When Feeling Stuck

I'm a young one stuck in the thoughts of an old one's head. (205)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we’re feeling stuck, it means that we haven’t made a change yet. When we’re feeling stuck, it means we haven’t done something yet. When we’re feeling stuck, it means we haven’t made up our minds yet. When we’re feeling stuck, it means we aren’t growing. When we’re feeling stuck, it means we’re doing the same things we have done before expecting a different outcome. When we’re feeling stuck, it means that we’re waiting for something to happen. When we’re feeling stuck, it means that we’re looking in the wrong direction and it also means that we haven’t taking charge of our lives.  Taking charge of our lives, feel like we have more control over our lives.  We don’t have to wait on anyone or anything to start taking charge of our lives, therefore we no longer have to feel stuck

Happiness….Conscious Choice


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.”— Mildred Barthel

The above quote is implying that we have a choice in the matter of our happiness.  We can choose to be happy.  We have the power to leave the situation that’s making us unhappy. Leaving the situation is a choice. If we don’t have choice in the event that’s causing grief, then we still have a choice to be happy. Being happy is an internal experience while expressing the experience externally. Happiness is an altered state of being. We can change our mood by experiencing something that makes us happy. We have happy memories that we can recall and re-experience the memories as though we are there in real time. The part of brain won’t know the difference but it will make a difference as we experience the sensory of happiness throughout our body.



Post Written By Eugene Morgan 

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”— Benjamin Spock

Trusting ourselves is very important to relating to others. If we don’t trust ourselves, then we will have a hard time building trust with others. The key is building trust. No one is asking to trust anybody. Trusting in another takes time and a lot of experiences together with another, but to begin to trust another starts with relating to the other person. The level of trust in ourselves are the reflection of the level of trust in another. Trusting ourselves means to rely on our own abilities while trusting another’s abilities.


See The Positive Side

Positive side

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.”— Dalai Lama

There is a positive side to every negative side. If we’re always look at the negative side of things, then we squeeze out the positive side of things.  If we want to be fair about it we should look at the negative and the positive side of things equally. As Dalai Lama infers in the quote, if we see the positive side of things, then we will see the potentials or opportunities we can take, and we would want to make the effort to bring things into realities or to change things.

Change Makes Things Move

In the clouds - EXPLORE rules changed

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Change is always inevitable when it come to personal growth. Change makes things move. Change is for the better most of the time. Change can bring clarity if we let it. Change can bring down walls as well as psychological walls. Change is seasonal like the weather. Change is painful but we’re adaptable. Change can take people apart while it can bring people together. Change does not discriminate. Change is pure and destructive. But change builds mountains so we can climb them. Change can help and bring peace to those who want to receive it.

Acceptance With Fewer Disappointments


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Learn to accept rather than expect, and you’ll have far fewer disappointments.”— Unknown

When we accept things that we can’t control, then we no longer have to struggle but to embrace them. If we waste our time preoccupied with things we can’t change, then we lose on the opportunities to focus our energies on the things that we can control. When we focus on those things, then our expectations are suitable.  The reason being, we know from our own experiences that we’re able to do certain things because we have an expectation in ourselves to do them.  Our expectations lead us to disappointment when they’re too high. Acceptance is the first step to getting some satisfaction.




White Daisy

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health.”— Proverb

When we see someone in a cheerful mood, we want to know what is it that makes him or her so cheerful? We all have experienced feeling good after being around a cheerful person. It makes us feel so good for the rest of the day. We feel more alive when we’re in a cheerful mood and that everything seems okay again. Being cheerful makes a difference in health and well-being. Yes, we’re all responsible for taking care of our health just as important to take care of our mental health.


Discovering Our Own Talents

Arts Council Edinburgh Symposium on Talent Development

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”— Sven Gran Ericksson

No one has the same talents but we have a combination of different talents. It is never too late to find out what those talents are. We don’t have to wish we were someone else when we haven’t yet discovered our own talents.  Once we discover our own talent, we can develop those talents into our personality to make it our own. Our focus is on what we can do with our talents for the world and to master the skill to contribute to society.

Day As a Separate Life

Day 376-Babe, look at me!

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Begin at once to live and count each separate day as a separate life.”— Seneca

Can we imagine if we lived and counted each day as a separate life? We could see that the day has a beginning, middle and an ending just as life. If we had a bad day, we would have an opportunity to get up the next morning to live out another day unlike someone who has a lifetime of unpleasant events. A week would be equivalent to seven lifetimes.  There would be so many experiences that would enrich our lives. Our days wouldn’t be wasted because there would be so much to do, if a day was a lifetime.

One Step and One Breath At A Time

That very first step ...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time.”— Shunryu Suzuki

If we practice this lesson in the above quote, we would go a long way in our journey in life. We can accomplish so much if we just focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to rush things along.  We would get more satisfying experiences if we just practice accomplishing our goal one step at a time. We may have not learned something as much if we kept our sights at the end of the goal. Accomplishing our goals always feels good at the end but experiencing the journey is what we will always remember and cherish for the rest of our lives.


Begin Now

“A beginning is only the start of a journey to another beginning.”

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The future is always beginning now.”— Mark Strand

Today is our future. Decisions we have made in our past led us to today. So if we’re dissatisfied with our life today, then it is time to make new decisions toward what we want and desire for our lives. The good new is that we can start making key decisions to alter our lives today.  One thing we can do today is to imagine ourselves in the future doing what we want and desire and see how that feels to us. If it’s a good feeling while watching ourselves, then we’re on the right track. Decisions has the power to change our future, therefore we should carefully look at them.


Look for the Alternative

Wind Turbine

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.”—Unknown

It is so easy to look for the negative side of things than to look for the positive side of things. One of the reasons we look for the negative side of things is because our expectation is too high. Instead, we can see things as they are and see if we can learn from them, and then, find something positive.  Or, change what we called a liability into something useful.  It is all in the mindset.  When we have used the same mindset for so long that’s not producing results then it is time to look for alternatives.


Add To Good Luck

Good luck is Hard work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”— Norman Cousins

We all have vices that distract us. We do need to accept that part of us that we want to reject about ourselves. In others words, we don’t have to allow our foibles and vices to control us. No one is perfect in this world. But ultimately, we still have choices. Yes, we will fall down on our faces sometimes, but we don’t have to stay down. Instead, we can get back up. We all have luck that’s bad and/or good in our lives. However, we don’t have to add to the bad luck. We can make the kinds of decision to add to our good luck.

Making Life Changing Decisions

Without Making Decisions

Post Written By Eugene Morgan 

Making a decision can be life changing. Making a decision can make a difference in one’s life. Not every decision can be easily made. Not every decision we make in our lifetime will lead to positive outcomes. Decisions are meant to help us move forward in life. The decisions we make will not only affect us but it will affect others that are close by and some far away. We don’t have to make a decision right of way. However, some things do require a quick decision. Decision-making forces us to think about what are we going to do next. That’s why we delay in making an informed decision because action follows after it is made. We will never be ready to act unless we decide to.

Finding Our Own Voice


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We shouldn’t ever give up in finding who we are in the world. Since everyone has unique characteristics, everyday we have an opportunity to discover how those traits play out in the world. We each have a unique way of seeing the world, therefore, we have our own voice and we don’t have to imitate another. It is all right to have our personality expresses itself to the world. That’s what most people will remember. Our personality can influence one another on a daily basis.





Make A Difference

Quotes - You Make A Difference

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”— William James

Believe it or not our actions do make a difference in either someone’s life or a cause. Sometimes we don’t see the repel effects because it takes time to spread, but it does.  Any actions we think are small maybe life changing for someone else.  We don’t want to take life for granted when it comes to making a difference. It only starts with one person’s actions to make a difference for many people’s lives.  We hope in our own actions that we are good models for someone who’s watching.



A Day For A Life


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.”— Unknown

When we look at the above quotes that way, we begin to see how important it is to prioritize our lives. What we value the most is what we should spend our lives doing because we exchange a day of our lives for it.  Every moment counts because we are spending our lives living in it. As we pause and reflect on our lives at this moment, we see that it’s okay to clear up what’s weighing on our minds. Those things that are weighing on our minds vanish when we stop for a moment to reflect on what is important

The Joy In Looking

winter sunset

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”— Albert Einstein

If we want to learn sometime outside ourselves, observe things around us. Sometimes, for us to understand ourselves, we have to look beyond ourselves. The world teaches us things about others and about ourselves and that’s a beautiful gift. We are here to learn and to experience life as we live it and to explore our curiosity about things, things that can enrich our lives and to share with one another. Things we share bring us together and that’s what counts is each other.


Building Confidence

Rainy Day Inspiration :: You Must Believe In Yourself!

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is through confidence we do our best work. We begin to realize that we can do what we doubted earlier in the process.  Each time we attempt on something, we improve on it each time. Persistence begets improvement while improvement leads to excelling in our work.  The more our confidence grows the more we have self-reliance and the wisdom to know to let go of the things we can’t do. But we can lend those things to someone else who has that special talent.

When Criticism Hurts


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one likes to feel or even be exposed when it comes to the work we do. No one likes his or her work to be criticized by another person. Criticism hurts. But criticism can help us understand what we can improve on. If we can use the criticism to our advantage, then the sting of criticism will quickly dissipate. Criticism is another form of blame, however we can use it as gift.  A gift is information that we may have never received. It is another opportunity for self-improvement and growth in our lives.