A Good Plan Will Do


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. — Proverb

In other words, we don’t have to make our plan perfect before we start. We won’t ever start if try to make a perfect plan. However, we can start with a good plan and make the plan better as we move along. The most important thing is that we start executing our plan because we won’t know what we need to improve on until run through the plan. Today is always a good time to start. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow to begin. Sure, there will be mistakes made, but as long as we pay attention to the kinds of mistakes we’ve made and learn from them, then we can make a better plan. Planning is better than procrastinating because you’re not in a hurry to get it done. When we plan, we have more control over what we’re doing.

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Let Go Of Perfectionism


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we let go of perfectionism, we see and accept the world as it is. Imposing perfectionism only creates anger and keeps other emotions down.

If we see things as they are that’s where perfectionism lies. A rose with thorns is perfect the way it is. Thorns protect the rose from getting eaten by animals.

Therefore the beauty of the rose will live out its days because of its thorns. Perfectionism only sees what’s wrong and not what’s unique in the situation.

Perfectionism strives to be perfect only to avoid punishment. Instead lets us strive to perfectly be ourselves without judgment or feeling of punishment.

When We Can Laugh At Our Imperfections

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have imperfections. And we can laugh at them if we wish. Nonetheless, we sometimes focus too much on our imperfections.

When we see a self-portrait of ourselves, all we see is imperfections. In some cases, we may even distort them to an extreme.

But what we see is a lot different from what the other person sees. Two people, seeing the same object, see two different things.

But when we can laugh at our imperfections, our ideation about what we think we should look like eclipses. Interestingly, what we care most about, when it comes to self-image, others care less about.

It’s really about changing our ideation about what we should look like.

Are We Normal?

scream and shout
Written by Eugene Morgan

What is normal?  It depends on the context of the situation. We understand that it’s okay to see a toddler with a temper tantrum.  On the other hand, when we see an adult displays a temper tantrum like a child would, then we know that’s not normal.  All of us have exhibited behavior that witnesses have questioned.

Milton Erickson defines abnormally as anything that falls into the group of useless behaviors.  Useless behaviors are developed from the rigidity of our conscious minds that prevents our unconscious minds from using their storehouse of experiences.  Experiences are our resources that we can use to aid in change.

The Life we Live

Life is a meandering pathway

Written by Eugene Morgan

“Life isn’t something you can give an answer to today,” Milton Erickson

We don’t know the ultimate question about why we are here. But since we’re here we might as well enjoy it, learn from it and experience it thoroughly. Then we can pass down our experiences to the next generation. Life is about learning about the self and how we interact with the world around us. Learning about our dislikes and our likes. Learning that each one of us is unique. So, we don’t need be afraid to be ourselves and we can learn to appreciate the imperfections of ourselves as well as others. No one is without imperfections we dislike— but we must accept them. Imperfections only make us perfectly human.


Diversity and Acceptance

Written by Eugene Morgan

“I think the faults that you recall in human beings give their charm to that individual that enable you to recognize and remember that individuals,” Milton Erickson

No one is perfect.  We all come in different shapes, sizes and colors.  Perfection is an internal standard that blinds us from what is real. It can keep us from being objective and observant.  But in the above quote, Erickson reframes it nicely.   He wants us to see our faults as charming and unique.  Erickson believes that acceptance is possible when it comes to our faults. When we accept ourselves as we are, then we can focus on our potentials and on what’s possible for change.  And when we accept ourselves, we can then easily accept the faults of others.   So let us charm ourselves and everyone around us and no longer look for faults to fit some internal standard.  Instead, we see that our faults are just another characteristic or attribute of ourselves.