Nature Has An Intelligence About Itself

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we watch a black ant crawling about, it makes us wonder how such a thing came into fruition. We pride ourselves on learning about how things work like the human body or how different organisms can replicate.

But we still don’t have the slightest idea how to make an ant. Even if we used a computer simulator and replicate body parts of an ant and program it to do what an ant does, it would be an enormous task.

We may manipulate the ant’s DNA, but we don’t know what we’re manipulating the DNA into. The human brain may be the most powerful organ in the universe; however, we still have a lot to learn about how and why things are made.

After all, life is interconnected somehow to keep everything in balance.

2 thoughts on “Nature Has An Intelligence About Itself

  1. MEM

    Thanks, Joe for the comment. Natural things are nice to watch and wonder.


  2. Joe

    It’s amazing to think how things are made, especially natural things like ants. Nice post.

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