Positive Thoughts

Double rainbow

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have thoughts coming in and out of consciousness. We have pleasant thoughts and unpleasant ones swirling in and out of our mind.  Some of us have the tendency to dwell on the unpleasant thoughts. Dwelling on the unpleasant thoughts is a knee-jerk reaction. The unpleasant feelings are the result of dwelling on unpleasant thoughts. Instead, we can begin to dwell on pleasant thoughts that can boost our self-respect resulting to pleasant experiences. Another thing we can do, is write down the unpleasant or negative thoughts and reframe them into a different context.


Take Control Of Your Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we can’t control what’s around us, then let us take control of our own lives.  We’re pretty much the pilots of our lives. We still have to make the final decision to where we want our lives to go.  Even if we look for answers from others or meditate or pray for answers from a higher power or the universe, we still have to make the final decisions about what we think is best for ourselves. Taking charge of one’s life could mean fulfilling a dream, going back to college, writing a book, learning a new hobby, going on a trip to place where we haven’t gone before, learning a new language, etc.



Last Minute Reflections

Ulsoor Lake reflections

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re now in the month of August. Fall will soon be here. Some of us want to enjoy last-minute vacation spots. Everything still looks green while butterflies are flying and bumble bees are still going from one flower to the next. Although, this summer has been a rainy one, there are plenty of days left to visit different places. We all have to go on a vacation and get away from our routines and reflect on the year so far and think about what’s next in our future.  A vacation is an opportunity for reflection.


Making Other Lives Better

Paul, Höddi, Bernat helping each other up

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Your life will become better by making other lives better.” – Will Smith

If the majority of the world’s population strive to help another in need, then there would be no such thing as poverty. There would be peace in the world. There would be no hunger. It starts with one person to find ways to make another person’s life better. We can start small in making other lives better. It doesn’t have to be something big. It really depends on what the individual needs are and how we can help that individual or individuals.

Everything Is Temporary

Monarch Life Cycle — 14 of 20

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When things are going well in our lives, we ought to appreciate every moment because it won’t last. But when there are some difficulties in our life, then we can be reminded that the unpleasant experience is only temporary. It is not lasting. Everything has a beginning middle and an ending. Our difficulties will eventually past. So if we look at this way, we can better deal with things in our lives without being overwhelmed by them.  Since everything is constantly changing, then there is no such thing is permanency. Getting some perspective on things is very helpful and dealing with life challenges.

Someone’s Smile

All smiles by CherieJ - Portrait Photography

Post Written by Eugene Morgan

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ☺ – Mother Teresa

We all have experienced someone’s smile; we experience a positive feeling throughout our body. Someone’s smile can break up a feeling of being stuck in one’s life and brightens someone’s world.  Someone’s smile can help increase another’s self-esteem. We begin to feel better about ourselves when we receive a smile from someone. A smile alters our emotional state into something positive. When we give a smile to someone, it is the result of previous smiles  that have touched our lives.  A smile is contagious because we find ourselves smiling without force. A spontaneous smile is the best because it’s without a plan. A smile is an enjoyable experience and universal. Every culture understands a smile. A smile is a basic non-verbal gesture that signifies that everything is okay. It’s like a dog experiencing his enthusiasm about seeing his owner after they haven’t seen each other for a long period.

Revisiting Our Motives

Thinking RFID
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes, we do things so automatically that we forget about our intentions for doing them in the first place or reasoning behind them.  It is good to revisit our motivations or reasoning behind our behaviors. If we think the motives of our behaviors are reasonable, then we can continue do them so long as they are useful and constructive. But if they aren’t useful to what we’re trying to achieve, then we can discontinue using the behaviors and replace them with something else that are useful. Knowing about our motives of our behaviors can give us a clearer picture and insight into what direction we want to take next. It is good to make adjustments along the way.


With A Little Encouragement

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Getting a little encouragement from others goes a long way when we’re in the state of self-doubt. Self-doubt has nothing to do with our abilities. Self-doubt is the belief that we don’t have the ability to do what we want to do. When we’re in the state of self-doubt, we’re looking only at what we’re lacking instead of looking at what we can do to learn and grow into what we desire. Being in the state of self-doubt only keeps us away from the many tasks that are required of us for growth to take place. And getting positive reinforcements from others is the difference that makes the difference.

A Participant Or A Sideliner

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to live our lives on the sideline when we’re in charge of making our own decisions. Sideline is a time for vicariously watching and learning from others. After a time watching participants, we then begin to model them. But later we begin to claim our own sound, our own voice by remodeling our own way that’s uniquely ours. Modeling another is an external process while remodeling is more of an internal process that starts from inside out. Remodeling allows us to interpret our learning based on our background and our unique view of the world. So the more we’re a participant of this world the more we’re becoming ourselves and expressing uniquely to the world.

Unfilled Vacancy

afro2019 VOID
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

All of us have a void in our lives that we wish to fill. However, we will never be able to fill it. Perhaps, we think another person can fill what we think is missing in our live. The void is something we acquired while growing up. But what we didn’t get in our childhood we can give to someone who needs it. We don’t have to try to recreate our past for us to fill in the void. When we give to others in need, we stop thinking about ourselves.  We make the others’ needs greater than our own. Everyone wants to be and feel connected to something.



Growth and Flexibility

flexible fish

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to grow, we must be flexible. For us to be flexible, we must widen our world.  There will come a time when we will need to bend a little for us to move forward. Being flexible doesn’t mean that we are doormats. It is quite the contrary, being flexible means we’re getting stronger.  Compromise is part of the process of being flexible; we have to weigh in on the pros and the cons in each situation. When we’re flexible we see things we haven’t seen before, we have more possibilities and opportunities in our live.



Use Your Own Skills

2013 Talent Show
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we’re not using our already existing skills, then we’re doomed to failure. If we’re very skilled at one thing, why can’t we transfer that skill into other areas of life that’s lacking? Our skill is our talent. Our talent is meant to be use because we’re good at it. Our talent is made from our personality. Everyone has a skill or a talent that is unique to him or her.  Since we’re unique individuals, there is no one who can duplicate the way we execute our talent like we do. There will never be another like us that as our path is uniquely our own. We can’t follow another person’s path but our own.


Two Mistakes

Start | Finish at Madison St. at the Giro di Burnaby
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting.” ~ Buddha

Starting a project is one of the most difficult decision to make because we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into. But we will never know what we’re getting ourselves into unless we start. Starting is the beginning process of discovering how things are going to unfold. Starting really means that we’re half way there. The second most difficult thing is finishing a project. We will never get the project perfect but we can make it as perfect as we can, then let it go. We must let go and move on to our next adventure and build on the experiences from our last project.

Curiosity and Opportunity


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Curiosity is an opportunity for learning. Curiosity helps us to expand our scope of reality. Curiosity is about finding an answer to a question. Curiosity stimulates the pleasure center of our brain. We look up into the sky to wonder about this life. We want to know more about things we don’t know about. Curiosity is a form of learning about the wonders of our world. That’s when learning can be fun when we want to learn more about our world. We love mystery and experience of unveiling a mystery. Mystery stimulates our curiosity of wanting to know about the unknown.


Making Distinctions

South Downs Way
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

By our nature we’re always making distinctions. We live by our distinctions. We break up our day into morning, noon, afternoon and evening. We make distinctions between our left hand and our right hand.  We break our town into north, south, east and west.  We also link things together.  We try to link an idea to an event to see if it fits. We developed generalizations to help us link things together.  Generalization is linking an original idea or an image to a group of things. Sometimes, generalizations can be helpful but when we run into something different from the original idea, then it is time to regenerate a new idea.



Respect Yourself, First

Showing respect (RIP Ku, Sept 19, 2008)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We first have to respect ourselves before we can demand respect from others. If we disrespect ourselves, it would be difficult for us to respect others.  If we disrespect others, it would be difficult for others to respect us. Respect is about doing to others what we would like others to do to us. One of the quickest ways to anger another is to be disrespectful. And the one of the quickest ways to decrease anger in another is to be respectful. When we make an effort in helping someone, the individual will see that in our actions and to know that we’re genuine.  Respect is known by our actions.


Watching The Clock

Time is Ticking Out (53 de 52 y 1/2)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we found ourselves focused on how much time we have left and not yet started on a goal or a task, then we’re procrastinating. Procrastination is like a thief in the night. It steals time right beneath our noses. Instead on focusing on how much time we have left, we can focus on what we need to do next. When we focus on what we need to do next, our task becomes specific and tangible. We can better handle our task when we have a clear goal on what to do next step.  When our mind is focus, then everything else will follow. We see that things are getting done. Therefore, things are coming together.


The Trail We Leave Behind

Footprints in the Sand

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ― Gautama Buddha

No matter how much help and advice we get, we ultimately have to save ourselves. We still have to decide alone what we have to do next in our life. We each have our own path to walk. And once we discovery our path; sometimes it is not easy to walk it. Sometimes it is not easy for everyone to walk one’s path. Sometimes, we resist walking the path we know is ours. But if we meet our path with less resistance and embrace it, then maybe our path will be easier to walk. We see clearer our path when we look back at the trail we have left.

Happiness Is The Path

Path Pics

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.” ― Gautama Buddha

It is our attitude about life determines how we deal with life. We can be happy if we choose to be. Happiness is a state of mind. It is difficult to be in a state of happiness all the time. We must experience states of all emotions to get the full benefits of experiencing happiness. It is in our mind where happiness starts, not necessary something external. We can create an environment to help us in experiencing happiness in our live.  Since happiness resides in our mind; we can take it everywhere. If we can take happiness with us wherever we go, then we have an opportunity to positively affect others.


Learning Is An Opportunity

Learning to Walk

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we’re not familiar with a subject, then we have an opportunity to learn something about it. No one knows everything. Sure, there will always be someone smarter. But, that shouldn’t stop us from learning a thing or two about the subject. Because we’re done with school doesn’t mean we stop learning. Not only the phrase “knowledge is power” is an old cliché but it is a truism. We can use our learning to be our best unique self. We can use our learning to inspire others to be their best unique self. Learning is an opportunity for personal-growth. It is not about how smart a person is, is about learning to enrich one’s life.