A Lesson Learned

Life Lessons (Explored)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending.  ― Chico Xavier

We go through life learning lessons or we can take our experiences as lessons. If we carefully examined our lives, we then would find that there is a theme. The theme in our lives usually stems from how we grew up and are raised. If we have a re-occurring theme, then we’re still learning, or we haven’t learned what we suppose to have learned. We hold on to a belief that’s been out of date. The belief that needs to be updated. It’s nice to have insight about the ‘why,’ however, it is better to learn the ‘what’ because we can develop a plan that can be useful for a change. Although, the ‘why’ can give us insight, the ‘what’ is more concrete and accessible to grab a hold.


[bctt tweet=”Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending. ― Chico Xavier”]


Self-Worth Or, Possessions


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have. —Thomas A. Edison

Thomas is making a distinction between what we are and what we have. The possessions we have are the result of what we are. Therefore, what we do is an expression of what we are. We earn what we have by what we do or what somebody else did. There is no such thing is a free lunch because everything is merited. We have to make our way through the world by doing. We can’t take everything we possess everywhere, but we can take our abilities everywhere we go. Our self-worth is where we will find our self-confidence. Self-reliance is where we build confidence that is where our treasure lies. Things are not where we find our self-worth.


[bctt tweet=”Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have. —Thomas A. Edison”]



Open Minds Open Doors

Mary Pinchot Meyer

Post Written by Eugene Morgan

Open minds lead to open doors. — Unknown

An open mind is destined to open doors. Opportunities awake us when we’re ready to take them on today. An open mind widens our world. We see things we’ve hadn’t seen before. It is helpful to have our minds open when it comes to a exploring new things. Our biases are known to close doors. How can we expect to see opportunities when we can’t see on the other side of the door? Just as a balloon floats to the sky when we look down we can see everything. A closed mind sees no opportunities. A closed mind cannot see beyond the biases. It is not easy for all of us to give up some of our biases. We just need to break up some our prejudices to build new associations and distinctions to help us increase our horizon and to expand our world.


[bctt tweet=”Open minds lead to open doors. — Unknown”]


Hold Back


It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. — Denis Waitley

So what holds us back is that we’re comparing ourselves to someone else. We think we have to be like a successful person for us to succeed. We forget that a successful person wasn’t alway successful. It took growth pains and perseverance to get to where they got. It took a lot of trial and error. It’s a matter how much we want it and how much time we want to spend. We build on our strengths, not on our weaknesses. We find out what we can do and what we can’t do we leave the rest to someone else’s strength. Our weaknesses are an opportunity for anyone to express their strengths, and someone else’s weaknesses are an opportunity to express our strengths.  So it is all right to ask someone if we need help and to help someone if they need our help.


[bctt tweet=”It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. — Denis Waitley”]


Let Go of Yesterday

Our Destiny

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you. — Steve Maraboli

We hold on to something like the past because it is familiar to us even though what we hang on to is unhealthy or self-destructive. Because it’s familiar to us doesn’t mean we have to hold on to it. Letting go of the past can be painful but necessary, and the pain is temporary. We may have some anxiety because we’re afraid of being alone.  We can always replace loneliness with a goal or a hobby.  Yesterday is just a memory nothing more and nothing less. We just have the footprints of yesterday. Yesterday is just a shadow that’s been skewed by our biases and background. Yesterday doesn’t have to have power over our thoughts or effect how we live our lives today. We’re able to live our lives today when we let go of yesterday.


[bctt tweet=”Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you. — Steve Maraboli”]


Logic and Imagination

Last Imagination

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.— Albert Einstein

Yes, logic can only do some much for us. Logic can restrict our imagination. A mind that imagines is like a kid running around playing.   When we use our imagination, we are expressing freely. We allow ourselves to see things that we haven’t seen before. Just as Albert Einstein says in the quote that imagination can take us everywhere, we want to go. Imagination helps us to get the picture just right in our head. Imagination cultivates an initial idea in something we can touch or experience. After we had exercised our minds through imagination, then we can use the critical part of our brain to make logic out of ideas we got from our imagination.


[bctt tweet=”Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.— Albert Einstein”]


The One Reason It Works

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will. — Unknown

We tell ourselves it won’t work because then we won’t have to put in the time and hard work. However, if it’s something exciting that it might work and we want it to work, then we will find a way to make it work. We will form a strategy and a plan to create an atmosphere of optimism. We need the confidence to help us to be willing to look for novel solutions and to be encouraged to think of different ways so we won’t be tethered down by biases. We can find plenty of reasons not to move forward in our endeavors and passions. But why should we deny our efforts and desires especially when those things defined who we are? It’s not too late to design our path.


[bctt tweet=”Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will. — Unknown”]


Blessings and Lessons


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come into your life as lessons.— Mother Teresa

We learn a lot about ourselves when we’re dealing with a difficult person. We learn how anger we can get. We learn what we dislike about that person. We want to change them to the way we think they should behave. Some of the things we have difficulty with about another person are just a reflection of what we dislike about ourselves. It’s the parts we hate that we reflect on others. We all have foibles that we have to accept about ourselves and begin looking at the things we do like about ourselves and to start looking for those positive things or traits in others. We ought to see the whole person instead of just singling out negative traits.

[bctt tweet=”Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come into your life as lessons.— Mother Teresa”]


Image Know Better, Then Do Better

Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua HDR

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — Maya Angelou

As Maya Angelou says that we can only do our best from what we know. Learning new things are always a learning curve. We got to be patient with ourselves. It is also all right to ask someone for help if we need it. Sometimes our pride gets in the way when we need someone’s help. Well, it is time to put our pride aside temporarily and ask for help as needed. We don’t have the expertise for everything. When someone ask for our expertise about something we know, we’re willing to give our opinion, and we feel good afterwards about it. So let us do the same, ask another. Once we get some recommendation, then we can make things better because we know better, and now we can do better.
[bctt tweet=”Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. — Maya Angelou”]



It’s What You See

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. — Henry David Thoreau

An empty mind sees little to no opportunities in his or her life. However, a creative mind looks for opportunities and see them and then use them. Sometimes we see no opportunity because our scope of the world is small. We begin to see opportunities when our world expanse. We begin to build new associations and see that we have more choices that we thought we didn’t have before. We dropped the veils from our eyes, and we can see things clearly. These new associations are life changing. We won’t ever have to go  back to what was. We have a new way of thinking about things and life. Our stress level is down because the weight of the world is much lighter. We’re light as a feather because we let go of unnecessary worries and turn our attention to much broader things that are more meaningful in our lives than before.

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. — Henry David Thoreau


Born To Do This


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I am not afraid… I was born to do this.—Joan of Arc

This an excellent quote because it puts everything perspective. We use our fear as a tether to keep us from doing the things we most desire. However, Joan understood that she was born to do and discovered and accepted what that was. Most of us know what we’re born to do, we just have to develop it and become what that is. There is no need to be afraid of what we already have inside us. We always had the ability inside us to be what we wanted to become. What we can do comes naturally to us; therefore, we do because it gives us satisfaction, not fear. Each one of us has a knack we do well without thinking about it. That’s what we should build on instead of what we can’t do well. That’s what give us happiness.


[bctt tweet=”I am not afraid… I was born to do this.—Joan of Arc”]


Still Moving Forward


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward. — Victor Kiam

It gives us hope that as long as we get up from a fall, we’re still moving forward. We’re still chasing our dreams. We haven’t given up. Our eyes are still on the goal. There will always be delays and setbacks during our journey, and that’s all. We continue because the fall just makes us stronger than before when we get back up.. It may seem like we’re going at a snail pace and that’s okay to take our time if we need to. We created regrets when we gave up because of our self-doubts. Yes, we all have a life to live and have responsibilities to keep, however, we don’t have to stop pursuing our goals unless we have a desire to stop and made peace with it and move on.


[bctt tweet=”Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward. — Victor Kiam”]



Today’s Games


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.— Babe Ruth

We can’t rely on yesterday’s accomplishments to make things happen today. We can look at yesterday’s accomplishments as an indicator that there is a greater possibility that we may succeed. We still have to put in the hard work and time for that to happen. We still have to adjust our behaviors to the new obstacles that we will face before we’re successful. There will be still a struggle, but hopefully, we’ve learned something from our past accomplishments so we can do better today. We gain confidence when we’ve gotten through obstacles. That’s what is so satisfying getting to the other side and looking at how far we’ve grown. We have to learn continuously and improve our craft or, at least, maintained it.

[bctt tweet=”Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.— Babe Ruth”]



The More We Do

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The more we do, the more we can do. —William Hazlitt

In other words, first do what we already can do. The more we do what we already can do, the more confidence we have in ourselves to do more of what we can do. We develop our skills by repetition as well as confidence.  Our expertise and trust are built upon each other. These things take time and patient with ourselves to develop. It also takes maturity to know that there are some skills that we’re just not good at it and to leave it to those who are good at it. Instead, we can continue to focus on the things we can do and discover new ways of using our gifts to do new things we haven’t yet learn how to do. We don’t have to stay with the belief that we’re only limited to do certain things. Human beings can do an array of things and not every human being can do everything well.  Most of the time, it’s about how much trust in ourselves that we can allow ourselves to learn how to do things that make us most uncomfortable.


[bctt tweet=”The more we do, the more we can do. —William Hazlitt”]




Made to Happen

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. — John F. Kennedy

If we want to do something greater than what we are doing today, then we have to make things happen.We’re deliberate when things are made to happen. When our actions are intentional, we’re more in control our lives. We design things and designing are intentional. There is some planning when it comes to creating new things. This is about being proactive instead of being reactive. We can’t be proactive and a victim at the same time. If we want to live our life the way we want, then we must be proactive. We have to make decisions based on our personal values, not on our feelings. We can stop dreaming of a different life. Instead, we can start doing until we match the prototype of our idea.

[bctt tweet=”Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. — John F. Kennedy”]


Enjoying the Moment

Self portrait : "enjoy the moment"

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. — Richard Bach


We take things for granted when we don’t take advantage of our moments. Our moments are for the time we enjoy spending together with friends and family. We create our moments when we’re in the present enjoying ourselves. Being in the moment implies that we’re not looking back at our past, and we’re not worrying about the future. Therefore, we’re experiencing joy because we’re not blaming anyone in the past, and we’re not stricken with the anxiety of the future. Experiencing the moment is a time of rest and renewing ourselves again. Living in the moment means we have time to experience life as is it. We have time to process things we’ve been holding off on. Living in the moment is consciously living instead of doing things automatically

[bctt tweet=”The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. — Richard Bach”]


Free Ourselves


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we just have to let go and move one. When we move on, we give ourselves room for growth. It isn’t easy to let go of things because we have a familiarity, Familiarity is comforting, It makes us feel safe and less uncertain about things because we know what to expect. Uncertainty sometimes induces anxiety in us because we don’t know what to expect. We have to tolerate a certain about of fears and have faith in our abilities to do the things we’ve always wished to do.  We are the pilot of our lives; therefore, we direct where we want to go, we make our path, we decide what we want to do next. Opportunities are there for the taking if we free ourselves from the bondage that we’ve created in our lives.



Curiosity and Achievement


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Curiosity is the engine of achievement. ~Ken Robinson

Curiosity is the beginning of learning. We want to know how things work and for what reason they work. As children, after many uses, we break our toys to see what’s inside, especially the ones that are electronic to understand how they work. It becomes a mystery, and we want the mystery to be solved. Once we see what’s inside, we then get some understanding, and some of the mysteries are gone, but we’re still amazed at the different parts that created something special.  It is amazing that we as humans can create something real out of our imagination. It’s like magic.It’s magic because that toy first started out has an image in someone’s head. So whatever we imagined ourselves to be we become that image.

[bctt tweet=”Curiosity is the engine of achievement. ~Ken Robinson”]

When The Student Is Ready

Ready To Start

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb

As long as we have a tug of war between of our internal parts, we will never be ready.  The tug of war is between the part that wants to learn new things and the other part that cautiously wants to stay put and is satisfied. Both parts have to meet somehow in the middle and make a compromise.  We can tell our learning part of ourselves to be patient and to take our time learning how to do things.  And then tell our cautious part of ourselves to take one step at one time or take small steps.  Both parts have to agree to do the same thing for us to move forward and how we should move forward. Once both parts agree, then we’re ready to allow life to teach us what we need to know about something. We need both parts for us to function adequately and be present for us to learn from the master of life.

[bctt tweet=”When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb”]

Expect Things

Limitations and Expectations

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan

Expectation is the push that we need to make things happen. We have to hold ourselves accountable because our nature likes to stray away from our goal. We want to get distracted. So we have to keep ourselves in check. What keep us in check is the intellectual part of us that plans ahead and then execute the plan. We can’t allow our feelings to dictate our lives. We’re rewarded with good feelings when we complete a project. It builds our self-confidence. If we have confidence in ourselves, then others will notice our confidence, and they will respect us for it. The self earns respect by the self. Our confidence will continue to grow as long as we belief that we have the potential to do things if we just keep our minds on the goal.

[bctt tweet=”You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan”]