A Quick Look Back

Looking back
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We have little more than two months left of 2013. It is not too late to end our year with a blast. We still have time to finish up some of our projects for this year or at least finish up one major project. It is also a good time to begin to look back on what we have accomplished and what things we still need to work on. But let us not look back for too long, we just need to look back just enough to get some inspiration to continue forward in the work we’re doing today.

Nothing Is Free


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

There is no such thing as a free lunch. What was given freely is never without a cost.  In anything we do requires from us time and effort. So nothing is free in life. When we are given a gift or a present, the person who gave  us the gift or present took the time to think about what kind of gift we might like, and took the effort to purchase the gift with their hard earned money.   Nothing we have received and/or given away is free, but everything is merited.

Finding Meaning

Meaning of Life
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Meaning is accumulations of our experiences. Meaning is based on what we value in our lives. In our experiences we find out about what are our likes and dislikes.  Our likes and our dislikes are our filters to help us along through our experiences. It is through our filters that we interpret our experiences. We are constantly receiving inputs from our senses and we are constantly creating meaning based on our filters that we have created over the years.


Feeling Belonged

Unity for a Day
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all want to relate to one another. We don’t want to feel alone or left out in any social situation. We want to feel belong even though we may have nothing in common with a group. Since we’re unique people, we each can bring something into a social situation. We all can contribute to a group. Since we experience things everyday of our lives, we can bring up a lot of information from our own experiences and share them with one another.  Exchanging experience is another way of relating and getting to know one another better than if we just not talk at all. Conversing with one another is the best medicine to feel like we belong.


Give Yourself More Time

where stays the time??
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It isn’t a good idea to rush things along when we need the time. We need to give ourselves some time to work. Although time is very limited, we ought to make time for us to do the work. It is interesting when we sometimes think we don’t have enough time to do something, instead we do the things that are unproductive by nature. It is better to spend a lot of time in what we know will eventually produce something. So it is all right to give ourselves more time in the scope of things that we’ll be productive and not idle.

A Moment Of Silence

A Moment of Silence
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We take a pause when we need to rest. We take a pause when we’re thinking about someone who passed away. We take a pause when we want to pray. We take a pause when we want to listen. We take a pause  when we want to relax. We take a pause when we want silence. We take a pause when things get chaotic. We take a pause when things are moving too fast. We take a pause before we make an important decision. We take a pause when we want to understand something. We take a pause when we wonder about the mysteries of life. We take a pause when we need to take a break from our everyday routine. We take a pause when we want a moment of silence.

Confidence Begets Confidence

Bicycle Confidence Workshop
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The more we take on what we fear, the more confidence we become. The more confidence we become the more we will continue on and take on something more that’s challenging. Self-doubt can be discharged only if we take action. During our action most fears will be discharged and replaced with self-confidence. It is healthy to have some self-doubts, but we just don’t have to allow them to consume our thinking.  It is about trusting and having faith in ourselves to do what we have the potential to do. Confidence will always begets confidence.

Failures Tell Us The Truth

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.” ~ Babe Ruth

Failure will always tell us what we need to do to improve, not keep us down or bring us down. Failure isn’t telling us to give up and give in to our fears. We can use failures to teach us. Failures don’t lie, they tell us the truth. When we learn from our mistakes and failures, then improvement is inevitable and our ideas become real. When we see proof of our progress, then our confidence improves within ourselves to continue on until we’re satisfied and our wishes and wants are fulfilled.






“I’m Possible!”

Space Station Over Earth (NASA, International Space Station, 03/07/11)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible!” ~ Audrey Hepburn, Actress

Once upon a time, humanity believed that it was impossible to fly, but now we can. Once upon a time, a mathematician dreamed of a crazy idea to build a machine to process data, now we have computers. Once upon a time everyone believed that a four-minute mile was humanly impossible to break, but a pre-med student thought otherwise, and has broken the record, now it’s common practice. We now have broken the sound barrier and now we have gone to the moon and back, and we now have astronauts living above earth in a space station. We now can sample Mars’s soil from earth.

Discover It Within

Sky over Hammoon

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.” ~ Galileo Galilei

We got to discover things within ourselves instead of looking for them from without ourselves. It is through our world that we will experience discovery. Through out our lives we have all experienced the “aha moments” and these aha moments are life altering experiences. The “aha moments can change the way we think about things and through our own unique experience they can impact our lives for the rest our lives in meaningful way. We can a guide a horse to water, but it is up to the horse to drink it.

Misfortunes, A Doorway to Possibilites

Door ajar

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The longer we dwell on our misfortunes the greater is their power to harm us. ~ Voltaire

No one is without misfortunes. It is how we react to them that are important. If we dwell on our misfortunes, then there is no room to see the possibilities. Our misfortunes can be a heavy burden if we continue to dwell on them. Dwelling on our misfortunes takes up a lot of our energy. It is all right to let those things go, so we can have the energy to seek out possibilities and opportunities in our life.  We will always experience misfortunes during our lifetime, but we will also experience fortunes. Misfortunes can be a doorway to new possibilities and opportunities.



Changing Direction Of Life

Watch out for the rocks!
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” ~ Lao Tzu

Change is a difficult thing to do because we get too comfortable with where we are in our lives. Changes can trigger anxiety at first but the anxiety will eventually dissipate as we get used the change. Some changes are harder than other while some changes require us to let go of old beliefs. There are some beliefs we hold to dear life. If we want to reach a certain goal in life, then we must make certain changes. We ought to ask ourselves what’s more important in the long run to remain in the unchanged situation or give up the old beliefs to change our situation? If we want to grow and expand our horizon, then we do have to let go of old beliefs. Those old beliefs are challenged when we’re confronted with change in our lives.



Today Is Friday

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For many of us, Friday is the last day of a workweek. We look forward in spending two days away from work. Saturday and Sunday are the two days we can do what we couldn’t do during our workweek. Getting more rest is one the important thing we can do, spending more time with family, cleaning the house, working on homework or catching up on a TV Series and getting together with friends. Weekends are great but seem so short and they are nice to have.


Create Our Own Path

River View Cape Fear River Trail Fayetteville NC 5240
By Eugene Morgan

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let us lead our own path instead of following someone else’s path. Since we’re unique individuals, we have our own unique way to create our own unique trail. Leaving our trail means making our own choices that suits us. When we know what’s important to us and we know our wants and desires, then we can know what the best path is for ourselves. Creativity is the hallmark of leaving a trail behind. Creativity forces us to find within ourselves solutions to assist us in our own path while creating a trail for other to see but not follow.


Stop The Analysis, Start Doing It Today

Uphill Road
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is so easy to tell ourselves what we need to do to plan and execute something while doing something else that’s unrelated.  This is what creates unnecessary stress on our part. We don’t have to add to more stress to an already stress-induce situation. All we need to do is to go and do it today, instead of analyzing for days and months about why we haven’t started yet.  Once we have started, we will experience an uphill battle, which resistance is a natural experience. Soon enough, we will discover what we like and what we dislike about it. But most of all, we will gain some satisfaction in the work. And this satisfaction will become our primary motivation to continue on with it.

When We Don’t Feel Like It, Do It Anyways

чувства мои

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we don’t feel like doing what we need to do, it is all right to do it anyways. We forget that we don’t have to allow our feelings to control us. We don’t have to give in to our feelings, when it is so easy to do. It will always be a struggle for us when it comes to our feelings. This doesn’t mean we should avoid our feelings because we need to feel our feelings and write what we are thinking about that’s creating the feelings and identified feelings out loud which can be helpful. Channeling our feelings constructively will keep our feelings in check so we don’t hurt others and ourselves.


Sometimes It Take Another To Believe

Sun Setting in Bermuda
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes it takes another to believe in us before we can begin to believe in ourselves. When we praise another person’s effort, we give them more fuel to continue on. When we praise another, even though that person just ran 25 miles with one mile left to go, will run a little faster and focus more on the race. When we praise another, we bring hope and opportunity to that person. Because we bring hope and opportunity, that person begins to understand that someone else believes in them thus they begin to believe more in themselves.

Save With Resources

R U S T a n d  B E A U T Y
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Nobody else can destroy you except you; nobody else can save you except you. You are the Judas and you are the Jesus ~ Osho

Sometimes, we forget to look in the mirror to know that we’re the pilots of our lives. We know where we want our lives to go. If we don’t know where we want our lives to go, then we better ask ourselves what we want and wish to do with our lives. Blaming external events or ourselves for our downfall will not get us anywhere. Instead, we can reach into our internal resources that we have and find better ways to change things around.  If we’re learning and experiencing life, then we have resources to tap into. What we’ve learned and what we’ve experienced are the accumulations of our resources so why not use them.

To Be Wronged Is Nothing

..::: Vzpomínky / Memories :::..

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.” – Confucius

This above quote just demonstrates the power of the mind. When we keep a memory in the forefront of our minds we will relive the same reactions we had made as if it just happened.   When we can’t stop thinking about a negative event is because we have developed a cyclical pattern where we recall the memory, re-experience the negative emotions, and then recall the memory and re-experiences the event without end. But, if we can utilize that same mechanism to our advantage, then we can handle better difficult situations.  Instead of focusing on a negative memory that elicit anger and/or pain, we can recall happy memories that can elicit feelings of joy and excitement.


When We Don’t Have Much

Big Possibilities
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We may not have much, but we can work with what we have.  It is easy to find what we lack instead of working on what we already have.  We don’t have to make excuses for what we lack instead we can find out how far we can do with what we already have.  It is better to build on what we have than to what we don’t have.  Building on our strength is reinforcing who we are and it doesn’t take away anything but open us up for more possibilities.