It is time to center ourselves when things are chaotic. It is time to center ourselves, when we obsess over petty things. It is time to center ourselves, when we react instead of being proactive. It is time to center ourselves, when we focus only on the negative instead finding the positive. It is time to center ourselves, when we are paralyzed with fear instead of letting courage move us. It is time to center ourselves, when we feel helpless instead finding a new perspective on things on the event we can’t control.
On Being Yourself
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb
Tension is created when we think we need to act a certain way to impress someone. But when we are alone, we stop acting and start being ourselves. It is all right to let others in our world and be ourselves. This is why we have friends or need close friends, because they’re most accepting of us, and, just as we’re accepting of them. We’re three-dimensional people. It is all right to express our frustration, anger, hurt, dislikes just as it is to express our excitement, joy, interests when around others just as we give others the freedom to do the same.
Waking Up In The Morning
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
When we wake up in the morning and we’re able to get out of bed, then we have another opportunity to take on the day. Some days are more challenging than other days, but we do live through them. Each day we receive is an opportunity to contribute to the world. Today is another opportunity to get an understanding on how we respond to the world. Another day gives us an opportunity to fulfill our dreams. Another day can bring us hope to live a better life. Another day gives us an opportunity to bring joy in someone’s life. And, another day give us a chance to bring peace in the world.
Seeking Self
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
“What you seek is seeking you.” ~Rumi
When we look for opportunities, we will find opportunities. It is no coincidence that we happen to stumble upon something we wanted and desired. We are then narrowing our search for that one thing; as a result, we exclude everything else, when our brain is looking for opportunities. Seeking is the reflection of what we want and desire in our life. And our wants and desires are who we really are. So in a way we’re seeking ourselves.
Free From Biases
We are really not free from all our biases. But if we want to carry out many things in our lives, it is better to challenge our biases. Biases are what keep us from accomplishing our goals. Biases are limited beliefs that create assumptions about us. “I don’t think I can do that.” “I don’t think anyone would read my work.” “I don’t think I’m good enough for that or this job.” These are some of the things we might be saying to ourselves that keeps us from accomplishing our goals. These assumptions should always be challenged before we dismissed them as facts.
Carrying Away Small Stones
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ― Confucius
Everything big started small. When we focus on how difficult and how enormous a task is we have a tendency to run the other way or fill our time up with distractions. Instead, we need to realize that we can break down an enormous task into smaller more manageable ones. After we have completed a task, we can reward ourselves. We slowly gain confidence in our abilities, which in turn, motivate us to continue on completing the next task and so on until all tasks are completed.
Happiness is Not Ready Made
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~ Dalai Lama
Happiness is a state of mind but to get to that state action is required. It is through our action that alters our mood. We shouldn’t wait for happiness to happen. Our actions will not always reward us with happiness. Happiness is not always required to live our life. Happiness is only one of the states of emotions that we experience. To make life colorful, we must experience all states of emotion not just only thrive for just one. Happiness is the result of making progress in our personal life. To make progress in one’s life requires action, and then, be content and satisfied as we look back on our life, with fewer regrets.
When things get complicated in our lives, then it is time for us to simplify. If we take small portions of our complicated life one at a time, then it would be a lot easier to manage the rest of our lives. Simplification also means to put things in order. Things can be complicated when we’re trying to keep track of everything. It is better to keep track of fewer things than many things, because we have a better handle on them. Simplicity is a simplification of what are simply complications that can be broken down into manageable parts.
Collecting Facts
Observation is about collecting facts about others, the world and us. Sometimes, we get a skewed belief about ourselves that is incomplete. We need to learn to look closely at ourselves so we can admire ourselves when we see things we like about ourselves and accept things we dislike about ourselves. When we take a closer look at our behaviors, attitudes and beliefs, then we can have a better understanding about ourselves. And, if we want to change some things that we need change, then there is an opportunity to start making the changes. Observation is also about being mindful about everything we do. This means we make decisions deliberately and intentionally.
Seeing Future Possibilities
“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.” ~ John Scully
Seeing what’s possible in our future is really about having a mind set. Our mind set is about looking for what is possible for us not so much for humanity in general. We know are abilities because they are the results of our past experiences. Our past is our proof that there are possibilities for growth and self-development in our future. It is easy to take for granted for the countless things we’ve learned over the years. We are confronted with this when something we take for granted is taken away from us, and then we begin to realize how much we do depend on our abilities. But while we do have them, we can be thankful and look forward for new possibilities tomorrow.
Break A Record
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records. ~ William Arthur Ward
We all have experienced adversities in our lives. Some of us have experienced more adversities than others. It is hard to cope with adversity alone. But, we can band together to help one another, especially, when the same adversity is affecting the other person as well. It is through encouragement that we get our strength to move through it. We don’t have to be broken by adversity but see adversity as another opportunity to experience the feeling of pain, anguish, grief, sympathy, loss, comfort, acceptance, and finally begin to heal as a community, therefore as an individual. This is how we break through anything.
Producing Value Is a Purpose
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
Some of us aren’t self-starters. We need someone to push us a little to produce action. If we are a sole person working on a project, it is easy to procrastinate, create distractions. But if we tell another what we’re doing and to have it done a specific time, then we feel accountable. Being accountable is a very good motivator for us who aren’t self-starters because we don’t want to disappoint. Having a good purpose can be another good motivator, especially, if the purpose is about helping others and giving them value. If we can meet a need of another, then we’re giving them value.
Start Making Mistakes
Sometimes we are afraid to do something new because we’re afraid that we might make a mistake. But this is how we learn is by making mistakes. So it is all right to make mistakes. We don’t have to be perfect at our first attempt or even at our 20th attempt. Nonetheless, at least we have learned something by the time we get to our 20th attempt than if we were at our first attempt. So let us allow ourselves to start making mistakes and to discover what our strengths and our weaknesses are now, and to not dwell on our weaknesses but build on our strengths.
Developing a Routine
It is good to develop a routine when we are learning something new. When learning something foreign or unfamiliar to us, or that seems chaotic to us, then it is a good idea to learn the ropes of that task or tasks, and add or develop them into a routine. A routine is good for helping us learn how the skill is done through repetition. However, we don’t want to get ourselves stuck in the same routines because, they can keep us from developing new skills. Routines should be a tool to help us to learn and develop new skills not to keep us from learning another new skills.
Preparation and Organization
How come we make things harder than what they are? We make things harder for us because we don’t make the proper preparations, or we don’t want to do take the extra time to keep things organized. Preparation entails getting everything we need to start a project and organization keeps things in order, as we need them. Organization keeps us consistent in what we’re doing. When we’re organizing our things, we are making preparation. So when we need something we know we have it at our disposal. Organization is proficient in assisting us in getting things done.
Life Is Our Teacher
The mistakes we’ve made are opportunities for us to learn something about ourselves. Life is full of lessons to be learned. If we haven’t learned our lessons, then we will repeat the same mistakes until the lessons are learned. Lessons aren’t meant for punishment but for enlightenment about ourselves. Learning about us helps to be more accepting of others. Everyone has foibles. We just have to allow our foibles to not get the best of us, but to bring out the best in us. While we’re learning about who we are, we can enjoy what life is going to bring to us next.
Look Within
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
If we want to find out what we want in life, look within. Our desires, wishes and wants are what determines our destination not someone’s wants and desires that they want us to be. It is all right to get some guidance from others but we must find what we’re looking for from within. If we have internal conflicts, then that means that we’re coming up to decisions to make. Internal conflicts can only divide our attention, in which, they can create within us indecision. We must decide for ourselves what we want better for ourselves instead of looking for it through external means.
An Idea
Post Written By Eugene Morgan
An idea can change how we look at things. An idea can be powerful when it becomes real. An idea can move a mountain if we let it. An idea is invisible but it can make legs walk and make a mouth talk. An idea can illuminate a dark well. An idea is like a lighthouse, it can help us find our way. An idea is food for thought. An idea grows as long as we think it. An idea can motivate us into doing something extraordinary, if we let it. An idea can recreate a new world. An idea can bring us together in the most powerful way.
Curiosity And Learning
Curiosity is the beginning of learning. Curiosity holds our attention long enough to learn something and remember what we have learned. And learning should be fun. Our neurons in our brain can only take enough dry facts before they get fatigued. Our brain needs constant stimulation, which means we’re always looking for novelties to capture our interest, long enough to learn something about them. For us to learn effectively we must be in an environment where it is safe and learning is encouraged. Fear can zap out our curiosity and without curiosity, it is difficult for us to learn and develop and master a skill. It is all right to enjoy the experience of learning new things and have fun during the experience.
Go With All Your Heart
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” ― Confucius
When we put in the effort, we experience a feeling of satisfaction. We feel good about what we’re doing because we know that we’re working very hard to achieve our goals or our objectives. It really depends on how much we value our efforts and our work. If the work we do is valuable and it is important to us, then we will be willing to go the extra mile. Hard work is not always about the physical demand that’s put on the body but also the mental demand as well. Learning something is hard enough since the subject matter is unfamiliar.