Start the Healing

The Healing Arts

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.— Buddha

Sometimes we keep our pain because we want to keep the person or the event in our lives that caused the initial pain. Therefore, we can’t move forward in our lives. If the person(s) or the event(s) that caused the initial pain are no longer in our lives, we gravitate to another person or reenact the event. This isn’t compassion since we can’t heal our sorrows and wounds. It is time to say goodbye to our sorrows and wounds. We no longer have to be defined by them because those things happened in our past. We’re only hurting ourselves no longer the person in our past. Once we realize that it is ourselves that’s causing the hurt, we then can stop them and to start healing by forgiving the past individual and then ourselves for continuing the pain by letting go. This is compassion.


[bctt tweet=”Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.— Buddha”]

Birth and Death

Circle of Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different. — T. S. Eliot

Birth is access into this world while death is to exit this world. We live our lives between two unknowns birth and death. We have no memory of our birth and just like sleep we won’t know that we’re dead physically until we’re awaken from it. Our physical body returns to the earth while it takes nutrients from the earth for an unborn baby to grow. Before birth there is darkness and then light and at the time of death there is darkness, and then light.  During contestation period the mother takes care of her body for the preparation for given birth and while most of us either through sickness or hospice care we’re preparing ourselves for the inevitable death. Is birth really the beginning or the ending of something and is death really the ending or the beginning of something.

[bctt tweet=”I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different. — T. S. Eliot”]

Heavy Burden To Carry

<The Fairer Sex - Laos

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. — Jewish Proverb

We do want to have a lighter burden but that’s not always possible if we want to make a difference in our progress. Instead of looking for a short cut why not grow into the role we want so that we can make a difference in our lives. We get broader shoulders when we struggle through life’s challenges. We all have burdens to carry, but there are unnecessary burdens we carry. We just got to look for those unnecessary burdens and stop carrying them because they only hold us back with not much energy left. A broader shoulder can only carry so much for so long in one’s life. Once we let go those unnecessary burdens, we’re more than able to handle most anything with broader shoulders.

[bctt tweet=”I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. — Jewish Proverb”]



Work Supports Happiness


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Employment is nature’s physician, and is essential to human happiness. — Galen

It is through work that we value ourselves the most. Work increases our self-worth. When we don’t have self-worth, we drown in our self-doubt.  Our value increases when others rely on the work we do. No matter how difficult the work, it feels good to help those in need of our services. If work supports good health, then health supports good works.  Human happiness is a result of good health and services for others. Those who are satisfied with good works are just as happy as those who provide the services. It is a win-win situation for all who are involved in the transactions. Work forces us to leave our insecurities at home while we’re forced to use our strengths. Work is essential for our happiness.

[bctt tweet=”Employment is nature’s physician, and is essential to human happiness. — Galen”]



What things Can We Discover About Ourselves?


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. — Frank Herbert

It is through our struggles we have experienced new learnings and, discover something about ourselves along the way. We’ve discovered we can do some things better than other things. We’ve discovered what our strengths are as well as our weaknesses. We’ve discovered that we have certain biases against certain subjects while open towards other subjects. We’ve discovered that we do have limitations but we don’t have to yield to them to meet our goals. We’ve discovered that we do have fears but that we can continue on in spite of them. We’ve discovered that what we feel is not always what’s real. We’ve discovered that our belief that we are limited is an assumption that we haven’t truly tested yet.


[bctt tweet=”The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. — Frank Herbert”]

It’s In The Struggles

Struggling to survive

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below. — Noam Chomsky

Now we are at the speed at which our learnings have slowed down since we’ve been adults. We’ve experienced being stuck because we’ve become set in our ways but now we have a desire to want to change but don’t know how. And we find ourselves forgetting that we do have a storehouse of resources that we can tap into to help to make change so that we can fulfill our wants or our desires in our lives. The treasure is the resource of experiences that each and every one of us possesses. We just have to be reminded of our struggles to learn how to walk, or our struggles to learn how to read our first book, or our struggles to learn how to ride our first bike, or our struggles to learn how to do anything new that’s before us. This is good news because we can look back to see in our past that we have gone through each struggle in which we can build upon and we can make today’s struggles easier to handle. This is our newfound mind-set.

[bctt tweet=”Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below. — Noam Chomsky”]

Where Do We Find A Way To Fulfill Our Desires?

Avalon Falls

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.— Paulo Coelho

It is through our resources that we can fulfill our desires. We have a lifetime of experiences that we have accumulated over the years that no one can take away. These experiences are the result of all our lifetime learnings. These are learnings that started in our inception, then continued after our birth and continue on for as long as we live. When we were toddlers we first discovered that we had arms to move and hands to pick up things with to put into our mouths, we went from crawling the floors to walking and then finally running wherever our legs could take us. As our brains began to develop, we could sort out things within the criteria that were our own. We could see things in our own unique world that we’ve developed as we’ve accumulated more learning experiences. These learning experiences become second nature. The learning experiences that were once in the forefront of our minds, are now sent to the back of minds.

[bctt tweet=”When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.— Paulo Coelho”]

What Can We Learn From Obstacle?

Overcoming obstacles

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.— Frank A. Clark

We shouldn’t see obstacles as our nemesis but rather as a way to measure ourselves. Obstacles can tell us how we’re growing in our personal journey. We have all experienced obstacles in our own unique way. Obstacles aren’t meant for us to fail but are meant for us grow into what we want to be in our lives. Obstacles chip away the edges of our biases as long as we have a stick-to-it-ness attitude. It is easy to have the attitude in the classic Aesop’s Fables of the fox who couldn’t reach the grapes and only to give up by saying that those grapes were sour anyway.  Instead, we can have the attitude that we can learn something about ourselves about how we deal with obstacles, and about how we dealt with obstacles in the past. Our past is our resources of experiences up to now that we can use to fulfill our dreams and desires.

[bctt tweet=”If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.— Frank A. Clark “]

Valuing Our Talents

Talent Skate Park

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. — Malcolm S. Forbes

We overvalue what we are not when our egos are inflated. We don’t want to settle for what we already have. Therefore, we don’t use our talents or appreciate our talents enough. Each and every one of us is given talents so that we can use them for a purposeful way. If we need an ego boost, then using our talent in a purposeful way can be satisfying and it will be an ego boost. Life brings meaning into our lives when we use our talents in a purposeful way.

[bctt tweet=”Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. — Malcolm S. Forbes”]

Water Your Grass

June meadow grasses

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t water your weeds. — Proverb

How come we do things that we know will be harmful to us emotionally, or we sometimes sabotage the very thing that will help us? This is what we called a self-filling prophecy. We say that negative things will happen to us, or we won’t make a real effort in a project because we think it is not going to work anyhow. So when we believe that it won’t work, we find a way to sabotage the project while at the same time thinking that we’re not the problem and the problem is the project. Although a part of us wants to proceed with the project, we don’t want to admit that we’re being resistance. It is an internal conflict, which only keeps us off track when we know it is the right thing to do.


[bctt tweet=”Don’t water your weeds. — Proverb”]

Add Better Things

All good things come to an end

Post Written By Eugene Morgan


“The only way you may correct the bad things in your past is to add better things to your future.” — Shiloh Morrison

When we add better things to our future to correct the bad things in our past, we begin to see a trail of happiness. When the better things in our future become our present and then our past, we begin to see a life that’s worth living.  Our attention is no longer on our unpleasant past events, but on adding better things in our lives. It’s all right to let go of the past to do good things today. Milton Erickson once said that we have good luck and bad luck and that we needn’t add to the bad luck. Erickson’s implication is to add or do good things to our lives and to share that experience with others.


[bctt tweet=”The only way you may correct the bad things in your past is to add better things to your future. — Shiloh Morrison”]

The Waves of Life

Surfing on Thanksgiving

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Life is about learning. We learn about the world and how we react to the world. We learn about ourselves as we experience life each day. We learn how to deal with life difficulties through our experiences. We  have our own way of dealing with life difficulties.   As long as we live, we will go through life transitions. We’re not the same person as we were five years ago and will not be the same person today five years into the future. We change and readjust our external life and just as we readjust to changes in our internal life. We must continue to adapt to life changes if we don’t we will bring to ourselves unnecessary stresses in our lives. But if we learn to adapt, we will be able to surf above the surface of the water of life.

[bctt tweet=”You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf. — Jon Kabat-Zinn”]



On Becoming A Habit


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The hard must become habit. The habit must become easy. The easy must become beautiful. — Doug Henning

It is easy to find us admiring another person’s talent in how he or she uses what seems to be without effort. We forget that it took that person time and dedication to acquire such high level of skill. We think learning a skill is all physical work, however, the brain is involved also while developing new neuro-pathways. It is a mind and body learning experiences. The brain is learning how to coordinate the unfamiliar arm movements all the while sending signals or communication back and forth. Just about everything we learn at first will take some effort to develop adequately and then beautifully at end. And that’s how habits are made whether they’re good or bad. We use our habits to our advantage when we need them to work for us

[bctt tweet=”The hard must become habit. The habit must become easy. The easy must become beautiful. — Doug Henning “]

The Joy Of Creating Joy


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy.― Milton H. Erickson

Milton Erickson is saying here in the above quote is that we have the power to create joy. Pain reminds us that we’re still alive and that we can feel. Pain is a mechanism of keeping us alive and that’s life. We deal with pain everyday whether it’s physical for some and/or psychological for others. However, we don’t have to be defined or even identify ourselves by pain because pain is temporary most of the time. We also can experience joy in our lives now and look forward to experiencing joy together with friends and family members because we have the power.  We appreciate joy when we have experienced pain.


[bctt tweet=”Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy.― Milton H. Erickson”]

Big Dreams and Small Fears


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.— Richard Wilkins

Fears can interfere with our dreams. Our dreams become smaller when we spend so much energy in self-doubt. Dreams are really our hopes for what we wish to do or become in the future. Dreams help us to imagine ourselves in the future doing what we been wanting to do. If we can direct the energy of our fears toward our dreams, then we can see before our eyes how a dream becomes something that we can now touch.  Milton H. Erickson once said that there is little to fear. Fears have a way to not only to control us but also have a way of controlling others. Fear won’t allow us to imagine because imagination helps us to open up our minds for understandings thus decreasing our anxious.


[bctt tweet=”Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.— Richard Wilkins”]


Start Crawling

crawling to a new leaf

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.”  — Rumi

In other words, what abilities we already have, use them. We don’t necessarily need to have new abilities for us to do something. However, we can’t do anything without our abilities. Thus, we need to use our abilities for us to acquire new abilities. We have to start with the basics before we can advance properly if we want to present our best work. Before we could walk, we first learned how to crawl, and before we learned our to crawl we first learned how to move our legs and arms, and so on. This a process. This is how we progress to the next level. We have to learn certain things before we can move on to a higher level. In doing this, we’re slowly building a more stable foundation.  So crawling is a good thing to do today so eventually we will be walking.


[bctt tweet=”If all you can do is crawl, start crawling. — Rumi”]


Change The Eyes


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.— Nikos Kazantzakis

Reality always presents itself to us daily. We can’t resist trying to change reality on how we see the world. If we accept reality as is, then we’re forced to use the inner resources that have been building up from our experiences. We can change the way we see things. We can allow our minds to open so we can create an understanding about realities that we can’t change. The new understandings will have an affect on our thinking.  And then we will act accordingly to our thoughts to see that we are stronger than we think as we go through life challenges if we rely and believe in ourselves.


[bctt tweet=”Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.— Nikos Kazantzakis “]



Sowing The Seeds Of Success


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.”— Paramahansa Yogananda

In other words, we can always learn from our failures and to use that learning to help us to succeed. Failure is just an indicator that what we’re doing now to fail, will not work later. Therefore let us try something else. Sometimes simply a slight change could make a difference in how we succeed. Determination is really the driving force of success. It’s all right to have the seeds of success, however, for the seeds to grow we must find the right soil, sunlight and water. We have to nurture it, look out for it. It may seem for a while until that seed transform into a plant. And then we’re happy to see that our hard work is paying off as we see the plant growing nicely just like our successes in our lives.


[bctt tweet=”The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.— Paramahansa Yogananda “]

Be The Master Of Ourselves

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“No man is free who is not master of himself”. — Epictetus

It is not easy to master over ourselves, when we’re used to being trained to follow directions of our parents, teachers and now our boss. Every one of us has a rebellious streak where a part of us wants to do something just enough to annoy the heck our authorities. We do this because we want our independence and our freedom. We think we can do it alone. It is a lot harder than we think because, where there is freedom, there is responsibility. When we were growing up our parents bore the burden of responsibility until we were 18 years old or as long as we were under their roof and the same as our teachers and bosses to a certain extent. To be free we must bare the burden of responsibilities to ourselves. Maturity is the hallmark of responsibilities. Therefore, we have a chance to master ourselves and the freedom to do so.


[bctt tweet=”No man is free who is not master of himself. — Epictetus”]





Prepare Today for Tomorrow’s Wants


Post Written By Eugene Morgan


“It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.” — Aesop

Preparation is a form of planning for the future. While we still have our mobility, still have our faculties and our health, it is thrifty to prepare today so we don’t have to worry about tomorrow or our future. And yes, we should enjoy life as we make our preparations. Today is really a product of all the decisions we’ve made in our past.  We all made good decisions and not so good decisions. We may not get all our wants in life but we do have some in our possessions and we can be thankful today for them. Our wants aren’t neccessarily about material things, a want can be about relationships, getting involved in a project, spending time on a hobby, participating in a sport involving a team. Preparation can also be about learning something today that we may need later.


[bctt tweet=”It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. — Aesop “]