The Beginning Of Self Improvement

Correct in Yourself

“Self knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.”— Spanish Proverb

We all have blind spots we don’t know about. It’s impossible to observe every behaviors we do and every thoughts we think. Self-discovery is like an answer to a riddle, we’re always surprised to discover something new about ourselves. However when we do get the answer, we can feel good about it and take the courage to look at our selves for what we are and accept the parts of ourselves that we dislike. We do need some knowledge and/or information about ourselves for us to know where to make improvement in areas we’re lacking. Self-improvement is about setting standards for ourselves while being role models for other to set standard for themselves. We can easily change when we see what it is we need changed.
[bctt tweet=”Self knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.— Spanish Proverb”]


Our Feelings, Our Emotions, Our Thoughts


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When it comes to emotions patience is required of us. Sometimes it is hard to control how we feel about things. Feelings tell us what we’re thinking at the moment. It is easy to compartmentalized our thoughts from what we feel. It is not easy to trace what thoughts we’re saying to ourselves to what emotions we feel. However, our thoughts don’t necessarily have to be traced. What we can do is to feel our feelings and if we need to express our feelings, do so— but also to own our feelings.  We’re not responsible for what we feel, but we’re ultimately responsible for how we use our feelings. We can’t allow our feelings to run us but we do need to allow ourselves to emote our feelings appropriately because that’s the natural order of things.

The Thoughts of Happiness


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”— Marcus Aurelius

It is what thoughts we feed that entertain the mind.  So if we think about negative thoughts, then we will feel negative feelings. Instead, if we replace negative thoughts with positive ones, then we will feel positive feelings.  When we have positive feelings we behave positively. If we have negative thoughts, then we can also do something positive to evoke positive feelings.  So we do have within our power to change how we think and feel, just simply by doing something we like. We don’t have to abide by the power of our negative thoughts and feelings.