Nurture Our Minds


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. — 

Our thoughts have a big influence on us than we think. If we say to ourselves that we won’t get better doing this or that, then we will find evidence to prove to ourselves that we won’t get better doing this or that thing. However, if we say to ourselves that we will get better doing this or that as long as we hang in there, then we will begin to find self-proof that we’re getting better doing this or that thing. If we want something but don’t want to do the work and expect to get it somehow, then we’re deluded ourselves. Working hard on something won’t guaranteed instant success but the possibility is greater for success. It is in our thinking that will take us to where ever we want to go in life if we nurture the mind with great thoughts. Self-doubt likes to creep its head sometimes. Self-doubt is just a way to let us know that we’re going to uncharted territory and that’s all.

[bctt tweet=”Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. — Benjamin Disraeli”]