We Carry Around Our Life Experiences

Bears carrying inukshuk
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

How we respond to events is based on our own life experiences.  We carry our own life experiences with us. As long as we carry our own life experiences, how we respond to an event will vary. We will always draw from our life experiences. Life experiences are the accumulation of wisdom. We learn the bittersweet of life through our experiences. We hope that we have gained some maturity from our life experiences. We have the opportunity to pass down our life wisdom to whoever will listen.




Developing Our Talents And Skills

South African Reserve Force Council Military Skills Competition 2010
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this exit? —CONFUCIUS

Every one of us has a talent or a skill that we’re good at. To develop our talents and skills, we sometimes forget that, we had to work on them daily to get better. But when we’re confronted with learning another skill, we have to understand that we can use the same tenacity and determination that helped us before.  While we were developing our talents and skills, over time, we were gaining new learning experiences. These learning experiences are the resources that we can tap into learning new skills or discovering latent talents.





On Being Self-Reliant

I walk alone, I walk alone...not! =)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We should never lose who we are as an individual. We are responsible for taking care of ourselves as long as we’re able. It is all right to be self-reliant. We have to let others see us as we are. We must feel free to be ourselves without an apology. We don’t have to be with someone to feel belong because we belong to ourselves. We got to love and accept ourselves first before we can for someone else. No one can complete us or make us whole. We can only do that for ourselves.  We must seek those things from within so we are able to give in any kind of relationship.

Life’s Problems

2013 Drake Relays
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Life’s problems wouldn’t be called hurdles if there wasn’t a way to get over them.” ˜ unknown

The above quote uses a metaphor to describe problems as hurdles. Hurdles are meant to jump over from the start and until the finish line. From the day we’re born and until the day we die we will always be dealing with problems. Just as an athlete who jumps one hurdle at a time, we have to work on one problem at a time.  Sometimes problems can’t be solved but other times they can resolve themselves. Only if we make our problem smaller, then maybe we can deal with them better.

A Little Pressure

28th December - deadline!
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s all right to feel a little pressure when we’re faced with a challenge to complete a task. A little pressure can be motivating especially when there is a deadline we have to meet. It is better to set deadlines for ourselves because if we don’t, then nothing will get done. We don’t have to look at deadlines as punishment but as encouragement. When we set deadlines we’re forced to use our time most effectively instead of procrastinating and waiting to the last minutes to do it.   Waiting to the last minutes is just putting unnecessary pressure on us while trying to complete 85 percent of the work in short amount of time.  Some of us thrive on this kind of pressure and like it.  However, the anticipation of wondering whether or not to start today or tomorrow can be agonizing.

Reward And Peace


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Peace is its own reward.” − Mahatma Gandhi

When we’re at peace, there is no inner conflict. When we’re at peace, everything seems quiet. When we’re at peace, time seems to slow down. When we’re at peace, we have forgiven others that have wronged us. When we’re at peace, we no longer keep hatred inside of us. When we’re at peace, we have no problems accepting others and ourselves. When we’re at peace, we live without worries. When we’re at peace, tomorrow isn’t that important to us anymore. When we’re at peace, we experience calmness while every things else around us is chaotic. Peace enjoys the company of peace. Peace is rewarding for everyone.


Our Dreams


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to give up on our dreams. It is not too late to dream and do something worthwhile in our lives. So whatever it is we can start now. We hesitate to actually do something because it provokes anxiety in us created by our fear of the unknown. We want to anticipate what may go wrong. We don’t want to lose our livelihood. We know this may change the rest of our life. We know things will not be the same. It is all right to dream, but also it is all right to make it real; that’s our goal.


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Communication is about sharing with each other our experiences and ideas. As human, we have two layers of communications— verbal and nonverbal.  It is just as important to communicate with words as it is important how we say it with words. Communication brings people together. Communication saves lives; we can warn each other of danger. When we are in need, we ask for it. This is communicating a request. Communication keeps a civilization moving everyday. We depend on communication in all aspects of our lives. We can’t survive without it. We learn things through communication. We get our news through the vehicle of communication.


Curiosity and Expansion

Curiosity - A baby mooses business
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Curiosity is the beginning of learning something new while stimulating the mind. Our minds get bored easily when we’re not challenged in learning something or concentrating on something that requires our attention. Curiosity can lead to new information and knowledge that can help us in some way. Curiosity is learning something positive that we didn’t know about ourselves. It is a delightful thing to know that we can tap into our inner resources to use to break up rigid and old ideas which in turn creates into new ideas that expands our thinking. We have more choices when we expand our minds.


Take Our Own Action

11-11-11 (Take ACTION!)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We are responsible for our own action. No one can force us to do anything we don’t want to do. Therefore, we cannot blame another for our actions. We make everyday decisions on what we’re going to wear today, what we’re going to eat for lunch, etc. Blaming others is just an easy way out to avoid responsibility. When we take on responsibility, we have conquered a part of us. Responsibility can lead to freedom. We’re free to take on the day without worrying about what others think.  Instead, we’re doing something that we like and feeling self-worth along the way.

The Moments Are Now


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Silence nurtures the soul. If we find a quiet place, and just let our minds wander while we sit, we can begin restoring and renewing our soul. A clear mind can bring peace and harmony. When this happens, we become more in the present. We no longer look back in the past nor look into the future. This is when we’re truly experiencing life and we are at ease with the external world and ourselves because we are experiencing the moment. This moment is the most important thing we’re doing now. We’re most centered when we’re in the now.


Wisdom In Our Experiences

The Tree Of Wisdom

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we want to find wisdom, we can look for it within our experiences. Gaining knowledge by reading a book and applying knowledge from books in our everyday situation are two different things. Applying knowledge requires us to do something. Once we begin to apply what we’ve learned, then we set out to see what works and what doesn’t work.  This is what we called wisdom. Most of us know that, but taking actions on what we’ve learned isn’t easy because it feels counter intuitive to what we’re familiar with. Some things we’ve learned won’t apply but those that do, is a keeper.


Complete One Things Today


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we complete things we feel a sense of relief and satisfaction. When things are incomplete we may experience guilt and are unsatisfied and disappointed with ourselves. Just as gravity pulls us toward the ground, we will always have some sort of resistance in everything we do. This is the nature of the beast. As we walk up a hill, we will feel pressure, and the weight of our body as we take each step. Sometimes, this is a hard thing to accept that things we do will feel uncomfortable.  But things do get easier and our mind has a way to find a better way to complete things.

What Do You Know Is Certain?

sunshine for Haniela
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What we know is certain are that we’re alive. What we know is certain are that we get hungry and/or thirsty. What we know is certain is that we want to know about life. What we know is certain is that there are a lot of uncertainties. What we know is certain are that change is constant. What we know is certain are that we experience pain. What we know is certain are that we experience joy. What we know is certain is that we’re born, we live, then we die. What we know is certain is that it rains, snows, the wind blows and the sun shines.

Enjoy Yourself

フーターズ Hooters, 東京 日本 Tokyo Japan
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we feel comfortable about ourselves, it is easier to accept those around us who are different from us. Although we are different in many ways, we also have many things in common.  We all have a desire for friendships and love. We all want our dreams to come true. We all want to seek adventures and try new things. We hope for a better world for our children. We all want security and safety in our own homes. We enjoy eating our favorite foods among friends or family.


When There Is Difficult, There is Growth

Star Trails

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we are having a hard time, it’s an opportunity for growth. When life seems unfair, it is an opportunity to comfort others. When we fall down, it is an opportunity to get up and even help others up. When it rains and thunders, it is an opportunity to look for rainbows. When it gets dark, it is an opportunity to see the stars. When we see disaster, it is an opportunity to give in some way. When we get tired, it is an opportunity to rest. When we don’t understand, it is an opportunity to learn.  When things are chaotic, it is an opportunity to seek peace from within.


What’s Stopping You?

Block and Punch
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What ever we’re doing or not doing is all based on a belief system. It is no coincident that our actions are based on a belief system that we use everyday. We no longer think about what we need to do next because most of our actions are made unconsciously. But when we first learn something new our actions were made consciously and deliberately. We may now wonder why we struggle to obtain our goals or procrastinate at the last minute to start doing what we set out to do couple months earlier. In order words, what is stopping us from obtaining our goals? What are the beliefs that we’re saying to ourselves is somehow stopping us from doing what we want for our lives? These are questions that we ask ourselves.


Unreal Fear

halloween 2006
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Yesterday was Halloween. How come we like to be scared on Halloween? It is the adrenaline rush we get from being scared. In the context of Halloween we allow ourselves to enjoy the experience of being scared. But when it comes to life’s fears, we create internal images in our head that makes us frighten.  Yes, we create a lot our own fears because we want to control the outcome of the event that’s frightening us. Instead we can see that those fears are created by the mind and are not real.

When You Are Feeling Pressure, Relax

Sit Back and begin to Relax
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we’re feeling pressure to rush things along, it is time to sit back and relax. It is important that we pace ourselves to keep from being overwhelmed. We need to be at our best performance if we want to be effective in what we’re doing.  When we’re performing at our best, then we are making progress or producing something that we will feel satisfied at the end.  Feeling pressure makes it difficult to stay focused. Being unfocused will not help us at all. Relaxing is about taking a break. When we’re taking a break from the pressures, we are renewing ourselves and clearing up our minds.

Life Gets Better By Change

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.” ~ Jim Rohm

If we aren’t satisfied with the way things are going in our life, then change is essential. A change can be a change in our attitude or a change in the way we see our situation can make a big difference in how we deal with things. Action creates change in us. A change doesn’t have to be big; we can start changing small things that will make a significant difference in our life. If we continue on the path of change, then a complete transformation is inevitable.