You Will Know How To Live


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

From our birth until now, we have gone through many experiences. Wisdom comes from our experiences. Wisdom is the end result of our experiences. Our abilities are the end result of our experiences. So if we combine both our wisdom and our abilities, then we will know how to live. However, we need to trust our wisdom and our abilities to live a decent life. Trust is relying on self to move forward even when we partially know the answers. We don’t need all the answers to things before we proceed. We will find most of the answers along the way. Doubt is the opposite of trust.  We’re unsure when we doubt ourselves. Doubts are only thoughts and are unreal. So let us allow ourselves to be entrusted with how we live our lives and not allow doubt to stop us from doing just that.

[bctt tweet=”As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “]


Overcoming Suffering


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it. — Helen Keller

It is good to know that we have people all over the world who are overcoming suffering and that gives us hope for those who are suffering. We want to believe that suffering is only temporary so that we have hope in overcoming our own personal suffering. There are emotional and physical suffering to overcome. Life brings to us difficulties. Most of our difficulties are a transitioning period of our lives. Life is always constantly changing. And we’re changing with life difficulties. No one is without difficulties whether we are rich or poor we still have to deal with what life brings to us. Suffering is part of life but isn’t the only part of life we should focus on. We move through our suffering because we must if we want to learn something about ourselves that we didn’t know about.
[bctt tweet=”The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it. — Helen Keller”]


Until We Value Ourselves


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you won’t do anything with it.— M. Scott Peck

What does it mean to value one’s self? How come valuing one’s self go hand in hand with valuing our time? Why is it important that we value ourselves? These are the questions we can ask ourselves. We all want to feel valued from others. However, it starts with how much we value ourselves. There is a certain degree of respect we have for ourselves that’s very important to us. We are most disappointed with ourselves when we make promises to ourselves that we don’t keep. This is where regrets begin to build in one’s life. And we are most satisfied with ourselves when we follow through on our word to ourselves and even when we fail trying, we still get some satisfaction in the effort itself.


[bctt tweet=”Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you won’t do anything with it.— M. Scott Peck”]


Enjoy Life Now, Not Tomorrow

The future can wait

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year. — Thomas Dreier

If we’re unhappy today, we don’t have to wait until tomorrow to enjoy life. As a matter of fact, we don’t have to fulfill a dream for us to enjoy life today.  Therefore we don’t have to wait on a fulfilled dream for us to be happy in our lives today. We can make certain choices in our lives for us to enjoy life now. Everything in our lives doesn’t have to be perfect for us to enjoy it. This moment right now as this is read is all we have. Let us enjoy in the moment since our future is not guaranteed. This moment is our opportunity to enjoy life while we have it instead of wasting it on an unfulfilled dream. We can enjoy life by doing the things we’ve been putting off, now.

[bctt tweet=”If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year. — Thomas Dreier”]


Imperfection Is Okay To Be>

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. — Donald Miller

When we wish another person to behave a certain way, but to only be disappointed by his or her behaviors, then it is time for us to lower our own expectations. We need to let go of those expectations and to let them be. We can only do our best and to accept our own foibles and to not reflect our foibles on to another.  Milton Erickson once said to a bride and groom to not give up on your faults, but instead keep them because you’re going to need them to understand your spouse’s. That’s a very powerful statement because we’re forced to understand that everyone is imperfect one way or another and that each one of us has to struggle daily managing our own imperfections. We’re all in this together because no one is without faults.


[bctt tweet=”When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. — Donald Miller”]

It Takes A Single Thought

think positive !

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.— Benjamin Disraeli

Since we can only go as far as are thoughts, we might as well think of great thoughts. What we think is what we are and do. If we say, that we can’t do this, then we won’t even try to find out if we could do it. But if we say, I can do this, and then at least we can give ourselves the opportunity to try. And if we say, that we really want this, then we will not just try, instead we would set a goal, devise a plan to meet that goal, and complete each tasks daily until we reach our goal. Our thoughts are very powerful so we might as well use them to our advantage. It only takes a single thought to change a whole life.


[bctt tweet=”Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.— Benjamin Disraeli”]


If We Want Something New

I AM Doing a New Thing Banner

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. ― Peter F. Drucker

Routines are useful if we want to have predictability in our lives. However, doing the same things everyday can loose its meaning. Therefore, it is all right to do something new to add some spice to our lives. Have some variety in our lives take the dullness out of life and add great memories and new meanings. Life is what we make it to be not what we think it should be.  We have the resources and the power within us to create an atmosphere that’s different from what we’re familiar with. We all know that trying something different can trigger fear. This fear is triggered because we think a change may threaten our routine. However, the change will only help us to appreciate the routine in our lives that we sometimes take for granted.


[bctt tweet=”If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. ― Peter F. Drucker”]

Making Time For Our Efforts

timepiece prime time clock closeup watch

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“There’s no such thing as being too busy. If you really want something, you’ll make time for it.” — Unknown

When we put in the time we’re forced to put in the effort. When we put in the effort, we’re forced to pay attention and to concentrate on the task at hand. We can make time to do what we want if we really want it and without fooling ourselves with mind tricks. One mind trick we use is when we focus only on how many hours we have left to do something without doing anything at all.  This is how regrets are formed. We see that the hours are ticking away while we wait for some thing to motivate us into doing something. The time that was lost could have been the time to learn, grow and make progress in one’s life. All we need to do is to pick one thing and to do it well. That would be worth our time in the long run.


[bctt tweet=”There’s no such thing as being too busy. If you really want something, you’ll make time for it. — Unknown”]




Find Peace First


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.’— Marianne Williamson

Not everything will fall into place exactly how we want it. It will be a losing battle if we’re constantly trying to place things in a certain order for us to experience peace. Just as Marianne Williamson says in the above quote that we ought to find our peace first then everything will fall into place. Everything will fall into place because once we find peace; we will begin to see things with a different perspective.  When we have internal peace, then we have no expectations, therefore we experience happiness because we’re no longer worried about how things should be. The peace we’re experiencing will affect our attitude. It is our attitude that will helps us deal with what is before us.

[bctt tweet=”Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.’— Marianne Williamson”]


The Power of Change


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.— Dr. Robert Anthony

It is a lot easier to blame another than to face the fact that we need to make the change ourselves. We don’t realize that when we blame another, we’re giving up our power. When we give up our power, we become helpless and hopeless in the situation. We can’t force another person to change until they’re ready to change. When we’re looking at ourselves to change and when we begin to change, others will take notice and they will be affected by it whether they like it or not. It is always uncertain to know if another person will change and it is always certain to know when we start making our own personal changes.  We change ourselves not hoping that the other person will change, instead, we make the change hoping that we will be a better person first to ourselves and then to others after the change.


[bctt tweet=”When you blame others, you give up your power to change.— Dr. Robert Anthony”]





Mind Opened By Wonderment


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.— Gerry Spence

When we’re in wonderment mode, we’re encouraging our imaginations to express itself as it wishes allowing our minds to see things that we haven’t seen before.  Wonderment helps us to break up limiting beliefs that can keep us from making strives in our lives.  Wonderment is a good exercise to the mind because it helps to stimulate and expand our minds beyond our beliefs system. The wonderment exercise also builds new associations, which can help break up previous beliefs and allow us to see that we have more choices in life.  Our minds don’t have to be closed by our beliefs but open by wonderment. We’re curious creatures because we want to know how things work.

[bctt tweet=”I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.— Gerry Spence”]

Grateful Makes Us Joyful


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful.” — David Rast

When we look at what we can be thankful for in our lives, it makes us joyful. When we discover what we can do, it makes us joyful. When we do the things we want to do in our lives, it makes us joyful. When we still have our health, it makes us joyful for being alive.  When others are please with our help, it makes us joyful. When we no longer discount the positives, it makes us joyful. So when we’re at our lowest, we can think about what we’re grateful for in our lives. Our sadness turns into joy whenever we look back on what events in our lives made us grateful. It is all in the way we look at things.


[bctt tweet=”It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful. David Rast “]



Light In The Heart


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. ~Khalil Gibran

Self-image is a conscious thing. How we interact with others is just a reflection of how we perceive ourselves. What we dislike about another person is really about the part we dislike about ourselves. And what we long for from others is really what we’re not giving to others and ourselves. We will never find the one person who will fill the void of loneliness. We have to fill that void with a purposeful life. When we begin seeing the beauty in our hearts, then our appearance is no longer as important. Appearance is no longer important since we now know that we have others to care about us for us and we care for others because we looked beyond the faces, we see the light of beauty shining in their hearts as well as ours.


[bctt tweet=”Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. ~Khalil Gibran”]

Hard Work Brings Also Luck

Good luck is Hard work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have. — Coleman Cox

Our opportunities are greater when we work diligently to meet our goals. That’s why we just have to hang in there during time of famine. With hard work and some bit of luck, we will succeed. That’s how we add to our good luck is by working steadily towards our goal. When opportunity comes knocking at our door, we will be ready to welcome it. Everything is earned and what is given was merited somehow. So the more we work on our goal, the more opportunities there will be for the taken. We just have to believe in ourselves for this to happen and not allow our thoughts of self-doubt cripple us from the work that will pave the way to success. We don’t have to say to ourselves, “it is because of my background that I shouldn’t pursue my dreams.” Instead we should pursue our dreams because of our background to bring a unique perspective on things.

[bctt tweet=”I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have. — Coleman Cox”]

The Mind In Rest


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn

Experiencing solitude helps our mind to clear up from our everyday busy lives. When we’re in solitude by choice, it is easier to go within to experience our internal life. We have an internal life and external life.  It is easier to get caught up in our external life that we don’t have time to sit quietly alone. Our internal life is just as important as our external life. We need and have to respect both.  If we can find a balance of both our internal and our external life, then we can lead a more productive life without experiencing burnout.  Solitude is not loneliness. Loneliness is longing for the company of another while solitude is longing to get away from external stimuli. We all need take a break from the fast pace of the world. If the mind is at rest, then the spirit and the body will follow.

[bctt tweet=”True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn”]

Choose The Pain Of Discipline

Practice Yoga, Be Healthy! {EXPLORED}

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. — Jim Rohn

In everyone’s life there are pain of discipline and pain of regret. We all know from our own experiences that what we want will require from us self-discipline. Discipline becomes painful when we want to play. Discipline requires of us to focus and concentrate on a task without being distracted on other external cues. Regrets make us look back on the promises we made for ourselves to do things but failed to keep. That’s what makes regret feel so painful. Although the pain of discipline can intensifies at the beginning, middle and ending, the pain of regret can last a lifetime.  The wisdom that we all acquired through our experiences knows what to choose, and that is discipline.

[bctt tweet=”Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. — Jim Rohn”]


Endless Possibilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Ability is of little account without opportunity. — Napoleon

It is good to be ready when opportunity does approach us. We can always fine-tune our abilities until we find an opportunity to display them. Sometimes opportunities are usually contingent upon a need. Someone may need something done right away and would need the services of others. And sometimes we just have pay closer attention on a problem that needs to be solved especially if it coincides with our abilities to help someone. Opportunities are there if we change the way we see things. There are opportunities that we have to wait for and there are other opportunities that we can create in one’s life.

[bctt tweet=”Ability is of little account without opportunity. — Napoleon”]



Be At Peace With Them


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is no good casting out devils. They belong to us, we must accept them and be at peace with them. — D.H. Lawrence

We all have both negative and positive sides to our personality.  However, sometimes it is difficult to admit we have a negative side. If we don’t admit to ourselves we have a negative side to our personality, then how can we feel comfortable sharing friendship and closeness with others who want to know us? No one is without fault. We all have our pet peeves. We all have to bare the burden; beside if it weren’t for our negative side we wouldn’t know much about our positive or our strengths. If we cast out our devils, then how can we understand one another and show empathy and some compassion for others who have faults. It is better to make peace with those things that makes us what we are today.


[bctt tweet=”It is no good casting out devils. They belong to us, we must accept them and be at peace with them. — D.H. Lawrence”]


Let Your Heart Guide You


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully. — Littlefoot’s mother,Land Before Time

If we don’t know or we just forgot why we do what we do, then we need to return to our hearts. If our thoughts are preoccupied with a longing to do something, then that’s where our hearts will be. Thus, it is okay to go for what our heart’s desire. It is easier to let go of our doubts when we listen to what our hearts is saying or whispering to us. Things seem to fall in place when our hearts guides us. If we look back in our lives, we will find that when we allow our hearts to guide us, life-changing events will happen in our lives. We can stop the longing for something and start actually doing what our hearts desire. What we think is important to us is what we cherish in our hearts.


[bctt tweet=”Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully. — Littlefoot’s mother,Land Before Time”]


Any Road Will Take You There

Brighton Beach Road

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. — Lewis Carroll

Every journey has a road we just have to pick one but not every road is a journey. A road will guide us some but we have to continue moving through life’s difficulties and situations for us to complete our journey. Each day we have an opportunity to go a mile or two. There will be some rainy days, some dry days and there will be some flowers to smell and nice trees to look at. The visibility at times will be near zero while other times we can see the horizon of the earth. We will meet some interesting people and places along the way. Our journey is where we have our learning times. As we move through our journey or road we will take with us many experiences so that we will have stories to tell.


[bctt tweet=”If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. — Lewis Carroll”]