Accepting Our Abilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought to accept what we already have instead of always looking for a way to acquire new abilities. Once we accept our own abilities, then we can build on them. It is a lot easier to build on what we already have then to build on something we don’t have.  We ought to be thankful for what we can do and not be envious of other’s abilities that we don’t have. We all play a part in the world.  We all have different abilities. We are all unique individuals with unique abilities that contribute to society.

Moving Forward With Understanding

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to move forward, we need some understanding about things. When we lack understanding, we find it difficult to move from A to B. Getting understanding is about getting reeducated about things. Understanding helps us to become more aware of things in our life. Instead of only looking at things always the same way, we need to also find another way of looking at things that can bring positive results. We don’t have to find something negative in a situation, but find something positive that would help us be hopeful.


When Progress Is Made

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We should not allow distractions to disrupt our progress.  All the more reason, we ought to work even harder when we do get distractions. Sometimes, there are times we feel like giving up, but feelings come and they go. If distractions are affecting our progress, then we must deal with them on a later time. There is a time to focus on the work and there is a time to deal with the distractions. One shouldn’t interfere with the other. We ought to give them both equally amount of time.  Distractions are not enough reason to stop making progress in our lives. Distractions are temporary while goals are a long-term.


Stop Crawling

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life? ~ Rumi

We have the capacity do a lot of things we don’t know about. For us to find out what our capacities are, we need to embark on a journey. Journey is for self-discovery. We have a lifetime to find out who we are as an individual as we journey through life.  We needn’t be afraid to grow more into ourselves. We’re most effective if we were ourselves and be more transparent with others. The more we’re transparent, the more others will be with us. That’s how friendship is developed. When we have support of friendship, we stop crawling and begin to walk then we eventually fly with ease.


When An Idea Is Fully Ripe

Lone Light Bulb
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes, we wish an idea could come to our minds quickly, but that’s not the case. We have to wait for an idea to fully ripe in the background of our minds before it is released to the foreground of our minds. When an idea is released to the foreground of our minds we should take notice. If we don’t take notice, then the idea will vaporize into nothingness. An idea has a short life span.  If we look for ideas, then they will make themselves available. Ideas will only grow if we take hold of them and nourish them into something that alter or expand our minds.

Reward, Self

19.Strappetto al culmine di Montearenas

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we meet our goal, we should always reward ourselves in some way. We deserve a pat on the back when it is warranted. Yes, we will get some sort of satisfaction when the goal is completed, however, we also need to encourage one another. Encouragement motivates us to do more, because what we’re doing is appreciated by others. We feel good inside when someone appreciates our work. We need not forget about others and not take them for granted for the work they have done that affected our lives.




Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re nearing the end of 2013. It is time for reflection on what we’ve done these almost past 12 months. Did we meet our goals this year? Did we learn something about ourselves that we didn’t know before? Are we satisfied for what we have accomplished this year? Do we want to continue doing the same things next year as we’ve done this year? What were the reoccurring themes in our lives that we haven’t dealt with? What were the obstacles that we overcame when we didn’t think we could get through?  What can we learn from all of the experiences we had so far this year?

“You Got To Dream…”

Golden Spike on the Moon
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You got to dream about things that a lot of people think you can’t do.” ~ astronaut Gene Cernan

Others have taught us to believe that we can’t do certain things. Instead, we need to let our children dream big. Dreaming is about letting our imagination run wild without limits. Dreaming allows us to express ourselves in different ways that we don’t normally do in real time. Not everything we dream will come true. And we don’t want everything we dream to come true. But, those who think we can’t do things have stop dreaming. We should never stop dreaming. Dreaming is our time to feel free to experience, because dreaming about something is an experience. Dreaming is an adjunct to thinking in different ways to make things real.



Take It To Heart

Heart in Leaf 021
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” ― Confucius

Our hearts is what will motivate us to what path we decide to take. If we can’t decide on what path we should take, we ought to ask our heart. Usually, we forget that our heart can help us narrow down what it is we want to do with our lives. If we are on the fence about what actions to take, we can ask our heart. Our heart won’t mislead us. If we are genuine, then our heart is also. It is all right to look in our heart for guidance.  If our heart is in the right place, then we can do great work.




Don’t Let Doubting Ideas Get In Your Way

Creative Sunglasses and Sky

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we allow limited ideas to get in our way. It is easy to have a perfect vision of ourselves doing something we would like to do, but we forget that for us to get close to that image in our minds, we need to start working on it now, because it takes time and work for us to get there.  If we want it, then we must obtain it by great labor. Great labor means that we have to make certain sacrifices. For example, some sacrifices maybe staying up late to study or getting up at 5:00am to exercise for a marathon. When we begin to think of the amount of work we have to do to match the image in our minds, we begin to doubt that it can’t be done. Doubt sets in way before we start. Instead, we can test the doubting ideas by actually starting the process. We will notice that yes it is difficult, however, we don’t mind doing it, because we begin to come to a realization that we are making it happen. We are moving forward and toward our goals.

New Behaviors And New Thinking

Catch Light
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to change a behavior we have to replace it with another behavior. We developed behaviors to meet a certain need, but when that need is met we no longer need the behavior. The behavior is obsolete. It is difficult to let go of the behavior because it is so ingrained in our psyche. The behavior becomes a part of our personality. It is time to replace the behavior with a new one when the behavior becomes a problem instead of a solution. This is done gradually and slowly with a lot of patience. The old behaviors usually are attached to an old pattern of thinking. Replacing an old behavior with a new one will break up the old pattern of thinking into something fresh and new.



Dignity and tranquility last forever
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Dignity is about how we see our own worthiness. No matter how we fall, we can get up with dignity. Dignity is having self-worth. Self-worth is about believing in self. Dignity is about being in equal footing with another. Dignity is about treating ourselves with respect while treating others with respect.  Dignity is not about what we can get out of something but how can we contribute or how can we serve others. Dignity says that we are just as important as the next person. Dignity is having self-esteem. We can see things in ourselves that are good as well as in others.


Take On A Piece At A Time

Nelson Mandela
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“It always seems impossible until its done.” ~ Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013)

When we look at something what seem to be impossible to do because we’re looking at it through a skew view. We haven’t given ourselves a chance to investigate what is possible in the situation. Things seem impossible to do because we haven’t yet started.  Things seem impossible to do because we’re too far away; we need to move closer. Things seem impossible to do because we’re too close; we need to move farther.  For us to get big things done, we need to break them into smaller and more manageable pieces to take on a piece at a time.


Laughter Is One Way

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.” ~Epictetus

It is all right to not take things so seriously all the time. It is all right to laugh at ourselves. When we laugh at our foibles, we are more accepting, we like ourselves, and we have freed ourselves from ourselves. Freedom is the recognition that we can allow ourselves to be and feel like ourselves, in order words, we can feel comfortable in our own skin.  We all have experienced uncertainties, vulnerabilities, and exposure. These things make us uneasy. However, it is good to experience these things in our lives so we know what we’re about. It is about how we deal with uncertainties, vulnerabilities and exposure that’s important. And laughter is one way of dealing.


Our Life Is Like A Canvas

Still Life in Purple
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Our life is like a canvas. We can live as freely as we wish. If we want to draw a sun and then paint it green, we can. If we want to draw water and then paint it golden rod, we can. Whatever how we want to paint our canvases, we can. Just as we can paint our canvases, we can express freely how we want to live our lives.  Sometimes we find ourselves painting our canvases black and white, or gray because we’re experiencing a feeling of being stuck. But to get unstuck, we need to start using our paint brush and brush in some color to bring out our picture of life.

Inspiration Moves Us

Inspiration from Team Hoyt

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Inspiration is the feeling we get when something touches our souls. Inspiration moves us to do something worthwhile. How come we’re touched by inspiration? Inspirations reawaken us to think of the possibility to do something that’s beyond ourselves. Others inspire us by their example. Someone’s creativity inspires us to do better in our own craft. Someone’s body of work creates inspiration to their admirers. It is something inside us that draws us collectively to inspiration. Inspiration is like food to the soul. Inspiration helps us to know that we can do great things in our lives as well. Inspiration can make us believe that nothing is impossible. Inspiration helps us to align and connect to our mind, body and soul.

Claim Your Future

Almost Over The Rainbow

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought to claim our future instead of letting the future claim us.  The decisions we have made in the past, is what defines what we do today and tomorrow. But, if we want a change in our lives, then what better time to start today. This is how we can claim our future is by making changes today. Changes and decisions we make in life should be carefully made. Will the changes be meaningful and impact with a purpose in mind? Will claiming our future allow us to feel a sense of purpose and feel a satisfaction that this is the right thing for us to do? These are some of question we need to ask ourselves.

Possibility For Opportunity

Believe in Possibilities
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Where there is possibility there is opportunity. If we see things as a possibility, then we begin to see opportunity. These opportunities give us a chance to sharpen our skills and to build self-confidence. Confidence is very important because it helps us to rely more on ourselves and less on others. It is also important to feel confidence in ourselves so we can be good role-models for others who are watching and learning. Opportunities are always there, we just have to look for them. Possibilities are always there, we just have to be confident to act.

Counting Our Blessings

Giving Thanks
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought to give thanks to our health. We ought to give thanks to our friendships. We ought to give thanks to our country. We ought to give thanks to our soldiers who are fighting over seas. We ought to give thanks those who have been patient with us. We ought to give thanks to our parents for their advice. We ought to give thanks to those who listened. We ought to give thanks to those who smiled when we needed it. We ought to give to those who gave us a pat on the back. We ought to give thanks to those who said, “You’re welcome.”


The Day Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Pies
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is the Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Those who celebrate Thanksgiving are anticipating being with family and friend experiencing the joy of reconnecting with one another.  And there are those who no longer have family but only have the companionship of loneliness.  The forecast ask for no snow on Thanksgiving.  Many of us are traveling to meet up with others. Some of us are volunteering on Thanksgiving to help those in need. Then we look within to start sorting out in our minds what we’re thankful for.  As we return back home, after stuffing ourselves with a delicious, we feel good.