Unexpectedly Surprised

Enlightening Sign

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens.”—

If we do something unexpectedly, then different results may happen.  The possibility of getting different results is greater when we do something unexpectedly. However, if we do something that’s not beyond what we’re already been doing, then we will expect the same result. We’re unexpectedly surprised when something happens that grabs our attention. It’s really about taking a risk by moving beyond our comfort zone. It’s all right to experience discomfort. The discomfort is only temporary until we begin to feel some comfort and self-confidence.



Let Out Joy, After Sadness


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keep out the joy.”—Jim Rohn

Sadness comes from the same place as joy. We build walls around ourselves because we don’t want to get hurt again. We sometimes forget that we don’t have to ignore our feelings, but to express them or use the energy from them to do something constructive.  We’re robbing ourselves when we keep joy trapped in the walls we have created. We need to break down those walls and let out sadness or any other negative emotions out and let us express the positive emotion like joy.


Enjoying Life

~Make your choices, focus and enjoy life! ~
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“No man is a failure who is enjoying life.”—

We can still enjoy life because when we fail, we can get right back up. When we get back up, we can see that our life continues and we have another opportunity to try again.  Failing is only temporary. We can choose to enjoy life because life is not about whether or not we fail. Failure doesn’t stifle our enjoyment of life. Failure is just a part of the process of growth.  We will always experience failure just as we will experience success as life continues.


Care and Diligence Bring Luck


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Care and diligence bring luck.”—Proverb

Milton Erickson once said that we each have bad luck and good luck. He also said that we don’t have to add to our bad luck, instead we can add to our good luck.  In other words, let us work with what we already have and build on it. We don’t have to look at what we lack because that’s not going to do us any good. And if we continue to work towards meeting our goals in life, then we’re getting luckier at each step we make in terms of success.

On Respecting Yourself

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to respect others, we must first respect ourselves. Respecting ourselves means to do things we know is right and healthy. If we’re continuously placing ourselves in difficult situations and we know we have a choice to get out of them, then we’re disrespecting ourselves. If we ignore the same emotions that keep creeping up and we are not dealing with them, then we’re disrespecting ourselves. If we knowingly give our power away and aren’t using what abilities we have, then we’re disrespecting ourselves. If we aren’t being honest with ourselves, then we’re disrespecting ourselves.


Possibility For Opportunities

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we see that there is no possibility for opportunities, then this means that we haven’t been looking for them or our view is so narrowed that we can’t see them. For us to at least to see the possibility for opportunities, we need to change our mindset or our frames of reference. Why is it so important to change our old mindset? The question implies that our old mindset is not helping us but keeping a fuzzy view on things. Our old mindset is keeping us from seeing clearly what is possible for us. When we see that there are opportunities for growth, we should take it and run with it.

A Laser-Like Focus

Laser and Light Painting

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“‎The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”—  Bruce Lee

When we are focused on a task in front of us, we can’t go wrong because we know we are doing our best. When we are focused with the task, we become as one with it—and it is as though we are in a trance state that everything around us means nothing but what we are doing at the moment.  At that moment we feel as though time has stopped until we look up at the clock and see that time has past.

Create Change

Joyce Meyer Our thoughts create the mold for our actions
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you don’t create change, change will create you.”— unknown

When change creates us, we don’t have to complain that we have no control over our lives. But instead we ought to invite some of those changes when they are not made by us that are useful.  Most changes are an opportunity for self-improvement. If the external changes are leading to where we don’t want to go, then it is time to create changes for ourselves. But if the external changes are leading to where we want to go, then we should go along with it. When we create the changes in our lives, we are taking control of our lives.


Smile Because It Happened

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss

It is great that we can do things that please us especially when we want them to last. When we look back we can smile at them because it happened. We know it is a good story when we don’t want it to end.  It is hard to end a good story but we can always watch or read it again.  We don’t want things to end because we don’t want the experience to end.  We can always reminisce with others who shared in the same experience.



Unless You Do

maya angelou quote

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Nothing will work unless you do.”— Maya Angelou

When we do something, our chances are greater in making something happen. Unless we do, progress is impossible. Unless we do, there is no possibility for growth. We ultimately have to do something, but to have our bodies to do something; we start the process in our heads. We have to start with a frame of reference that will compel us to do something.  To find a frame of reference, we would have to look into our past and find out what motivated us to do something? For example, most of us are compel to work for money. While some of us are compelled to do something because we have purpose or a mission.

In A Meaningful Way

The curve in the middle of the path .... its gone what do you think? {OVEr 7,400 Views ta}

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Meaning is not what you start with but what you end up with.”—

Meaning is the result of everything we have experienced. Meaning is created when we go through experiences that impact our lives the most. We remember events in our lives that altered our lives in a meaningful. We are never the same after an event that alters our lives and changes us for the rest of our lives.  When 5, 10, 20 or even 30 years have passed from an event, we remember the event as though it just happened yesterday.  It becomes more meaningful as time passes and when we look back on these events we tend to revisit the feelings, the images, the smells, sensations, etc. We’re reliving what took place a long time ago in a meaningful way.


No More Worries

Strategy - It's game of life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” — 

Worrying is looking for something to project our fears to. Worrying preoccupies our mind, which keep us from taking action.  Worrying is making small things bigger than what they really are. It is important to repair small things that we can handle and cope with now, then to wait later when things could get worse over time. Worrying is wasted time and energy that could be used as a part of a solution. Therefore worrying is thinking without a strategic plan. We can use our minds to think up a plan, set a goal, and execute the plan until our goal is reached.


Memorial Day: Thank You

Post Written By Eugene  Morgan

It is time to close our eyes and bow our heads to think and reflect back on our fallen soldiers.  We should never forget them because they have sacrificed their lives so that we can continue to live in freedom.  We also ought not forget about the fallen soldiers’ families and those we continue to support them as well when in need and to thank them for the services that their sons and daughters have done for us.



Light A Lamp

The new on the old, a modern steel lamp, wood table,  empty room off the garden, $2,900.00 per month house, San Mateo, California, USA

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path.”—Buddha

We help ourselves when we help others in need. It is better to give back than to receive.  But to be most effective in assisting others in need, we first have to make sure that our needs are being met. We also need ourselves renewed and with a supply reserves before we can give to others. Time is well spent when we show compassion for others through our sacrifice. Compassion is good for those who are giving it and good for those who are receiving it.  Compassion is like turning on a lamp to brighten up a room.




True Belongings

Try to maintain perfectly pure thoughts in all circumstances, so that even the most insignificant of your acts will preserve their positive energy until you attain enlightenment. A drop of water that falls into the ocean will last as long as the ocean ...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Your actions are your only true belongings.”—

We can’t take all our belongings with us, but we can take our actions everywhere. The question we need to ask ourselves, is when it is proper to act? It really depends on what action we take in a given situation.  We take actions everyday. The idlest person is going to take an action. A simple body movement is an action. We take action because we want to effect change or move objects. Inside our toolbox of change there are different types of action.  When we take action, we have the expectation that we will produce an outcome.  It is our hope that the results or the outcomes are satisfactory.


Joy and Potential


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Joy comes from using your potential.”— 

We all have potential ready for use. When we begin to use our potential, our confidence increases. We begin to realize that we can trust and rely on ourselves. Doubting our potentials ceases when we use them. Potentials are the accumulations of our experiences. So we will always have potential as long as we live. Having potential is our chance to find out what we’re made of; it is a self-discovery of what we’re about. It is learning about who we are and that’s where we get our joy!


The Good Life

Deck and View

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.”— 

Life is about a process. A process is small and with gradual changes along the way of our lives’ journey. Changes are always inevitable in every area of our lives so we might as well accept them. When we begin to accept the process of changes in our everyday lives, then we can manage better our reactions toward them and cope better as they affect our lives. Changes will always be continuous there is no end in sight when it comes to them so we might as well stop looking for a destination or a completion or an end to change.

You Alone Are Enough

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anyone.”—

Sometimes we get caught up in trying to prove our self-worth to our families and friends when we don’t have to.  We don’t have to prove our self-worth to our families and friends because they already accept us for who we are. It is nice to get their support when we need it and support them as well in their endeavors.  All we can do is strive to be our best self.  It takes little energy to be ourselves than to be someone else. If we only be ourselves, then we don’t have to compare ourselves with another. We’re unique people with unique upbringings.





How Does Your Story Ends

52 Photos-Week 52- Endings

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.”— Christine Mason Miller

If we see that our lives are going to be the same, then we must believe that we do have the power to change. It is never too late to change. Our perspective needs to change first before we can start thinking about changing the course of our lives. We each have a story. There is a beginning, middle and an ending to a story. Sometimes things start out not so good at the beginning but we can turn it around if we want to. We can end our story anyway we want, if we’re willing. So we don’t have to give up on ourselves, when we think it’s too late.



Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”— 

No amount of money can buy us time. The time we have now is all we have. Whatever we do with our time is all up to us. We spend time on what is most valuable to us. If we spend a lot of time with our families, then that’s valuable time to us. If we spend our time on reading a book, then that’s valuable time to us. If we spend our time with our friends, then that’s valuable time to us as well. There is no such thing as putting away time, like we would money in a bank. If we need something done out of our busy schedule, then we have to clear off our desk to make time.