A World Of A Child

A child's World

Written By Eugene Morgan

“Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment.” — John Bradshaw

Yes, children see the world with fresh eyes. We all can recall our first experiences. Every moment was very new to us. We wanted to touch everything, smell everything and taste everything especially dirt. We were allow to play all day long. We didn’t have an agenda we just enjoy the moments. We didn’t have concept of thinking about tomorrows. We cried because we were too tired to keep our eyes opened to experience one more moment of the day. Then the next morning we crawled into our parents’ bed to only disturbed their sleep because we wanted to play again.  We’re sitting alone but not really alone because we’re enjoying the company of our imaginary friend. Everything around us is big and we’re having difficulty reaching for the door knob but somehow we work around that.


[bctt tweet=”Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment. — John Bradshaw”]

Achievement Starts With Desire

Realização - Achievement

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The starting point of all achievement is desire.— Napoleon Hill

If we want it bad enough, then we will achieve it. If we lose sight of our desire, then we will not even start. Desire is our inner drive to succeed.  If we could ask ourselves what is the one thing we could find most desirable? It would be that one thing we know could be life changing in our lives. It’s the one thing we dream about. It’s the one thing that preoccupies our thoughts. Our whole being is telling us to go for it. When we decide to go for it, then our fear turns into excitement and desire begins to grow. We’re stronger than we think. As long as we set our minds on something we desire the most, achievement is just around the corner.  We’re more than half way there if desire is the starting point of all achievements.


[bctt tweet=”The starting point of all achievement is desire.— Napoleon Hill”]


Build A Door Of Opportunities

Inside The Hobbit Hole Of Bilbo Baggins

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. — Milton Berle

When opportunities aren’t there, it’s time to build our own opportunities. It’s about having the entrepreneur’s spirit to go at it alone sometimes. It can start with us alone then later down the road we can hire others to make our products better for the masses.  Instead of using the time to look for opportunity, we can create for those who are still looking. In order words, we can give others the chance to grow by given them the opportunity they’re looking for in the their lives. This makes our lives even more meaningful when we help others especially those who are willing to make an earnest effort. Sometimes we just got to make it happen instead of waiting for someone to make it happen for us. There is an independence and freedom when we do our own things.


[bctt tweet=”If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. — Milton Berle”]


Start Now, Today

I needed some color today

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.— Mark Twain

If we feel like we’re behind, then getting started is the secret of catching up. We stop the thinking when we get started and begin learning what we’ve started. Procrastination is what keeps one from starting something new. Procrastination is the symptom of self-doubt. We delay progress by doing nothing except think about it, and we don’t believe in ourselves to do a good job. However, we must start somewhere or don’t start at all. If we’re on the verge of making a decision, but we continue to stay on the fence about it, then are decisions have already been made. The decisions that were already been made are ultimately what we don’t want to face in our lives. We don’t want to admit to ourselves that we made decision to not pursue a dream or wish. We don’t want to admit this is because we want to keep open the possibility that we will pursue our dream one of these days. However, the phrase “one of these days,” only keeps things open-ended which is hard to pinpoint and continue to stay nonspecific. Let’s get off the fence and start now, today.

[bctt tweet=”The secret of getting ahead is getting started.— Mark Twain”]



Dream It Into Goals


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.— C. S. Lewis

Who says it’s too late to set another goal and dream new dreams? When we set a goal we’re reorienting ourselves to the future because we want to know if the goal is obtainable. During this time, we will make progress and will struggle. We will fail at times, but we will get right back up. We want to fulfill a dream and that’s by completing a goal. In our dreams we see ourselves completing our goals. We want our dreams to become a reality. Each day we have some sort of goal we want to complete because that’s a part of living. We have mini goals, short-term goals and long-term goals, there a different types of goals we set for ourselves. Working on a goal to helps us to focus on the things today, not tomorrow. Dreams are for tomorrow while goals are for today

[bctt tweet=”You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.— C. S. Lewis”]


We Are What We Believe


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We are what we believe we are.— C.S. Lewis

If we say we can’t do this or that, we are basing this on a belief. If we say we can do this or that, we are basing this on a belief as well. It is easy to make assumptions about ourselves without really testing them out. Even if we have made few failed attempts, we still used that as evidence that we can’t do this or that, therefore our beliefs are reinforced. Instead we could learn from the failed attempts and look for what we’re doing wrong but also look for what we’re doing correctly. We ought to look for real proof instead of looking for a reason not to make an earnest effort to do this or that in our lives. It is amazing what the mind can belief and act accordingly without hesitation. We can believe in ourselves and the body will follow.

[bctt tweet=”We are what we believe we are.— C.S. Lewis”]

New Strength and New Thoughts

Strength in Numbers

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”— Eleanor Roosevelt

Today we have an opportunity to lean on our strengths because all of us have them. We use our strengths during the day and renew our strengths when we retire at night. When we rise in the morning our strengths is rejuvenated and so with new thoughts. Our minds our refreshed and we’re ready to go. We each have different set of strengths. We must respect one another strengths as we respect our own strengths. We all play a part in this world. We all have an opportunity to display our strengths in the work we do each day. We can feel proud that we have helped someone today because we leaned on our strengths. It is nice to feel wanted and have purposeful life when using our strengths. We know we’re somebody even though we don’t feel like we’re somebody sometimes.


[bctt tweet=”With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.— Eleanor Roosevelt”]

Thinking And Learning

Learning to walk on this spring sunset

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”— Confucius

If we only learn and not think about how to apply our learnings then we are lost. We need to come with a plan to execute what we’ve learned. And if we only think and we haven’t learned from our previous experiences then we are in danger. We need both thinking and learning for us to have some sort of direction and to avoid unnecessary dangers. We have to balance both thinking and learning for us to be most effective in our lives. Too much thinking only delays our learning and too much learning only gets us confused. We need to sort out the learnings by thinking what we can use that will be beneficial and discard what we can’t use.


[bctt tweet=”He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. — Confucius “]


First Step Towards Understanding

first steps

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The willingness to be puzzled is typically a first step towards understanding.” — Noam Chomsky

There are things we don’t understand yet. It is all right to be puzzled about things because that peaks our curiosity to understanding the hows and whys about things.  For us to understand some things, we must go through certain experiences. Experiences help us to open up our minds so we can take in new understandings. We will never understand everything about life, but our goal is not to understand everything about life but to experience life as we live it so we can look back on one’s life in a meaningful way. The bottom line is to experience the human condition and how we interact with each other and the world with purpose and understanding. Life will always be a mystery to us humans.


[bctt tweet=”The willingness to be puzzled is typically a first step towards understanding. — Noam Chomsky”]

He Who Trims Himself

Winslow Homer - The Whittling Boy, 1873 at Institute of Art Chicago IL

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.”— Raymond Hull

We can’t please everyone.  We will never satisfy everyone because it’s impossible. Not everyone is going to like us and we’re not going to like everyone. If we want to please someone, then we should be the one to please ourselves. We can pet ourselves on the back to say well done. We can please others some of the time but not all of the time. And, that’s all right to do. Our self-worth isn’t about how we please someone but our self-worth is about how we can help others without expecting a return. We get our satisfactions from what we can do for others.
[bctt tweet=”He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.— Raymond Hull”]


Change With Values

Sustainable Value

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”— Dalai Lama

In other words, what Dalai Lama is saying in the above quote is to change for what is good for us rather than change for what others think we should be. It is within our power to change what is appropriate for us. We’re the ones that will have to live with the decisions we make in our lives. We know our decisions will affect our lives somehow. We know through our values what we like or dislike and what’s important to us. We all have different sets of values along with different perspectives while living our own unique experiences. That means one person’s value is different from another person’s values. We truly have the answers within so we must ask ourselves what do we want, wish and desire. If we know what we want in our lives, then we have a purposeful and meaningful life.
[bctt tweet=”Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.— Dalai Lama”]


When We’re Willing To Work


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you are lazy, and accept your lot, you may live in it. If you are willing to work, you can write your name anywhere you choose.” — Gene Stratton-Porter, A Girl of The Limberlost

If we are just sitting by waiting for something to happen, then it will never happen. Our brains control our moments. For something to happen, our brains must create movements of our bodies, like our legs, arms and hands for us to manipulate external things in a directed fashion. We must do this constantly until we fulfill our desired goals.  Idleness encourages us to only think about what we’re not doing today which only leads us to disappointments and regrets. However, setting a goal, executing the steps to get to our goals increases confidence in us to do even more.


[bctt tweet=”If you are lazy, and accept your lot, you may live in it. If you are willing to work, you can write your name anywhere you choose. — Gene Stratton-Porter”]

Patience Rewards

Patience is the art of hoping..

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” — Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes we don’t want to put forth the effort that it would take to learn something is because we don’t want to wait. We want quick results. We want to learn it instantly. However, learning takes time at first. So the key is to be consistently patient with ourselves through out the learning process. We won’t get it as quickly as we would like but eventually we will. Learning is a process. There are steps we must get through to reach our goals.  There will be some things difficult to learn, however, in time our brains will began to understand what we’re learning. We just have to wait until that happens.


[bctt tweet=”He that can have patience can have what he will. — Benjamin Franklin”]

With Open Arms

Remember them...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is Monday Memorial Day. This is the time to remember those we’ve lost and to shake the hands of former soldiers, and say to them “thank you for risking your life so I may live.”  It takes dedication, commitment, discipline and most of all courage to put one’s life on the line for our country. We should honor the living and dead for such dedication. We as civilians will never understand what our soldiers have gone through and what they have seen in battle. They will have scars for the rest of their lives. Normalcy is just a distance memory to some our soldiers who are having difficulties getting used to civilian life again. Let us treat them with dignity and with open arms, and most of all with understanding.


When We Deserve Self-Love

Self help

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” — Gautama Buddha

When we lie, exaggerate the truth or even disclosed some parts of the truth and not reveal the truth about ourselves to others, then ultimately, we’re not being truthful with ourselves. However, the truth can set us free, if we stop hiding from what can save us. In other words, we’re saying to ourselves that we don’t truly deserve our affection or the affections of others that we are close to us.  Sometimes the right hand doesn’t want the left hand to know what’s it doing because we don’t want to come to realization that there are parts of us we just don’t like. Every negative trait has a positive side and every positive trait has negative side. We just need to be reminded of the positive side and use it for good.


[bctt tweet=”You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection — Gautama Buddha”]

Decision To Do

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.— Elbert Hubbard

When we decide to do something we no longer wrestle with the thoughts of what ifs. When we decide on what to do, we create steps to complete the task or tasks because we become more focus on what to do next. Ideas are only ideas as long as they stay inside our heads and are not part of a plan to execute. Doing something out of our comfort zone is one good reason we have a difficult time deciding on what to do. However, thinking about it won’t help us because we really won’t know for sure if it is going to work or not, or if we like doing it or not. Therefore, we can’t afford to waste time since we can’t get back time so we might as well use it, by doing.


[bctt tweet=”It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.— Elbert Hubbard”]


Imagination Takes You Everywhere

"Love is all around me and so the feeling grows. It is written on the wind, it's everywhere I go"

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”— Albert Einstein

We can go everywhere we want to as long as we can imagine. Imagination frees us from our biases and our inflexibilities if we allow ourselves to be opened. Imagination is like a rehearsal without feeling restricted because we can express ourselves anyway we like. Imagination allows us to see beyond our filters. If we were to look at a beautiful blue sky through a thin straw, we wouldn’t enjoy it as much than if we saw the sky with our own eyes. It’s very difficult to look through a straw to only see in part and not the whole. Imagination stimulates the mind to help create new ideas to improve on something that can make life better.


[bctt tweet=”Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.— Albert Einstein”]



One Kick 10,000 Times

Boy Goalie Kicking Soccer Ball Soccer Parks and Rec  September 09, 2014 23

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”— Bruce Lee

If we work on one thing at a time, we would go a long way. Once we master one thing, then we can learn how to master the other thing. There are things that are complex that we need to break down into parts for us to master. Once we master all parts then we can put them all together to work for us. This is the best way to learn something is to break them down into smaller parts. We learn so much one thing at a time without feeling overwhelmed. We ought to be patient with ourselves and allow ourselves to get acquainted with everything at our own pace because we all have different speeds of learning. Practice makes near perfection. Practice does make us better than we first started out. What better place to use our time in practicing something worthwhile to us.


[bctt tweet=”I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. — Bruce Lee”]




Self-Knowledge and Self-Improvement


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Self knowledge is the beginning of self improvement.” — Spanish Proverb

How can we make changes when we don’t know what changes to make. For change to occur we must look inside ourselves to see what we’re doing to avoid changing. The things we don’t want to change in us are probably because we’re getting something out of them. We don’t want to admit to ourselves that we must give up the beliefs for us make a change. We want to stay a certain way because there is some kind of gain we get from it but at the same time is keeping us from moving forward. A secondary gain is usually about our dependent need to blame another and not allows ourselves to move pass that point in order for us to grow and to claim responsibility. We’re responsible for making our own mark.

[bctt tweet=”Self knowledge is the beginning of self improvement. — Spanish Proverb”]


Small Beginnings

The beginning

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“From small beginnings come great things.”— Proverb

 Everything starts out small. Small beginnings are our growing and learning times. There are a tremendous sacrifice and struggle in the beginning.  We have to start with a new mind-set because we aren’t used to this new pattern of work. Just starting somewhere is a big leap to later see great things unfold before our eyes. It is our dreams that motivate us to continue doing the work until our goal is reached. We got to get our hands dirty to see clearly in our minds what move we want to make next.  Keeping our purpose in mind is like using a flashlight at night so we can see where we’re going. As long as we know our endgame we will see clearly how the parts go together.