Having an Inner Life

peaceful sunset

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The man who has no inner-life is a slave to his surroundings.— Henri Frederic Amiel

It is easier to get caught up with our surroundings than to stop and sit alone and then close our eyes. We need an inner life for us to maintain a balanced life. It is time to listen to our inner voice that’s telling us to slow down. It is time to pay more attention to what are bodies are telling us. It’s okay to rest for a moment. Taking breaks between our busy schedule can help renew our bodies and develop a peaceful mind. Having a calm mind can help us to handle our surroundings better.  We just have to give ourselves permission relax more and not to take things so seriously. We only got one life.

 [bctt tweet=”The man who has no inner-life is a slave to his surroundings.— Henri Frederic Amiel”]


No Burnt Rice


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

There is no burnt rice to a hungry person. ~Philippine Proverb

Everything we see depends on our perspective or the context of the situation. Sometimes we don’t understand something but later develop a new perspective when we’re ready for new information. Perspective depend on what’s important to us and how we proceed with things. What’s important this morning will not necessarily be important this evening. Our values oscillate depending what we need at that moment. What we need takes precedence over another thing that’s not as important. Just like the quote, the hungry person didn’t care about burnt rice. The hungry person sees no burnt rice, but white rice to fill his or her stomach. The hungry person’s values have swung to the least important until his or her basic needs are fulfilled.


[bctt tweet=”There is no burnt rice to a hungry person. ~Philippine Proverb”]

Today’s seed and Tomorrows Flowers

Planting seeds of knowledge

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.—Proverb

Today we plant seeds in the soil. Tomorrow we water the soil in the pot. We don’t expect the seeds to grow flowers in a day. We watch while waiting patiently. We check the soil for dryness. We imagined how the plant would bloom into a flower. But we only see dirt in a pot. We make sure there is enough sunlight. After a month, we still see nothing but dirt in the pot. We wonder if is there anything we can do more. Should we give it more water or add more soil? However, we forget it takes time for a seed to start growing into a plant and the plant has to grow through thick soil. The plant is growing against thick soil and gravity. This is all happening in the soil. We don’t know if this is happening because it’s an unseen progress. We continue to water because we have an expectation and an image in mind what it would look. We stay with this image by attending to the pot every day or every other day until the imagined flowers in our mind become real.


[bctt tweet=”All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.—Proverb”]



Life Is to Be Experienced

the sun shines

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. — Soren Kierkegaard

Life doesn’t suppose to be smooth sailing. How do we learn if we don’t experience life as it is? There will always be ups and downs because that’s a part of life we can’t avoid or solve; we just have to accept that reality. We ought to see life as it is and whatever life brings to us we can use our inner resources that we have accumulated over the years to assist us in getting through difficult times. Besides, we can’t fix everything in life. Life works its self out, in the long run; we can’t see this is because we’re only here temporarily. We’re part of something bigger than what we can imagine. We somehow play a role in this mystery of life. No one has a definitive answer, and we don’t need one necessarily because life is about experiencing, learning and self-discovering.

[bctt tweet=”Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. — Soren Kierkegaard”]




Find Our Talent

Emerging Talents 2011

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If you don’t decide what your life is about, it defaults to what you spend your days doing. ~Robert Brault

Having a purpose is what makes things we do meaningful. We need a purpose in our lives so we can satisfy a need, desire or fulfillment. We feed our souls when we have a purpose. Without a purpose, there is no direction or destiny but what we may experience is the mundane. Each one of us has been given the gift of life. And with is this life, we’ve been given the opportunity to celebrate life through our unique talents. Each one of us has been given more than one talent, and it’s up to us to discover our gifts while we walk our journey of life. Our gifts are tied with our purpose and what we’re made to do in this life.


[bctt tweet=”If you don’t decide what your life is about, it defaults to what you spend your days doing. ~Robert Brault”]

Success, a Character Builder


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Success builds character. Failure reveals it. — Dave Checketts

In other words, how we deal with failure is an indication as to how well we succeed. Our struggle to success is a character builder. We learn to get tougher skin when we struggle. It is just as important to fail as it is to succeed. Success is built upon failures because we continue through the struggles until we get to where we want to go. Struggling is a part of everyday life to help us to learn how to live and interact with the world. Struggling makes us a stronger candidate for success.  Struggle helps us to grow into our potential if we don’t give up but continue the path we set for ourselves. It is tough to look at ourselves in the mirror to see what failure reveals to us. We discover what kind of characteristics and/or traits that are floating to the surface of our psyche. It is really about self-discovery.


[bctt tweet=”Success builds character. Failure reveals it. — Dave Checketts”]


Lost Time


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Lost time is never found again. — Benjamin Franklin

We all know that it is better to use our time wisely than to waste it. We don’t know how valuable time is until we’re faced with a deadline or an external consequence. We’re motivated to complete a task when the time is about to run out instead of using the time we had before. We will never get back the time we had before. The only thing we can do is to make time. We make time by looking at what are the available times we have to complete our task. When we schedule our time into something, we’re defining the amount time to get a specific goal achieved or specific task completed. The time we truly have is now. It’s going to takes some thinking on how best to use our time.

[bctt tweet=”Lost time is never found again. — Benjamin Franklin”]


Discipline, Goals and Accomplishments


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. — Jim Rohn

Discipline is about completing every task that will take us to our goals. Discipline has its own reward. Discipline allows us to stay focus in spite of chaos. Discipline assists us in acquiring good habits. Discipline helps us to hold it together when we need to until we’re ready to let it go later. Discipline is difficult, but we’re satisfied after completing each task. Discipline is telling us to keep hanging on because we’re almost there. Discipline is like a friend we take in or a foe we keep out. It is up to us to embrace discipline because we have it to assist us not punish to us. Besides, we punish ourselves enough with our doubts. Discipline guarantees consistency with everything we do; Discipline keeps us on track and in order.

[bctt tweet=”Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. — Jim Rohn”]


Motivation and Habit

340/365 days project - 06/05/2014 [A world of music]

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun

It’s hard to initiate a new project when we’re used to being told what do it. We don’t necessarily have to be motivated for us to start something. It’s about being proactive, and then motivation comes later. Besides, we can’t rely on motivation to continue during difficult parts of a project. As we keep working on it, we will acquire habit to keep us going. It is the self-doubting we have to look out for because we don’t know the what ifs. We just have to work through our doubts just by getting our hands dirty because working with a new project is a trial and error even if we have planned everything out. We will hand out what is useful and keep and what is not useful we just throw away.

[bctt tweet=”Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun”]

The Encourager


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already. — Dave Willis

The world has plenty of critics and we can be our worst critic when it comes to perfectionism.  However, we need to listen to our encourager. We need encouragement instead of beating ourselves up when we make a mistake. We need encourager who believes in us and our abilities as we be the encourager for others.  We need to start believing in ourselves so we can learn to be a better person. We’re free when we’re self-reliant. We’re self-reliant because we believe in ourselves and our abilities. It is better to be around those who believe in themselves.  We can permit ourselves to do whatever we want without wondering how perfect we should be.  We want to be connected, but we don’t have to be connected by seeking the approval of others. Instead, we connect because we have the same battles and struggles as the next person and can encourage each other to do our best and be proud.


[bctt tweet=”Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already. — Dave Willis”]


Mistakes and Idleness

Harold J. Smith More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”  ― George Bernard Shaw

If we make mistakes, then, at least, we have some stories to tell the next generation.  We make mistakes for us to learn about ourselves. We won’t know much about ourselves if we do nothing with our lives. Making mistakes are what makes us human. When we accept the fact that we make mistakes, then we won’t be afraid to take risks. We don’t have to take big risks to prove to ourselves that we have courage. It’s okay to start with small risks. Learning is about taking risks. Our minds are closed to new things when we’re afraid to learn. Someone with an open mind is willing to learn new things. Our level of anxiety decreases when we’re informed about something new because we have a new understanding that make us more aware of things.


[bctt tweet=”“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” ― George Bernard Shaw”]

Obstacles or Challenges

Goal ?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford

Whatever keeps us away from our goals is a form of an obstacle. Our mind can create obstacles because we have a belief that we can’t do it. It is easier to find reasons why we can’t do something than to learn things to achieve our goals. However, there are real obstacles that we will face. We can see obstacles as challenges. We’re resistant to obstacles than we’re to challenges. We seem to take on a task better when we frame it as a challenge than as an obstacle. We put our heart into our work especially if we know it will be worthwhile. It takes concentration to keep our eye on the ball and so as our life goals. It depends on how we see things.

[bctt tweet=”Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford”]



Learning and Growth

Learn to ride

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. — Anthony J. D’Angelo


Our mind is made for learning new things every day. It is a gift that we take for granted. Learning is giving us the ability to grow into what we want to become. We’re at different levels of learning. Therefore, we’re at different levels of growth. We make our own journey through learning. Learning is about adapting to new surroundings. There are things we learn that we need to unlearn, and there are things we forget that we have to relearn. We need to be reminded that once upon a time that our first learnings were difficult, but we managed and learned what we needed to learn. Since then we have a storehouse of learnings that has accumulated over years through experiences. A treasure chest of experiences we can always tap into if needed.

[bctt tweet=”Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. — Anthony J. D’Angelo”]


You Think You Can

Obstacle Course

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right. — Henry Ford

The brain only does what we think. If we think we can’t do this or that, then our brain will find a way to prove that we can’t do this or that. However, if we think we can do this or that thing, then our brain will find a way to prove that we can to this or that thing. When we find a way to prove that we can’t do this or that thing, then it means that we have a high expectation that we should be able to do a new thing flawlessly. However, when we find a way to to prove that we can do this or that thing, we have an understanding that it will take time and patience to learn the required skills before we become proficient.  We learn through trial and error not through assumptions to find our way in the world.


[bctt tweet=”Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right. — Henry Ford”]


The Need to be Appreciated

Team work
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated. — Williams James

We all want to feel and be useful in our world. No one wants to feel different than the next person because we want to be a part something. No one wants to be isolated from a group. We desire to have friends, and we like it when someone call us by our name. It is human nature to be wanted in any group. Trust is always a factor. Trust is earned. Trust is usually earned when two or more individual handles a difficult situation together because we’re forced to rely on each other as a team. Every group is a unit. In the unit, each person has to play a part for the unit to function well. Each member of the group begin to learn about the other’s strength and weaknesses, and each member learns to anticipate the other’s needs. We’re emotionally linked together.


[bctt tweet=”The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated. — Williams James”]


Find Your Purpose

The Purpose of Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. — Gautama Buddha

If we haven’t given our whole heart and soul to something, then we haven’t found our purpose. Besides, it’s never too late to find our purpose as long as we’re alive. If we want our remaining days or years to be meaningful, then we ought to make it our purpose to find what is our heart’s desire in life. Our soul is waiting for us to make the move if we haven’t done so already. Everyone is different when it comes to finding a purpose. One person may want to assist the homeless while another may want to save the environment. We all have unique talents like no other that can bring out our purpose in life. We shouldn’t waste our talents when we can use them for the benefit of ourselves and others.


[bctt tweet=”Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. — Gautama Buddha”]

A Good Plan

Weekend Plans

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. — Proverb

Whatever we plan doesn’t have to be a perfect plan. When we plan today, we’re oriented ourselves to the future. What we plan today help us to fulfill our dreams for tomorrow. Planning today helps us to have more control over our future tomorrow. So what we’re doing today is what we planned yesterday. Today we have an opportunity to alter that plan. A plan to do something we’ve wanted to do for awhile. There is no direction without a plan in our hand. Planning is an intellectual and a proactive exercise not a reactionary one. We’re forced to be concrete in our planning because we can see specifically what things we need to do to complete our goals.

[bctt tweet=”A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. — Proverb”]


Water The Grass Where You Stand

Spring Grass

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The grass is always greener where you water it. — Unknown

Wherever we go or whenever we leave for new endeavors, we have to make sure that the conditions are right before we do. Sometimes we want to do something else because we have this expectation that things will be better. Things will get better when we change not necessarily things around us change. If our grass is not as green as the other side, then we have an opportunity to water it. In other words, we can create our atmosphere any which way we want it. We have an opportunity to assert ourselves to make things better in our lives and the lives of others. If we can find opportunity, then we must create an an opportunity to nurture our well-being. For us to create something, we must move or act to make something happen. We must water the ground where we stand.

[bctt tweet=”The grass is always greener where you water it. — Unknown”]





365 Days Left

<Pasarela del Bicentenario, Zaragoza

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

How come we think we need a resolution at the beginning of the year to make a change? It is easy to say to ourselves we have 365 days to do this or that. For some of us who procrastinate fool ourselves into thinking that we have 365 days left to start something new. Instead, we ought to make deadline each day or to do list each day and follow it until most things are completed. It is all right to add one new thing to a list to do so we can have variety. If we’re going to try something new, we need to commit to it for a certain period so we know what we’re getting ourselves into. Remember, always at the beginning of doing something new not only starting but also maintaining it will be difficult at first. We just have to be patient with ourselves and not give up.


Celebrating Christmas at The Armory in Columbus, Indiana U.S.A. on 12-28-2013 A.D.

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is a time we meet as a family. Celebrating a holiday while exchanging gifts. Seeing family members that we haven’t seen for awhile. The kids are playing their new toys while the adults are conversing about everyday stuff. We can now rest and sit at a table and enjoy a meal with loved-ones. There are no more running around looking for the perfect gift. All the presents that were once wrapped are unwrapped. The Christmas tree lights are stilling blinking. The smell of newness in the air. It is easy to get caught in the Christmas chaos that we lose the meaning as to why we celebrate each year. It’s about rekindling our spirits and being thankful.