Today’s Resolutions

Illustration Friday - Resolution

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.”— Henry Moore

It is interesting that Moore sees things in term of a solution instead of a problem. He thinks about what he can do to resolve things today, not wait until tomorrow. When we think in terms of resolving things today, we’re forced to exercise our brains to find new solutions. We don’t need to wait until next year to find answers.  Instead we can find out today what works and what doesn’t work. The quicker we start today the quicker we’re on our way in finding resolutions.

Making A Big Thing Out Of Nothing

Frolic, Damn You! 2

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we can make a problem bigger than it really is. When we do make the problem so big, then our stress level goes up.  When we get stressful, we aren’t as effective as we can be in solving the problem because with stress our minds are unclear. And under stress we become impatient and too quick to anger as a result we blame the world for everything that goes wrong. When we do get to this point, we need to sit back and relax and get back to the problem later. When our mind clears up we’re able to think better and the solution will come to us.

Thinking or Doing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to rush to make things happen, we just simply need to start doing things, and repeating what works. Just thinking of a perfect solution isn’t going to motivate us into starting a project.

Some of us find it easy to think up everything before we start on a project. But we will never start on a project, if we continue to think up a perfect solution.

But we will never think up a perfect solution that will work until we start moving objects around, testing things, seeing what works and what doesn’t work. Seeing what doesn’t work is good feedback in telling us if we’re going in the right direction.

Breaking down Assumptions

O Mundo Mágico de Escher
Written By Eugene Morgan

Breaking down assumptions entails questioning our beliefs.  Sometimes we believe things without checking them out.  When we don’t check things out, we keep ourselves in the dark.  But when we do question our beliefs, liberation is upon us. We no longer have to settle for limited beliefs.  Learned beliefs are passed down from one generation to next without question. We are given the answers whether we like it or not.  And we’re not allowed to question what our parents told us.  But as adult we certainly can challenge old beliefs that are out of date in our lives.