Our Greatest Glory

Rise UP
Written By Eugene Morgan

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” ― Confucius

Each time we rise from a fall, we build strength and endurance. Determination is an attitude that we need to get up from a fall. As long as we have determination or a fixed purpose, we will rise up. Without determination it is easy to give up and find excuses not to get up from a fall. A fall makes us humble in our efforts to get back up. There are lessons to be learned in our failures and our mistakes.



Step Into Courage

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Courage Is a Love Affair with the Unknown” ― Osho

The unknown can certainly evoke anxiety but we don’t have to run the other way. Instead, we can take courage. When we’re taking courage, it doesn’t mean we’re without fear. Courage is doing it anyway in spite of our fears.  Although it’s always good to be cautious and learn as much as we can to prepare ourselves, but we still have to make the big step in life. When we do make our big step, we will find that it is not as horrific as we made it out to be.  A lot of our fears are from false assumptions we made about ourselves without really finding out what we can do. Therefore, let’s find out what we’re made of and be surprised how we handle things today.

The Perfect Body

Mirror image in a shop window
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one has the perfect body or perfect personality. When it comes to our self-image we will always find something about our body that we dislike, especially when the body begins to show signs of aging.  The good news is that we’re not alone; we all dislike something about our body.  Since this is the body we were born with, we might as well accept what we have and start admiring what we find most attractive about our body. We express our personality through our body, which means that we have a unique way of doing all kinds of thing while discovery new things.


Finding Another Way Of Thinking

Entry to Sunset Point

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to get around or through a problem, we must find another way of thinking. If our conclusions are dead ends, then it is time to revamp the way we’re thinking about the problem. We need to re-educate ourselves by looking at the problem with a new entry point. This will steer us into new direction, instead of falling into a trap which lead us to a dead-end in the first place. Although the new entry point could lead us to another dead-end, it’s a good technique to help us think in diverse ways rather than think one way.



When Do We Start

here today.....
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Have we really started on what we set out to do? Or are we still thinking about what are the next steps? How long do we continue thinking about what’s the next thing to do? If we just set up an agenda for the week and make it our goal to complete it by the end of the week, then we will have laid a foundation for the next week. When we look back at the end of year, we will see that we have accomplished many things. What we do now will be our foundation to what we build upon tomorrow. Each day is a gift and an opportunity to focus on the present. Tomorrow is only imagined, but today we’re in the here and now.


Go With The Flow

Go with the Flow

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes, we got to go with flow instead of resisting. Sometimes, we resist because we don’t want to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes, we resist because we feel uncomfortable going into unfamiliar territory. Sometimes, we resist because we feel uncertain about ourselves. Sometimes, we resist because we want to know everything before we start. But if we go with the flow, then things usually work themselves out. We just have to let things happen around us and instead trying to control what we think we need to control.

Understanding Is Our Reward For Learning

Chalkboard, City Hall, Chicago

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to understand, we must be willing to learn. As long as we’re alive, we will continue to learn about something. There are things we choose not to learn, because we think it is too difficult to learn. Most of what we’ve learned was difficult at first to comprehend, but we plowed through and learned it. Patience is the key to learning. We must allow ourselves to learn at our own pace and not the pace of others. Some of us are quick learner while others are slow learner. We have different speeds when it comes to learning. We don’t have to feel left behind when it comes to learning. There will always be an opportunity to exercise the mind. When we learn something new, we experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that will always be a part of us.


Expectation Rules


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all can expect ourselves to do something. Expectation is a part of everyday life. When we fall asleep, we expect to wake up the next morning. We expect to put one foot in front of the other. When we sit in a chair, we expect to stand. When we chew our food, we expect to swallow. Expectation is powerful. Expectation can help us move mountains. Expectation means having confidence in ourselves to succeed. There is no room for doubt when we expect ourselves to do something. Expectation is seeing ourselves completing a task in the future. Expectation knowing that we can do what we do.

Plan, Then Execute Intelligently


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The idle mind knows not what it wants.” ~Ennius

In other words the idle mind is basically daydreaming and not really consciously thinking about what to do next. We ought to deliberately think about our next course of action. Our mind is what moves our body and not our feelings. We got to make an intelligent plan and then execute without feeling.  Feelings usually follow initially after the action has taken place. If we sat idle waiting for a feeling to move us into action, we will be sitting for a long time. That’s why it is important to plan and execute intelligently and consciously.

The Right Direction

The Fighting Cocks - pub in Moseley - Wind direction

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you are facing in the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking.” ― Gautama Buddha

Sometimes we find ourselves lost in our distractions that we walk in a circular fashion because we don’t have purpose and/or goal in mind. Purpose can mean placing meaning into the goals we set for ourselves.  Without a purpose there is no meaning, therefore the goal is not worth pursuing and without a clear direction.  Our purpose is what we need to constantly remind ourselves why we do things we do to complete our goals.



Don’t Stop, Persist

~When you reach the top, keep climbing~

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to stop, when things get harder. It is all right to be persistent even if we’re alone in our struggle. Being persistent means that we will never give up.  We all have seen plants grow through hard soil and even through concrete. The plants were persistent in their growth and were rewarded with light from the sun. We got to be like those plants that grew through concrete and just keep going until we reach a milestone and an opportunity to look back to see that progress was made through our efforts and through our struggles.

Reorientation, Changes Us Not Things

Various vehicles travelling down straight highway

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is good to get away from the same routine. Traveling a distance is one the best ways to clear our mind.  While we’re away from home, we develop a new routine. Developing a new routine require us to make adjustments to our behaviors to accommodate our new surroundings.  With new behaviors we now have new routines until we return from our travels. In new surroundings, there is freshness about them where new learnings take place.  We have all experienced returning home while things are in the same places; but we experienced freshness about our home. This means that we left from our travels new reorientation and new learnings that we brought back with us. With these new reorientation and new learnings we have an opportunity to  continue to stimulate growth.






Grows It Beneath Our Feet

all i need is somewhere i feel the grass beneath my feet[!]

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” – James Openheim

Why not plant the seeds and attend to it daily to make sure it is getting enough sun and water? Happiness is possible when our attention is on what we’re doing now. When our focus is on what we’re doing at this moment, we’re in a state where nothing else matters. We’re not concerned about what can make us happy.  Instead, we can experience a state of happiness while we’re doing a simple task. We become one with the task while everything is blocked out.  Let happiness grow beneath our feet while the distance of happiness phases.

It Is Our Choice, Fight or Flight

Inca Terns at Living coasts

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We do one of two things; we either fight or flight, when it comes to self-preservation. When we have self-doubts and/or trepidations, and, when it comes to making a change in our lives, we can either choose fight or flight. If our choice is flight for our self-preservation, we will obsess and/or catastrophize about it. However, change can be motivating when we fight for our self-preservation. When it comes to fight, we are forced to make choices and forced to be specific on the task and more than willing to complete the necessary tasks. In other words, when we know the consequences are near, we have no choice but to take actions to change things around in our life.


Asking A Foolish Questions, Saves Time


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question is a fool forever.” ~ Chinese Proverb

Why not feel a little stupid when we don’t know. For us to get ahead it is better to feel foolish now when asking a question then never knowing what we need to do to move forward. Asking questions about something we don’t know is the hallmark of power. Knowledge is powerful only if we can use it to our advantage and learn something from it that can help our progress along. Asking foolish questions saves a lot of time.  And we needn’t be afraid to ask for help when we need it, either.


Creativity and Choices


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Creativity is another opportunity to have more choices in one’s life. Creativity is thinking differently than before. Creativity is revelation to something that we don’t know about. Creativity is the result of our imagination. Imagination is the expression of our creativity.  Creativity is permissible. Creativity is without judgments. Creativity is a tool to help to get around the closed doors— rigid thinking. Creativity is another form of choice. Creativity helps us to see beyond what seemed at the time impossible. It is in the way we think about things that we have an opportunity and ability to expand our mind.


Past Wrongs

A heavy burden to carry

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.” ― Gautama Buddha

Our memories are made from our experiences. It is how we respond to our past experiences that are important. Instead of burdening our minds with past wrongs, we can put the past wrongs in a reasonable perspective.  It’s no use thinking about past wrongs that were done to us, because we’re giving them power. Instead of burdening our minds with past wrongs that we regret that we have done to someone else, we can just let them go and do something to advocate changes to ourselves.


All That We Are


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” ― Gautama Buddha

Our thinking is the result of our personality. We express our personality through our thoughts. It’s through our thoughts we express our feelings. We have a conscious and an unconscious mind. Consciously, we can only see in part, a very small part of reality while our unconscious mind sees more than we can consciously.  Whatever emotions we’re feeling and thoughts that are swirling in and out of our conscious mind, we are unconsciously predetermined.

Being unconsciously predetermined doesn’t mean we have no control over our lives. Sometimes we don’t know why we feel a certain way, maybe because we’re unaware of the thinking that’s producing the feelings that we’re experiencing. That’s when we should ask ourselves what is it that we’re thinking that’s producing this feeling. And then, we can change our thinking by either challenging the thought or just simply replace the thought with positive ones.


Are You Unable Or Are You Able?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“He is able who thinks he is able.”
― Gautama Buddha

In order words, if we think we’re unable, then we will demonstrate this in our action. We will quickly dismiss without considering the possibility that we may be able to do something we might want to accomplish in our live. For us to know what we’re able or unable to do, we must take some sort of actions to find out. Our actions are never wasted unless we don’t learn from them. How do we know if we don’t act and readjust our behaviors accordingly?  It is nice to know something about ourselves that we didn’t know before and we will surely be surprised when it is revealed.

Getting Unstuck

This is Sparta!!!

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When things aren’t going the way we want them to go, we get frustrated and feel stuck. When we get frustrated and feel stuck, it is time to look inside us for resources to get unstuck. It is time to utilize what we already have for things to start changing. We also need to begin to readjust our behavior to the situation that’s getting us frustrated and stuck. We don’t have to add to bad luck with our frustration. It just makes things worse. Instead, we can see what we can we do in ourselves to change our attitude and our perception of what’s making us frustrated and feel stuck. That’s the first start. Then we can alter our behaviors in making small accomplishments until we fulfill our desire.