All The Wonders

Green Grass

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“All the wonders you seek are within yourself.”— Sir Thomas Browne

It is how we perceive and discover new things through our experiences that make us excited about life. It is through our senses that we get the information from external events, but it is through our criteria or our filters that we perceive things in our own unique way. Our self-discovery is learning how to expand our view so we can see what we have been missing over the years.  Those experiences are collected by our unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind releases these learnings through our dreams as a reminder to ourselves that we have the resources from within to do great things.




Past Mistakes

Caught up in the shadows of the past

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.”— 

It is easier to see what mistakes we have made than to see what good things we have made. Just as the quotes states that we don’t have to be define by our mistakes but to learn from them.  We’re imperfect, therefore mistakes are inevitable. Decisions were made based on the understanding we had at that time. Mistakes are learning tools and guide posts we use to improve on what we’re trying to accomplish. As time passes, fewer mistakes will be made because we’ve learned to correct our mistakes and move on to the next level.


Trust Thyself


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”— 

Trust ourselves because we know what we want. Trust ourselves because we know our story. Trust ourselves because we have unique experiences. Trust ourselves because ultimately we have to make our own decisions. Trust ourselves because we uniquely have our own journey. Trust ourselves because we know we can believe in ourselves. Trust ourselves because we know for certain that we can rely own ourselves. Trust ourselves because we can know what’s inside us. Trust ourselves because we have inner strength. Trust ourselves because we love what we’re doing.


To Get Something

Moon Drip
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.”— 

Sometimes we’ve got to work more than we’ve ever done. Sometimes we’ve got to take risks that will make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we have to venture out our territory. Sometimes we’ve got to learn new things that will challenge us. Sometimes we’ve got to allow other to help us. Sometimes we’ve got to listen before we speak. Sometime we’ve got to speak up, when we’re not used to it. Sometimes we’ve got to be firm, when it feels counter intuitive.



The Future is Now

Robin Sharma Dream big. Start small. Act now
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The future is always beginning now.”— 

The quote is a powerful because we don’t have to wait until tomorrow to do something, instead we can start working on it now.  Mark reframed it beautifully that the future is the beginning of now. If we say we will start tomorrow, we’re just delaying. Tomorrow is just an idea— it is not real. Today is real, now. Tomorrow could mean a week from today or even a year from today. If a year passes without us doing what we set out to do, then we have lost all those days we could have used to make our dream real. Lets us take advantage of today, now.





You Will Find A Way, Or Not

Nature - the Gentlest Mother

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”— 

The most of what is important to us is where we spend most of our time on. The least of what is important to us is where we spend least of our time on. There are some things we won’t find satisfying, but are necessary to get done.  Perhaps, we won’t enjoy doing the necessary part of the work, however, we will feel some level of satisfaction when we do get the work done.  It is important to test to see if what we dislike is from an idea we made up or if what we dislike is based on a real experience.

Wisdom, Skill and Virtue

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.”— 

In the above quotes represent three different ideas— wisdom, skill and virtue.  The most resistance of the three would be virtue. For wisdom regarding knowing what to do next is about making decisions and developing a plan. And to execute that plan we must develop a skill and then after we developed a skill we then can use the skill to complete things. Virtue is more about what is important to us. Is it important to us to be willing to press on until we get things done? We can’t be without all three because we need all three to succeed.


The Colors of Our Experiences

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold.”—

In other words,  enjoy in the experience as we’re getting where we want to go. Experiencing the process has its own reward. While we’re experiencing, we’re constantly learning things.  Although, we want to meet our goals and/or complete things because it is most rewarding, the journey and process is what we’re going to remember the most not necessarily the end of the process.  We will always refer back to the colors of our experiences before we experience a feeling of completion.


What Do We Have To Lose

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Down by the Sea (Lost and Found)

“Stop worrying about what you have to lose and start focusing on what you have to gain.”— 

Part of the reason we resist is that we worry about what we have to lose. But if we focus on what we can gain, then it would be motivating to do something. There will still be some resistance. However, some resistance is good for us to help us to smooth out the edges.  The irony is that nothing is gain if we worry about what we have to lose if we do this or that in our lives. We just have to take a risk. Nothing is riskier than doing anything at all.



Kindness Has No Faults

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.  ~ AESOP

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others.”— Buddha

When we see the kindness of others, we feel the need to return kindness to another. We feel the need to be kind towards another because we know what effect it has on us when someone is kind toward us.  Kindness brings out the best in people. Kindness can take away hostility from another. Kindness doesn’t hurt another but makes a difficult situation manageable.  Kindness is looking beyond the faults of others. Milton Erickson once said to not give up on our faults but to keep them to understand another. Expressing kindness towards another gets easier when we understand and accept our faults and the faults of others.




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The Pressure I’ve Put On Myself

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.” — 

Either we’re working for someone else, or for ourselves, we still put pressure on ourselves. We decide how much we want to be pushed or to push ourselves to work.  If it is our decision to put pressure on ourselves, then we can decide to ease off a little. We don’t have put such a burden on ourselves for us to be like a superhuman to do everything. The pressure of stress cannot support a healthy mind and body.  Although, no one is without pressure, a little pressure is helpful to move us along and to complete our work.



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Welcome Change

Springing Buds

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You must welcome change as the rule but not your ruler.”—

Change requires energy. If we are constantly changing, we won’t be able to keep up. We will experience disorientation. We won’t know where to start and where to end.  We shouldn’t change for change’s sake. We should have a good reason and a purpose to change. When we make a change in our lives, it is a serious decision to make, because the change we make in our lives will effect not only ourselves, but also others around us. Change is made for the purpose of making things better in the long run.




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Peace Of Mind

Peace of Mind

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Peace of mind is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it.”— Unknown

This is a powerful statement from someone who is unknown.  We can have a peace of mind in the mist of life’s conflicts. It’s about learning how to cope with daily conflicts. There are internal conflicts and external conflicts we have to deal with on a daily basis. Half the battle is to understand that external conflicts are unmet needs we’re trying to fulfill at the same time.

For examples, if nature calls two people at the same time needing to go when there is only one bathroom in the house, then there is a conflict. However to easily be solved, they would have to take turns.  It may be an inconvenience for the one who is waiting. Nonetheless, the one who is waiting is coping. Besides, the other one who is in the bathroom may feel rushed to do his business. There are countless examples where we have to give and take, we have to take turns, we have to wait in line until we’re next. This is how it works and this is how we cope peacefully.

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Learn, Live and Hope

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”—

Our yesterdays are our experiential learnings. Our experiential learnings are the result of how we live our lives today. And today we live in the moment in the hope to live another day tomorrow in the moment.  So Albert Einstein is saying if we’re going to look back in our past, then learn from our past. If we’re going to live, then live for today instead of worrying about the future.  Hoping for tomorrow is to expect what new things we’re going to discover about the world and ourselves.


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Courage to Grow

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”—

It takes courage to become what we really are because we don’t know clearly our path. It is unknown territory for us when it comes to growing up into our real selves. Each one of us has our own unique path to follow. We just have to realize that it is easier to become who we are than to try to be who we are not; and, it takes less energy. It will take courage to grow into something unknown that’s uniquely ours.

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Ready Enough Already!

Ready to fly (I)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No matter how much we prepare for something, we will never be ready enough before we make the first step.  Preparation can eliminate some anxiety, but we need some stress just to push us enough to get through the process.  We have to perform in front of the world to see so other may take notice. Hiding isn’t going to help us if we want to grow. We all have trepidations about what we can do and we want to do things well all of the time. We want to do things well because we still want to please others. But it’s all right to please ourselves too. We can enjoy ourselves just as much as the next person.

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Learning to Let Go

Sage Advice

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.”—

How come we hold on to the things that cause us unnecessary grief?  As long as we continue to hold on to the things that causes us unnecessary grief, we are giving those things power. If we let go, then those things we let go, no longer have the power over us. The fewer things have power over us, the less influence of those things can control us. We do want control over our lives and experience less stress in our lives. What does it mean to let go— is a good question to ask ourselves? Letting things go can be defined as accepting the reality as is, then, to deal with it and move on.



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Doubting Your Power

Rocking Chair

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.”—

When we doubt our power, we’re open to be taken advantage of. We are less informed, when we doubt our power. An education is in order of our rights as a citizen.  The more uninformed we are, the more power we give to our doubts. Doubts are like trying to follow a path with a veil over our eyes.  It takes power to maintain doubts. Doubting is mental exercises that paralysis the body. Doubting is a preoccupation of mind that delays progress.  But if we take courage and lift the veil from our eyes then we can see that we have the  power to make our own path in life.


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Regrets and/or Dreams

Day 155/365 ~ If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“A man is not old until regrets take the place of his dreams.” —

When we’re dreaming, we’re fulfilling a need, a wish fulfillment until we make the dream into fruition. The truth is that not all our dreams will be fulfilled. Dreams create hope in us to see the possibility that we could make them real. A dream allows us to live out our lives without interruptions. Regrets, on the other hand, are only things we’ve wished we had done in our lives. It is all right to have fewer regrets.  We all have done some marvelous things and those things we can share with one another, including our dreams.

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Numerous Possibilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.”—

If we don’t see any possibilities in our lives, then we have fewer choices to act.  It’s all right to allow our mind to open up to new possibilities. There will always be some anxieties when we have only limited options to choice from. As our mind opens up for new possibilities, we will begin to see that we have more choices and with more choices we have less anxiety in our lives.   When we have more choices, then we have an opportunity for more action.  It really is about changing our mindset. When we begin to change our mindset with a new mindset, we are letting go the old mindset.


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