Conquering The Self

A photographer capturing view from Mt Fuji

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”— Sir Edmund Hillary

This is a very powerful message for us to understand. It is not easy for us to stay focus on a goal. Distractions are inevitable when it comes to staying on track with our goals. There are some days that we don’t want do the work. However, there are days that we do enjoy doing the work. There are days we have to push ourselves to do the work when we don’t feel like it. We got to be consistent and maintain the work we do so we can reach our goals and that’s not always easy to do. Discipline is the key.  If we want something bad enough, then we will plow through the delays, the rejections, the criticisms, and disappointments and all other obstacles. And when we’re on the others side of victory, we can be pride of ourselves that we reached our goals on our own terms.



Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.”— Seneca

Sometimes we keep ourselves from making progress, because we’re so preoccupied about how people may think of us. What’s interesting is that many of us think about what others think of us because we haven’t really accepted our own foibles and flaws. We all come from different shapes and sizes. We all come from different colors, different ages. When we accept ourselves, we don’t feel the need to wonder how others think of us. We just won’t care. What we think of ourselves is really a reflection what we think others think of us. We need to come to terms about how we see ourselves and give others a chance to see us for what we really are and about. We should allow others to earn the right to accept us as we are.


Live In Harmony

Harmony Lakes Loop trail

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world.— Marcus Aurelius

When we find ourselves in conflict with ourselves, then there is conflict with others and the world. It is all right to retreat and close our eyes to look inward to see what’s going on within us. No one is saying that there aren’t any conflict in the world. That would be a false statement. But it is true that we can easily project our conflict externally so we don’t have to deal with ourselves. If someone asks a question that requires us reflection on our part, but answers the question, “I don’t know,” then we’re avoiding our thoughts and our feelings. When we say, “I don’t know.” a lot then, maybe we’re avoiding some unpleasant events or an unpleasant memory in our lives that are too painful to cope. That’s when its time to look inward to find out what thought goes to what feeling. Sometimes we just need to stop looking in the past that’s causing the unpleasant feelings. But it is important to feel the feelings that the images are causing and to move on thus making the images smaller and turning images from color to black and white.


A Community of People

Community Center

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way.”— Unknown

When we highlight our moments, we usually recall the people who touched our lives the most. We have traces of people over the years have made an impression and we have made a good impression on them. If we look on facebook, we will see a timeline of photos of our past, which include pictures of people. It could be our family members or our co-workers or it could be friends that we hang out with. We’re a community of people. Most of us enjoy hanging out with other people through special occasions like a birthday party, celebration, or an award dinner. We participate in holidays together. Food is the best thing to bring people together. We enjoy sharing a feast, our just simply ordering out a lunch together. Friendship is very important to most people because we want to hang out with someone more like us with similar interests.


Freedom is The Will


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.”— Friedrich Nietzsche

Freedom and responsibility go hand and hand. We can be free to do whatever we please as long as we don’t harm another. We must as a society agree on a set of rules to protect others and ourselves. As kids, we wanted to grow up and do whatever we wanted. However, we didn’t realize that adults have responsibilities and that includes taking care of us as children. Freedom has its own limitations that we have to abide by. Driving and owning our first car is symbolic of claiming our independence from our parents. But getting our license and obeying traffic rules is our will to be responsibility to ourselves. That’s freedom because we look after ourselves to make sure that we’re not misusing our freedom.


Experience Enlightens the Mind


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best way to get an understanding about life or about anything, we must go through some sort of experience. Book learning is good but we can only go so far with it. We both need information from a book and information from our experiences. Experiences help us to widen our scope on things. We begin to see things in a different light or angle that we haven’t seen before. When our perspective starts to change, we see that we have more options, thus more opportunities. It is hard to see opportunities when our view is narrow. It is hard to understand how someone continuously succeeds in life. This is because the person’s success was based on a certain mind set. It was a mind-set that creates an atmosphere of success. It is a bit of a combination of a mind-set, some information, determination and executing a plan.


From Doubt To Courage


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have experiences with doubt, but we also have experiences with courage. Doubt can plague our abilities to do what we desire and want. Having courage is our understanding that in spite of doubts we will do things anyway to fulfill a desire or a want. Doubts are in our head and courage is in our hearts. The more we do what we set out to do, the more our doubts will usually decrease. Doubts are occupying thoughts that use a lot of our brainpower. The power we need to fulfill our needs and wants. We can’t turn off the doubting thoughts but we don’t have to pay attention to them. Instead we can place our attention on the goals with courage.

Find Ways

Receding Tide

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find ways to do it.”— Dr. David Schwartz

The mind is only instructed to do by belief. If we believe that we can’t do something, then we will find ways to sabotage, however, if we know that we can do something, then we will find ways to do it. Even when we see difficulties ahead and still believe that we can do it, our minds will not rest until we carry out our goal. Our mind is the most powerful machine in the universe. We don’t know how true that is yet. We have countless examples that we can look back on to see how our minds are incredible. Our minds do amazing things for us that we take for granted.  Communication is the high mark of intelligence. Planning and then executing is another high mark of intelligence. We’re able to recall a memory without effort.


It Is Time To Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is time to laugh. It is time to laugh at ourselves. It is time to laugh with ourselves and with others. We forget to laugh, when we take life so seriously. Laughter is a release of an emotion. We feel so much better after a good laugh. We should practice one good laugh daily. Laughter supports health. It also takes practice to find humor in everyday things and/or situations. Laughing with another helps us to connect with one another better. It is better to laugh out loud than to hold back a laugh. Laughter is a peculiar thing we do. Laughing is spontaneous behavior. Laughing seems like the one emotion that keeps all other emotions in balance. Laughing is a process of breaking up biases. While laughing helps us to break up our biases, we can begin to see things differently.

When It Is Time

I Am Not Alone

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When it is time to rest, then let us rest. When it is time to work, then let us work. When it is time to eat, then let us enjoy eating with family. When it is time to meet up with others, then let us meet up. Everything has a place and time as long as we are there doing them. When it is time to rise, then let us rise. We are all interconnected with the universe. Although we are part of a bigger picture, we each do our parts as contributors to the society we live in. No one is insignificant because every one of us is unique. There will never be another one like us. So let us roam freely being ourselves because it is the natural thing to do. Why should we resist what’s natural. As humans we live to a higher order of things and we are stewards of this world. We’re only temporary until the next generations come along to be the new leaders of their time.

Meaning We Live By

catch 'er

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Meaning is not what you start with but what you end up with.”— Peter Elbow

Meaning is accumulations of our past experiences. The meanings are the highlight of our experiences. We tend to reflect on the highlights because they bring us back to those moments in time. We have a tendency to want to re-experience those moments whether they are good or bad. Our meanings are the end result of our experiences. Life is worth living when there is meaning. They’re meaningful people we have grown together over the years, meaningful places that we’ve visited and meaningful things we have done with our lives. Sentimental value is something we place on an object or symbol that represent a memory of significant person or a past family member that holds a lot of meaning.


Troubles & Blessings

Happy Ramadhan, Eid Mubarak - عيد فطر مبارك

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.”— William Penn

It is easy to discount the positive while we’re experiencing an unpleasant event in our lives. However, it is okay to look at both the positive and negative side of things. The negative side of things can be a learning experience and an opportunity for personal growth. It is normal to experience anger, grief and frustration during an unpleasant event. We shouldn’t deny and push down our emotions about an unpleasant event that causes a normal reaction to things. When counting our blessing, our attention is refocused on something that brings happiness to us once again. We have no control over when an unpleasant event occurs, but we do have control over where we can place our attention whether that is on our blessings or on our troubles.



Plan an Outcome

database plan

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all heard the saying it is better do than to think. This is generally true, however, if we don’t have a plan or direction, then just doing is not going to work either. In other words, if we don’t have a plan or direction on what we want to accomplish, then we’re wasting our time. This is a self-fulfilled prophecy. This is the underline reason why we would rather sit idle thinking about it than to actually do something because our fears of wasting valuable time. However, sitting idle for years is ultimately a time waster. At least if we do something without a plan or direction, then we would know quickly that this isn’t working, and lets try something else instead of giving up on what we so wish. When we plan steps to get to certain outcome, we are creating our own path.

The Future Remains

tomorrow ripe / Morgenreif

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Just remember, when you think all is lost, the future remains.”— Dr. Robert H. Goddard

There is hope in our future, when we have lost everything today.Our tomorrows are our opportunities to make up for the lost. It is only a sad ending when we lose our hope in our future. Everything we have learned up to now is what is going to help us regain our confidence and our dignity of self-worth. We must look on into our future by what we must do today and stop looking at what we have lost but see that we haven’t really lost anything but our pride. And our pride will return eventually with the faith in ourselves we once had. There are others who still believe in us so we should also believe in us as well. Our new-found belief is counting on us to make it through the world.


Struggle Leads To Strength


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.” — Robert Tew

We all have experienced going through a struggle. When we are in the mist of a struggle we see no end in sight. We see no end in sight because our attention is on the struggle. Sometimes we got to go through a struggle before we can get to the next level of growth. Struggles are designed to help us discover how we deal with life and people. When we experience feelings of hopelessness and helplessness in a mist of a struggle, we can remind ourselves that we have gone through difficulties before and that the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness is just feelings. And feelings come and they go. We just have to allow ourselves to take a few steps back to see that the struggle is not permanent but only temporary. So we don’t have to give up.


A True Measure

The Measure of a Man

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.”— Cullen Hightower

If we were hanging around successful people, if we like it or not, will be influenced directly or indirectly by them. Success begets success. It is nice to see that we can have a positive influence on another sometimes without us knowing. It is a complement when someone else has gained success because of our example we set for ourselves.  Don’t we want everyone who took the time to put in the effort to succeed? When we see success in another person, it gives us hope that we can succeed in anything we wish to do in our lives. And as the successful person sees that his or her success has benefited others, then he and/or she feels a true measure of worth in themselves and in others.

Be What You Are

Be Yourself.

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.”— Julius Charles Hare

It is okay to admire someone. Admiration is really about seeing the same qualities in us of someone else. It’s only a concern when we feel a need to be more like the person we admire for us to feel good about ourselves. We then run the risk of comparing ourselves to others. However, there is no need to compare ourselves with another when each and every one of us is unique. We each bring a unique perspective to the world. Therefore, it is all right to be what we are because it requires less energy than if we were to be someone else we are not. Since it take less energy to be ourselves, and then we can use all our energy to being the best of what we are and experience the freedom of expressing that to the world.

We Do or Fail To Do

Walt Disney The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.”— Dhammapada

When we give our attention to what others do or fail to do, we neglect to focus our attention on what we do or fail to do. There are some things we do that will not be enough or we do the wrong things expecting results. And of course there are things we fail to do because we just don’t want to do them. There are things we must do if we want to succeed. It is easy to think of things to do, than to do them. Thinking about doing something is just a delay. Effort takes time, energy and most of all patience when we are in the learning-how stages. Some learnings are dry but necessary and some are stimulating.

Discover New Oceans

Ocean City Shoreline

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”— Andre Gide

For us to move forward, we must let go of old ideas. It does take courage to risk stepping into new territory. It is natural to respond with some trepidation when we’re unfamiliar with something. Fear is useful for self-preservation whether that’s physical and/or psychological. It’s only natural to scan for danger on an unfamiliar territory before proceeding. So there must be an education and then preparation if we want to discover new oceans. Learning is the key to loosening up our biases. Learning helps us to know what we need to prepare for in our journey. If we are unprepared, then indeed our fears will become real. Let us instead take on our day with the courage to look beyond our scope to make discoveries. It’s never too late to learn the new.

Another Chance To Change

I'm still running away

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Every new day is another chance to change your life.”— Unknown

When we look back in regret of our past, we are not giving ourselves another chance to change our life. We make ourselves feel powerless when we think we can change our past. The good news is that it is within our power today to change our life and, that we can be grateful when a new day arrives so that we can continue on making positive changes. Milton Erickson once said to a bride and groom that they should leave a trial of happiness…and to look forward in looking back. It is hard to make changes in our lives when we’re looking only at past regrets. However, if we start looking back at what good things we have done with our lives that made us happy, and then we would want to look forward for a new day in doing more of a good thing.