work so hard to achieve. We have fallen many times, but we have gotten back up, because it takes getting back up and never giving up on our dreams.

Dreaming a Dream

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Dreams take us places. In dream, we can be sitting in a boat while fishing, we can be walking through a park, and we can be talking to somebody we haven’t seen in years. A dream can bring back an old feeling from the past. It’s nice to dream at night. In a dream we can explore and discover many rooms of a house. Dreams come from our experiences. Our unconscious mind entertains the conscious mind through dreaming. Dreams are useful for learning something or recalling a forgotten memory. Dreaming is about unloading the experiences that happened that day.

Stop Dreaming Starting Doing

Aboriginal Dreams
Post Written by  Eugene Morgan

We all have dreams for a better life. We want most of our dreams to come true. But dreams alone can’t make things come true in our lives. We want to keep the dream alive.

Sometimes a dream is the only thing we can cling on to keep us going.  In fact, dreams can also make us feel good when things around us are not so good.

Eventually, we have to switch our focus from our dreams into what we can make real from our dreams.

Dreams help us lift up what’s negative about a situation place down what possible and positive in a situation.  But we do need to wake up and start making our dream comes true if we think our dreams will make us happy.

Creating An Inner Experience

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is within us that we create our inner experiences. It is within us that we create change. For us to deal with reality, we must close our eyes for moment and think about our dreams and our imaginations and our learned experiences.

We are free to dream up anything we want and to do anything we want in our dreams. Our imaginations are our limit to what we can dream.

In through our dreams and our imaginations we experience many things. We have a storehouse of dreams, experiences and imaginations that are volumes of resources for us to tap into that create within us strength and courage to what we so want in our lives.

Dreams, Hopes and Fulfillments

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we dream, we’re dreaming about fulfilling something in the future. Dreams help keep our hopes going. Dream let us imagine.

We may not have all of what we want in life but we can dream about them. Dreaming about them is motivating. Dreaming about them drives our hopes that these things will be fulfilled.

Our dreams and our hopes keep us going during the tough times. It’s all right to dream. We dream freely while sleeping.

Our brain is remarkable in that we can dream about various events to help discharge repressed emotions and to process our thoughts.

Listen to Reasoning and Follow your Heart

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Anyone who is alive today has the stuff to bring a dream into reality. We just need to get out-of-the-way and let things happen. Either we hold ourselves back, or we believe what others tell us; that it won’t work.

It’s okay to listen to our loved-ones and friends because they mean well, but it’s also okay to listen to our hearts. Granted we do need to hear a sounding voice to keep it real but a sounding voice doesn’t have to stifle our dreams either.

We should never lose our dreams, especially when the dream is near to our hearts. It’s all right to follow our hearts and it’s also all right to listen to reasoning—a balance of both would do!

Dream it into Reality

Written by Eugene Morgan

Let our dreams become a reality.  We have all the resources at our disposal, if we access them.  Our dreams don’t have to be grand or big for them to become a reality.  Let us first start with smaller dreams.  It’s okay to think big.  But thinking big can be overwhelming for us.  Smaller dreams are much more manageable to make into reality.   It’s good to start right a way, because thinking about it just delays it.  Once we’re into making a bit of our dream into a reality we gain some confidence each time we struggle through it.

“But You Do Like Reality”

A glass of water

Written Eugene Morgan

“You don’t want a charming movie to end, you don’t want a flower to wilt, but you do like reality.” Milton Erickson

Sometimes, we like to keep our fantasies alive.  In fact, some of us would rather live inside our heads. We create fantasies because we are trying to fulfill an unmet need.   In the quote above, is an example of Erickson trying to return the subject, he was talking with, back to reality.

Reality is where we can get our unmet needs met, not in dreams or fantasies.   When we get thirsty, we don’t have to fantasize about getting an ice-cold drink of water, instead we can get up and go to the kitchen and pour ourselves a glass of water. A useful fantasies is when we’re in the middle of the desert with only a short supply of water.  Knowing we would have to ration the water so it would last long enough to find more water.  But in the meantime, we can fantasize about drinking as much water to quench our thirst as we wish.