Respecting Another

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
―Eleanor Roosevelt

We can feel inferior, but in truth we’re not inferior to another person. We have the same rights as anyone else. We breathe the same air, we share the same sun, moon and earth. We are all going to die someday and we all feel as human beings. And we don’t have to be superior to another person because we feel inferior. Instead, we can be respectful to one another because we want to be treated as fairly as the next person.  When we’re depleted of self-respect, our hostility increases, our anxiety increases and our stress-level increases.  However, when we find a nice balance between self-respect and respecting others, then there is no hostility, no anxiety but self-confidence.

10,000 Ways

Banyan tree of Thomas Edison
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. Edison

What patience that Thomas Edison had when he found out what worked and what didn’t work.  Thomas Edison had an attitude that finding out what didn’t work was just as good as finding out what did. We won’t know if we don’t try and see what works and what doesn’t. This takes a lot a time and energy. But our patience is required during this process of trial and error. When one thing won’t work, we are forced to think up the next best thing that has the possibility to work. When that won’t work, we then find out why this approach is not as effective as getting the results we want.  The information we got from the previous attempts may help us carefully construct another approach that may get us closer to our goal. Thomas Edison’s 9,999th attempt was much closer to his goal than his first attempt. 



On Being Front And Center

The Center of the Universe

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.” ~Author Unknown

We can dream about it everyday, but if we don’t do the work, it’s just a dream nothing more nothing less.  It is better to be front and center of a project than to sit on a sideline contemplating when to start. Contemplating can be agonizing because of the turmoil and the inner conflicts it creates. Once we decide to commit to the work, then we begin to narrow our focus and concentrate without distraction. Working hard is about making an earnest effort by moving through pain, stress, tiredness, sweat, etc.

Antidote For Despair Is Action

always in action
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Action is the antidote to despair.  ~Joan Baez

If we want to keep despair with us, then we do nothing about the situation. If we don’t want to keep despair with us, then we must act with a plan in mind. Action feeds our hope, while sitting idle feeds our disparity.  If we act, then we have a greater possibility to change our situation. When we develop a strategy, our focus will be more on what action to take next to lead to a satisfying outcome.  Despair can be debilitating because it takes away our hopes and dreams. Our hopes and dreams can brighten our attitude. A positive attitude goes a long way in restoring back our faith in ourselves.


Discovering Thyself

More Sun Rays
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is important that we know thyself. For us to understand another, it is helpful to learn about the self. Although we are unique individuals, we still have to go through similar experiences.  We still can relate with one another with the human experience, therefore, we are not alone. We all have experienced grief, anger, anxiety, sadness, joy, happiness, and contentment. We all have been affected by someone’s death. We also have experienced a baby smiling back at us. We all have experienced cold air blowing against us. We also felt the warm rays of the sun on our face. Through those experiences we can find out more about ourselves if we begin to observe our thinking, our feelings and our behaviors.


Rest here
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is okay to rest. It is okay to give ourselves some down time. We need to renew ourselves so we can be at our best. We need to respect our body. When our body is telling us that we need to rest, then we should rest. When our body is telling us that we are thirsty, then we should get a drink of water.  If trivial things easily anger us, then we need to rest. If we’re having difficulty sleeping, then we need to quiet our minds. Peaceful thoughts help the body to recover quickly. Just allowing ourselves some time to just relax and sit still while we center ourselves.


Making A List

To Do List
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we make a list, it helps us to be more specific on what we should do next. To complete a task we need to complete a list of things before the task can be completed. By visualizing each item on paper, makes it more concrete and real to what we want to do. A list is the beginning of making things real and less imagined.  We don’t have to keep to-do lists swirling inside our head. If we keep them in our head, it can be difficult to nail them down. It is harder to get distracted when we see the list of things we got to do. The list is helpful because it gives us a clear path and direction.


January’s Weather

2014 January Snow Storm

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

January is moving along so quickly. Most of us have weathered the snow icy storms. If we can get through record-breaking below zero temperatures, then we can go through more than we think we can. We just need to open our eyes and allow ourselves to see proof from our past that we can get through many obstacles. We don’t have to be complacent about our live, instead we can find good in the bad, look for light in the darkness, seek peace in the chaos and see beauty in the ugliness.


Conceive, Believe, And Achieve

doomsday rehearsal

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Our mind is one of the most powerful machines we have. We can imagine anything we desire without a second thought. We can plan everything in our head without moving a finger. We can imagine ourselves doing something in our head without actually doing it.  We can think of something that can make us happy and something that can make us unhappy. We have the ability to solve a problem while sleeping.  Everything that we have achieved was first conceived by our mind consciously and unconsciously. We’re not always aware that our mind is constantly receiving messages through our senses.


The Barrier In Our Mind

Stop Barrier Ahead

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Our minds can be our barrier that’s stopping us from moving ahead. In order words, if it is our thinking that’s keeping us from doing what we desire, then it is time to change it. But first we need to name those barriers by bringing them to the forefront of our mind. Once we find out the barriers, we can then realize that they’re really assumptions and generalizations that we’ve made about ourselves. These assumptions were made and then moved to the back of our mind because they were unchallenged.  Once our assumptions become conscious and easily identified, then we have the power to challenge them for change.

Toughen Up

By Raul Salinas

Toughening up doesn’t necessarily means getting stronger physically. Toughening up can mean to concentrate, to focus, and to really think about what other ways we can do to get through a difficult situation. So toughening up can also mean utilizing what we already have and/or somehow the situation. We can always turn a difficult situation into positive one. We can change the context of the situation into another context that can be helpful in resolving the problem. It is how we see unpleasant events, instead of reacting to them, that’s important. It is important because we can change how we see an event and that’s powerful.


Some Will Do

"The first and the best victory is to conquer self." - Plato

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We need to force ourselves to do, when we begin to hesitate.  We need to force ourselves to do, when we feel resistance to doing a task. We need to force ourselves to do, when we don’t feel like doing it. We all know and have experienced when nothing gets done; we get nothing in the end. This is about conquering ourselves so we can be freer to do. We can be free from self-doubt that is heavy on our thoughts. Those doubting thoughts can be stopping us from doing the work we wish.  The feeling of satisfaction usually comes after we start something not always before.


It Is All Right To Be

Day 96/365 ~ If You're Lucky Enough to be Different, then Don't Ever Change
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is all right to step back before we can move forward. It is all right to just wait and see when we feel powerless to help in someone’s recovery.  It is all right to start slowly as long as we’re actually doing something. It is all right to feel vulnerable when we put out our best work. It is all right to not know everything before starting a project. It is all right to feel anger when things don’t go the way we think they should. It is all right to be misunderstood. It is all right when we don’t get it yet.  It is all right to be.

Be A Beginner

Beginners Daily Challenge: Flower
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but n the expert’s there are few.” – Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

It is good to add something new into our routine, because it adds more possibilities. When we see possibilities, we see that we have more opportunity to make more choices. When we do the same thing every day without no variation, then things seems dull. Our brains need constant stimulation for us to evaporate the boredom.  We’re curious by nature, we’re constantly receiving input of information everyday, we might as well be more mindful and observant of them.



A New Beginning, 2014

Times Square New Years Eve Ball

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is the start of a new beginning. Today we celebrate this New Year, 2014! Yesterday was the past. Now it is time to build on what we’ve learned from our past. Today is where we start now. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow we can start today planning what we want to do and what goals we want to carry out. We’re at the beginning of a new journey. Hopefully, we’re refreshed, renewed with energy and with a clear head to embark on this path. We will never be totally ready but we can prepare ourselves to do our best. We’ve just got to take the big step, which is the first, in moving forward. We don’t have to analyze everything but just go!


The Last Day Of 2013


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is the last day of the year, 2013.  This is the end. We are about to start a new beginning. These are exciting times with new opportunities to expand our horizon. We have been given the opportunity to do great work. We’ve got the potential; we just have to believe in ourselves. And to know that it takes hard work and commitment to fulfill our dream.

The Parts Of Us

Martian Greenery
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When a part of us wants to change and another part of us don’t, then both parts have to compromise. We need to ask ourselves why does one part of us wants to change while the other doesn’t.  The first part of us feels unchallenged, bored, unsatisfied and without purpose. The second part of us feels comfortable, content, more in control when things seem predictable. Sometimes, both parts interfere with the other one’s progress.

So when we think about wanting to make a change in our lives and  then out of nowhere we begin feeling some anxiety or apprehension, then it is our clue that we need to listen to that part of us that’s causing the anxiety, and to assure that part of us that we’re considering a change to improve our situation in the long run. If we begin to feel the decreasing of anxiety, then the apprehensive part of us has agreed to comprise.


Actions Affect Future

Anything that you throw comes back. All your actions are echoes
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What actions we take now can affect us in our future. Our actions are based on what decisions we make. Our decisions dictate our actions. Even indecision is a decision that can and will affect our future. Therefore, if we look around us, we will see evidence that everything we own, where we work, what mate we picked and the list goes on, are the results of the decisions we’ve made in our past. So if we like where we are in our live, then we will continue doing what we’re doing. If we are no longer satisfied and we want a change, then it is time to start making decisions followed by action.


Continue Doing What Works

2014 Calendar
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

After reflecting on what we have done this year, it is time to start thinking about what we want to accomplish next year. It is time for us to continue doing what worked on in 2013 into 2014. To do new goals, we’ve got to find out what skills we already have first and use them before we worry about learning a new skill to carry out our goals.  We have a greater chance of achieving our goals with self-discipline and consistency in the work we do.  We definitely need self-discipline when it requires working on our goals each day. It is also important that we find satisfaction and purpose in the work we do.


Do It Well

sun rise

Post Written by Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we need to get out-of-the-way and let things happen. We need to trust those who can do things better than we can and focus on what we can do, and do it well. We can also encourage other to believe in what they can do, and to do it well.  We take pride in how well we do things. That pride motivates us to continue doing what we can do well. We feel a sense of satisfaction when know that others appreciate our work. As long as we do things consistently well, others will rely more on us to help them, as we become experts.