Life Happens

Spring time

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always. —Rainer Maria Rilke

We’re here to experience life as it is. We don’t have to distort reality for us to live life. We’re all in this together. Life is not a vacuum we will be affected by everything we experienced. Life is a learning experience for discovery. We learn something about ourselves, others and the world. We’re part of a bigger picture.  It is not just humans experiencing life, but other like animals, insects, etc experiences life. Spring is the celebration of life. We see a new plant growing from the ground, we see flowers blooming, we hear birds chirping in anticipation of Spring. Life is a continuous experience we live in. Let us set back and enjoy life while we’re here.


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When Miracles Start

The miracle /:ðə,ðɪ,ðiː ˈmɪrək(ə)l:/

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”— Richard Wilkins

If we only focus more on our dreams, then we won’t have much time thinking about our fears. Self-doubt only delays progress and without the hope of starting a new project. We have a choice to use our energy to either be preoccupied with nagging doubts or to use the energy we have to make our dreams real.  We ought to acknowledge that we have trepidations about starting something new, but those anxieties shouldn’t stop us from doing something that will fulfill and satisfy our lives today. We fear things because we don’t know what’s going to happen. We want to anticipate and feel control over the outcome. We will make mistakes, mistakes that we can learn from and tweak and make adjustments.

Creating An Inner Experience

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is within us that we create our inner experiences. It is within us that we create change. For us to deal with reality, we must close our eyes for moment and think about our dreams and our imaginations and our learned experiences.

We are free to dream up anything we want and to do anything we want in our dreams. Our imaginations are our limit to what we can dream.

In through our dreams and our imaginations we experience many things. We have a storehouse of dreams, experiences and imaginations that are volumes of resources for us to tap into that create within us strength and courage to what we so want in our lives.

Have You Acknowledge Your Reality

Broom Bristle Landscape
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we want to get somewhere in life, carry out a goal, then we must acknowledge where we are now. The decisions we’ve made in the past directly affect us where we are today.

If we don’t like where we are today, then we must make alternative decisions than we made in our past. We cannot afford wasting time fantasizing or regretting about our past decisions.

Instead, we need to use the time working towards what we need and wish in our lives. We don’t have to wait later do something when we can do it now.

If we do something today, then we will begin to fulfill some purpose in our lives. Our desires and wants will fulfill us when we’re actively pursuing them.

If we see that the floor needs sweeping and we complain how dirty the floor is, then we’re lamenting. Instead of lamenting about how dirty the floor is, sweep it.

When Reality is still Subjective

Glass Float
Written By Eugene Morgan

We all model reality through our background experiences. We have different experiences; therefore, we have different realities.

No matter how real our experiences are, they’re still subjective. When we tell a story about an experience to another person, for them to understand us, the listener would have to sort through their own background to understand us.

Not only are they sorting through their own experiences to understand us, but they’re also experiencing the story through their background. That’s why we love to listen to stories, because we enjoy experiencing the storyteller’s adventures.

Adversities, But Life Continues On Anyway

misfortune cookie
Written By Eugene Morgan

Adversities are a time for growth.  At times, adversities are overwhelming to deal with.  But we don’t have to be alone in our personal adversities; that’s what friend and families are for; they’re our supporters when going through misfortunes.

During adversities there seems to be a spiritual element.  We tend to ask ourselves “why is this happening to me.” But hard times are only temporary.

Misfortunes don’t have to be a liability to one’s life but an opportunity to reconnect with others. No one is without adversities; it is part of the human condition.  Life continues with and without adversities; life just continues.

Dream it into Reality

Written by Eugene Morgan

Let our dreams become a reality.  We have all the resources at our disposal, if we access them.  Our dreams don’t have to be grand or big for them to become a reality.  Let us first start with smaller dreams.  It’s okay to think big.  But thinking big can be overwhelming for us.  Smaller dreams are much more manageable to make into reality.   It’s good to start right a way, because thinking about it just delays it.  Once we’re into making a bit of our dream into a reality we gain some confidence each time we struggle through it.

A Shared Experience

Square pictures at an exhibition
Written by Eugene Morgan

Yesterday many of us experienced an earthquake or an aftershock of an earthquake.  It rocked our world.  It’s interesting how we react to something we don’t know when our minds are trying to make sense of what’s happening.  Our first question to ourselves, “is it me?”  While the shaking continues, we begin to find out that it’s not us but something external that’s causing this experience.

We see proof all around us, such as our computer monitors shaking or our windows vibrating or our pictures rattling against the walls. We notice that it continues to shake, and we don’t know what to make of it.  We get this sunken feeling, a feeling of panic in our stomachs. Then we begin to imagine the cause, and sometimes we imagine the worse when our minds are trying to understand what just happened.

We then, after it’s over, have a story to tell to our colleagues, friends and family members about what just happened.  We share our experiences and compare our experiences with each other because we need some verification and assurance that everything is okay. We even laugh at ourselves about it, because we’re beginning to feel safer.   Isn’t it nice to have a shared experience and not feel alone?

“But You Do Like Reality”

A glass of water

Written Eugene Morgan

“You don’t want a charming movie to end, you don’t want a flower to wilt, but you do like reality.” Milton Erickson

Sometimes, we like to keep our fantasies alive.  In fact, some of us would rather live inside our heads. We create fantasies because we are trying to fulfill an unmet need.   In the quote above, is an example of Erickson trying to return the subject, he was talking with, back to reality.

Reality is where we can get our unmet needs met, not in dreams or fantasies.   When we get thirsty, we don’t have to fantasize about getting an ice-cold drink of water, instead we can get up and go to the kitchen and pour ourselves a glass of water. A useful fantasies is when we’re in the middle of the desert with only a short supply of water.  Knowing we would have to ration the water so it would last long enough to find more water.  But in the meantime, we can fantasize about drinking as much water to quench our thirst as we wish.