When Hard Work Rewards

farm work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Working hard is not an easy thing to do but it is the most rewarding thing. It is the most rewarding thing because of the amount of time, effort and focus we put into it.  There is a sense of freedom when we work hard for ourselves. Working hard is the driving force that moves mountains. If things were always given to us, life wouldn’t be as rewarding. We gain a certain amount of self-respect when we put our whole self into our work.

When Feelings Come and Go

wind turbines
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Feelings come and feelings go. We ought to realize we can’t depend on feelings when it comes to starting and completing a project or a task. But most of the time we do feel good after working hard all day.

Even the smallest things we do can give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Starting something new can be the hardest thing to overcome, because we’re truly battling with our thoughts, questioning us about whether this will be worth our time and energy.

These internal conflicts can be settled if we think about the pros and the cons of tasks and what are the risks.

The part of us that’s resistance to starting something new just want to be assured that we’re going to get something out of it, such as, payment, enjoyment, experience, and reward that will help us in the long run.

Risks will always be involved in anything we do. Mistakes big or small will happen. Mistakes are for us to learn and improve.

Experience is Far Better than Reward


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A reward is just a reinforcer for doing a service of some kind. What we learn from our journey is what’s important. Every one of us has journeys. A journey is something we experience for a certain time.The greatest journey is about experiencing life and how we want to experience it through various means. Those means are things that we dream about and care about that we want to do to make our lives better. To make our lives better requires persistence and great labor and the stick-to-it-ness to see even slightest change.  As long as we continue to move toward the direction of our goals, we will be rewarded by our efforts. And that the experience itself is the better reward because we gain more during that time of acquiring new learnings to strengthen us for the long run.

Rewards And Encouragements

Who wants to get rocketed 150 ft in the air in a metal ball?
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Have we rewarded ourselves, lately or said a word of encouragement to ourselves?  When we complete a task, do we reward ourselves?

A reward can be an encouragement to us. It’s all right to buy something nice for our hard work. Sometimes we just need encouragement from ourselves or from a friend or from co-workers that we’re doing a great job.

It makes a big difference in our job when we receive encouragement or reward for our hard work. We all want to believe that what we’re doing is making a difference.

We all like to hear that our efforts have helped someone. Rewards and encouragements can motivate us to press on with the hard work that we do everyday in our lives.

Finding Satisfaction In What We Do

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Whatever we do, it’s best to find satisfaction. Finding satisfaction in what we do can help us to keep quality in our work. Doing our best work increases our satisfaction.

With this satisfaction, no matter what it takes, we’re willing to put in the hard work. With the feeling of satisfaction, our attention is no longer on how much we dread doing the work; instead, our attention is focused on how little time we have doing what we call our labor of love.

Finding satisfaction in what we do also means that we look forward to doing the work we care most about. The work is no longer a job but a mission with a purpose. When we focus on our mission, our time we spent on our work becomes a valuable commodity.

Be an Expert in Dirty Work

Best Grinding Machine in the World ;)
Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to succeed in life, we must do the dirty work.  We must do what most people dread doing for us to succeed.  There are some monotonous and mindless tasks we must endure.  We may have to stay up late to complete a task before retiring to a sound sleep.

We’re going to want to do something other than what we’re doing at the moment.  Some tasks will get boring.  There will be tasks that have deadlines to meet. The work will need sacrifice and a lot time on our part if we want to make things happen.

And then we look back, we will see how stronger we’ve become, how wiser we’ve become, how knowledgeable we’ve become, and how much we’ve grown over time,  there will be a sense of maturity about us. And finally we will be proud of our successes.

“I win Olympic Championships”

Written by Eugene Morgan

“Out of a wheelchair I win Olympic championships all the time.” Milton Erickson

As you can see from most of Erickson’s quotes, he’s good at turning a phrase. It’s interesting how he links “a wheelchair” with winning “olympic championships” together. The message he wants us to get is that in spite of  our limitations, we don’t have to yield to them.  Erickson made himself an example for people around him that he set goals and carry them out even in a wheelchair. All of us have different kinds of limitations that get in the way of our goals. Erickson wants us to stop looking at our  limitations, and start looking toward our goals we set  and win championships. It’s also interesting that Erickson didn’t say he won the state, national, or international championships, he said Olympic championships.  In other words, he’s saying be unafraid to go for the big win—go for gold!