Death, Life and the Universe

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Death is a natural process of the cycle of life. For life to continue death has to occur.

Nothing is wasted in the universe. Everything is used in some fashion or another. Our bodies are made from the earth.

The earth is made from materials in space. We are made from the stars above us.

There is something bigger than we can imagine that is taking place now in space. Some call it a miracle, others may call it a mystery and still others call it an accident.

We’re at the beginning stages of describing the indefinable of what’s out there in space. But we can also say what’s out there is where we’re too.

Thus, what is definable is what we can identify in our own experiences. What is important about life is the ‘here and now,’ that’s real to us because it is close enough for us to experience.

2 thoughts on “Death, Life and the Universe

  1. MEM

    Thanks, Joe

  2. Joe


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