It Is Time To Heal

The Healing Hands

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is time to heal old and new wounds. We no longer have to hold on to pain, or keep ourselves from feeling the pain by numbing it with something. There is an accumulation of past pains along with present pains. Most of us or some of us hold on to past pains for so long that they become part of our personality. We don’t know how to let them go. Letting go pain means moving on. Letting go pain means occupying our thoughts with positive things. Letting go pain means placing our attention on doing constructive external things and not constantly fighting or acting out our pain that we’re trying to avoid. In order words, letting go pain means having our attention focused on something other than the pain or the memories that cause us to rehash the pain. It is time to heal.

The Creative Way

the messenger
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Creativity is our way to freedom. Creativity can widen the scope of our minds. Most people who are successful are also very creative. Creative people are willing to open up their minds when they don’t know and want to learn. Creative people see things that others can’t see or imagined. It takes courage to let go of old patterns to develop new patterns. Old patterns are really old beliefs that are out-of-date. Just like computer software; if we want our computers to run smoothly, then we must routinely update the software.  We need to routinely update our belief system for us to continue to adapt and interact with the world around us.

A New Beginning

It begins!

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”— Maria Robinson

It is too late to go back in our past to start over. There is nothing we can do to change our past. However, we can learn from our past. We can learn about what we’ve done wrong, and what we’ve done right in our past. Our past can be our guidance to what we’re going to do today. We know that certain things we do will lead us to nowhere because we’ve gone through this before. Today is our opportunity to start a new chapter in our lives. In fact, everyday is an opportunity to do what is right for us.  What we do today is based on what we did yesterday. We’ve made certain decisions, which affect us today whether the decisions were positive or negative.  If we want to be at a certain place in the future, then today is the day we got to make decisions or if we had already made decisions, then we ought to follow up on them to make sure that we’re still on the right track.





On Being Flexible

Proudly standing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we’re still stuck in a problem, then this means that we aren’t flexible enough. Flexibility is the hallmark for change. We don’t have to change all at once. We ought to start with small changes first. To gain confidence in ourselves, we need to start with winning small victories before we try conquering bigger ones. Yes, we will get frustrated at times because obtaining a goal isn’t always easy thing to do. It’s all right to challenge ourselves, but it is also all right to be patient with ourselves. We don’t have to rush things but to enjoy the process of getting to the end.

Procrastination Loves Time


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is only a lost when we don’t use our time. Procrastination loves to eat up our time. Our power diminishes when we procrastinate.    We allow our procrastination to run our lives. There is no direction or goal to obtain when we procrastinate. This creates in us complacency in our lives. And when we start doing what we set out to do at the last minute, we don’t have much time to fine tune the final product.  Doing last minute work is a pressure cooker to meet a deadline, thus, this becomes stressful.  What we fear the most is realized when the work we presented is not our best. But if we start early and set up our own deadline before the actual deadline then we will have more control and satisfaction over what we can get done in a timely manner.

Reminiscing the Past

Reminisce - Think about the good times

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is nice to reunite with old friends that we haven’t seen in a while. There is something about reuniting with friends that recharges us. There is something about reminiscing the past; it feels as though it was just yesterday and not 20 years old. We recall the good times in our lives. While we look back, we can laugh at ourselves and with each other. There is no need to regret past times. Our perspective is different when we recall past memories. We realize that we don’t have to take life so seriously instead to seriously live life as we so desire with friends.

In Suffering Is Blessings

John Wooden If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”— Edgar Allen Poe

Whether or not that’s an emotional or physical suffering, we can still say that we’re blessed. To be blessed is to look for all the wonderful things that happened in one’s life while in the mist of suffering. The things that we cherish in our hearts the most are the things that are blessings to us. Suffering is only temporary and that’s a blessing to know. Nothing is permanent, and that includes suffering. Suffering is our resistance to pain. However, it is a natural propensity to withdraw our hand from a hot burning stove because getting burnt and feeling the pain is inevitable. It’s self-preservation to withdraw one’s hand. But we can start counting our blessings with our fingers. This is by far putting our hands into good use.


The Mind Will Find a Way

If you can't find a way, create one

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find ways to do it.”— Dr. David Schwartz

We are the only ones who can get ourselves to do something or to accomplish something. It takes determination to make things happen in our lives. Belief is very powerful when it is fulfilled. Belief can be about trusting our abilities to do things without the doubt. When we believe in ourselves, our minds will find ways to fulfill that idea. Once the knowledge is achieved the trust is substantiated, then our confidence increases. And that idea reinforces us to be confident in ourselves to conquer our next quest. Doubts can plague us because we can’t see beyond ourselves fulfilling our goals. In doubt we see obstacles. Instead, we can learn how to get around obstacles. When we move around obstacles, it may be in an awkward manner at first, but we will eventually find out how to go around them gracefully as we grow.


Golden Ideas

Finger face having an idea

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Good ideas are like gold. They are rare to find. Ideas tend to pop into our heads when we least expect them. An idea doesn’t come our way easily when we’re  forced to think up one. If an idea comes up by force thinking, those ideas tend to be counter-intuitive, and they seem to be wacky. But ideas that come without force are the ones that seem to stimulate our minds more into wanting to explore and to expand them. It just takes one idea to move a mountain, to alter a thought, or to change the world. Ideas stimulate our imagination. Ideas light up the mind like a Christmas tree; they’re nice to look at.

Kindness, No Matter How Small


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”— Aesop

We need kindness when we feel most embarrassed. Every ounce of kindness is used when we’re lost. A touch of kindness makes our whole day. Kindness builds self-respect. Kindness brings us together as one. Kindness balances everything.  Kindness can melt away anger when it’s appropriate. Kindness illuminates the entire room. Kindness helps us to put faith back into humanity. Kindness brings out the good in people. We can never be too kind when kindness is needed.  We may forget a name, but we will never forget a kind person. Giving away kindness is just as good as receiving kindness.



Minds Are Like Parachutes

Coming In For Landing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open.”— Thomas Dewar

If we only allow our minds to be open to new ideas, then we would have seen a lot of progress made in our lives. When we open our minds, new associations are created which in turn break up old associations. We begin the see opportunities that we’ve never seen before. Opportunities that were always there; we were just blinded by our assumptions about things. Our minds are always ready, it’s just waiting on us to start looking for those possibilities and be free to challenge our assumptions. Let us open our minds open like a parachutes so that we can see and experience the wonders of the world.


Embracing Life


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Wisdom is merely the movement from fighting life to embracing it.”— Rasheed Ogunlaru

Before we can embrace life we first must go through learning experiences for us to understand that there are things we don’t have to fight.  Embracing life is about accepting things that we have no control over. Embracing life is about learning to accept uncontrollable things. Embracing life is about learning to attend what’s meaningful in our lives rather than on the unpleasant events that we’ve experienced in our past. Embracing life is the form of accepting life. We don’t have to fight against what is the natural flow of things. Instead, we can use the natural flow of things to our advantage and opportunity to learn how things work.


Give and Live

Give us this day...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”— Winston Churchill

Living a life is about giving ourselves to the service of humanity and our environment. What we’ve learned through our past experiences and what others have taught us can be passed on to others who are willing to learn to make their lives better. Giving is a selfless act. We give not because we want to feel good but because we want to do what’s right. Giving helps us to connect with others. Giving is a blessing for the giver as well as for the receiver of the gift. Giving is nature’s ways of keeping things in balance. Just as a mother gives herself selflessly to her child as that adult child give himself selflessly his children and so on.



We Are Here To Live

The Meaning to Life
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t stop growing or learning when we accomplish something. Life is not over when we accomplish something. Our accomplishments are just the icing on the cake of our experiences. We are here to live life. Life is not necessarily about getting the grand prize at the end, but about living. Each time we accomplish our goal, we gain confidence in ourselves to continue on what make us happy in life. Our accomplishments reinforce the need to express our idea into something we can teach or at least talk about our ideas outside our minds with one another. We don’t have to lose sight on what is important in life. Learning, living and experiencing each day is all we need to express our satisfaction about life.

Better Late Than Never

Late Again

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

‘I’d rather have a life full of mistakes than a heart full of regret.’— Unknown

We have heard the old cliché “better late than never.” We can never turn back the clock and redo a regret but we can still fulfill a life time dream or be indirectly involve in something that we’ve been wanting to do. We don’t have to do grandiose things for us to experience a life well lived. And we don’t have to do a list of grandiose things before we die. Yes death is inevitable in everyone’s life. However, we can live our lives thoroughly experiencing and feeling every aspect of life. If we just slow down from our fast-pace life, only then we can allow ourselves time to experience every moment of each day.


Choices In Life


Post Written by Eugene Morgan

Sometimes our beliefs don’t allow us to see that we have choices in our lives. Choices create freedom in our lives.  Freedom gives us room to grow. We each have our own way of growing because we’re all individuals. We don’t need to follow someone else’s path. We can create our own paths so we can fulfill our purpose in life. What that purpose is, is up to us to decide and no one else’s. When we experience our purpose we then have a more meaningful life.  Having meaning is very important to us because it can make life interesting. Having an interesting life is worth living a fulfilled one that can be shared with each other.

Tap Your Potential


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Every one of us has potential that we haven’t tapped in yet. We have potential that we didn’t know we had.  It is never too late to find out about one’s self. Although we know a lot about ourselves, we can still discover more things about ourselves. Every one of us has strengths and weaknesses. Many of us have the tendency to focus on our weaknesses instead of building on our strengths. Our strength comes from our latent potentials because we took the courage to access them. We don’t have to be afraid to embrace our potentials and find our what we’re made of.

Plan Action

To Do's

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.”— Dennis Wholey

Goals aren’t just meant to be obtained, but to experience. A goal gives us some sort of direction for our actions. Goals look for specific actions to take. It requires many actions to take to obtain a goal. We ought to be patient with ourselves because it is a learning experience. It will not be easy the first time we try something new. Some actions will make us feel uncomfortable but we don’t have to give in to the difficulty. We can break up big goals into manageable small goals so we don’t feel overwhelmed.


Don’t Give Up

Symphony of Love Don't give up, failures are necessary steps to achieving what you

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The strongest people aren’t always the people who win, but the people who don’t give up when they lose.”— Ashley Hodgeson

We don’t have to always win something for us to experience achievement. Achievement is acquired through a series of losses. Losses that we can learn to get stronger each time we attempt something in our lives. Losing is not the ending of a project, but a beginning of gaining wisdom from the experience of losses.  There will be a lot of losses before we begin to see our battles won.

When Miracles Start

The miracle /:ðə,ðɪ,ðiː ˈmɪrək(ə)l:/

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”— Richard Wilkins

If we only focus more on our dreams, then we won’t have much time thinking about our fears. Self-doubt only delays progress and without the hope of starting a new project. We have a choice to use our energy to either be preoccupied with nagging doubts or to use the energy we have to make our dreams real.  We ought to acknowledge that we have trepidations about starting something new, but those anxieties shouldn’t stop us from doing something that will fulfill and satisfy our lives today. We fear things because we don’t know what’s going to happen. We want to anticipate and feel control over the outcome. We will make mistakes, mistakes that we can learn from and tweak and make adjustments.