Enjoy Your Discoveries

Written By Eugene Morgan

“I always enjoy discovery what I can do.” Milton H. Erickson

We have many potentials that we’re unaware of that we have not yet discovered.  The possibility is that they lie beneath each of us to discover.  We won’t know what lies beneath if we don’t try new things.  When we try new things, we find out something about ourselves we didn’t know existed.  Our potentials laid dormant for many years because we weren’t confident enough to try it out.

It’s never too late to learn something.   Erickson said the above quote while he was in his 70s.  He was always learning, observing, and discovery what he can do in spite of his limitations.  We can place our limitation aside for a while to see what potentials we have at our disposal.   Limitation is like a cap and potential is like heat.  Limitation caps our potential, it keeps it from rising.  Our limitation doesn’t want to give up the potential. If our potentials rise then the scope of our limitations narrow. Let us lift the top from our potentials and enjoy our new discoveries.

0 thoughts on “Enjoy Your Discoveries

  1. Thank you for the information! I am sure it’s going to open some eyes.

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