How do we Define a Problem

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What is a problem?  What criteria do we use to define a problem? Our criteria are a set of values we place on our external and inner world that’s in some way affecting us.

What one person may think it’s a problem may not be a problem for another.  A problem is some kind of internal or external events we define by our criteria. It also depends on how much value one places on an event that’s being affected is how much one defines it as a problem.

We all experienced our ups and downs, but it’s the way we respond to events that determines whether we see them as a problem. If we do define an event that’s affecting us as problem, then we can ask ourselves how can we learn from this event, or how can we turn it around into something positive.


One thought on “How do we Define a Problem

  1. A problem is somewhat personal, as you say. A problem is anything that someone wants “fixed” or changed. But don’t expect help if someone else doesn’t think it is a problem.

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