Seeing Through Our Filters


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“What you see depends on what you’re looking for.” ~ unknown

We see the world through our filters. Our filters are the accumulations of our experiences and our background and our genes. We see through human eyes. We experience life through human senses. It is through touch, sight, and sound, smell and taste that we experience life daily.  These senses send messages to our brain and our brain sends messages back to our senses to make adjustments. Our brain needs constant stimuli for us to move gracefully. In fact, we don’t have to think about walking while we talking because it’s automatic.  Walking becomes conscious when we somehow injured a leg.  We like our favorite song because it stimulates the pleasure center of our brain. We enjoy it so much we want to replay the song.

Looking For Creativity

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Creativity opens up our minds and help opens other people’s mind as well. As long as we have a mind we can come up with something creative. Creativity makes a child dream and wonder about the world around. Creativity is a freedom to think different ways without limitations. It is a nice to experience the creative process. We can think endlessly as much as we  wanted.

Dealing With Our Issues

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have issues and inner conflicts. If we want to work through some of our conflicts, we must be honest with ourselves. We can’t pretend that everything is all right with us when we’re having inner turmoil that we are avoiding.  Avoiding something doesn’t mean it’s going to go away. It ‘s like sweeping a pile of dirt underneath a rug. Although we no longer see the dirt, we still see the lump in the rug.  If we accept reality as it is, then we have the opportunity to use our ability to deal with whatever life brings us.

Stop Rushing Learning

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Slow and steady wins the race, especially when it comes to learning. We don’t need to rush learning. As long as we’re willingly and continuously learning it doesn’t matter how fast we learn. Our brain can only take a certain amount of information at a time for us to process. When we learn we’re developing new neural pathways in our brain.  We know this because we all have experienced learning something for the first time- how it seems so foreign to us at first but as time passes, we experience the aha moment when everything begins to come together to make sense.


Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes it is okay to feel sorry for ourselves. There is a time for that. But we must understand that moping about unfinished or incomplete goals isn’t going to help us to get things done.  As long as we stay idle, things will be left undone. If we pace ourselves and do one specific task and do it well, then we will make some progress.  Our confidence can only build each time we complete one project at a time. If we let ourselves do what makes us feel uncomfortable, only then we can feel a satisfaction when we carry out our goals.


Assess Your Strength

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is a good idea to assess our strength. We sometimes need to be reminded of what those strengths are. We need to find out what strengths help us to get as far as we did in our past accomplishments. Once we get reacquainted with what those strengths are, then our self-confidence will increase for us to go out and do new things that will help us grow and expand our minds. Maybe during this process we can discovery our potentials within; that if we nurture and develop them, then perhaps they will mature into new skills.

Life Is To Be Enjoyed

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”   ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Life is a gift to be enjoyed. We will always have our struggles in life.  In between life’s struggles we can make enjoyment in our lives. Enjoyment doesn’t have to be a grand event. We can enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoying life is getting out of our old routines by simply switching them around. This creates a freshness to help us to experience fully our enjoyment.


Finding Meaning In Tragic Events

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

How do we find meaning in a tragic event that affects us in a personal way? One way that we can find meaning is to not forget those who have lost their lives. We can create a memorial in their honor. Those who have lost their lives tragically can live in the lives of the living. We can also celebrate their life. We can think of how they have touched our lives personally. Those that we have lost will always live on in our memories.


The Next Level

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It feels good to stay in our comfort zone. We know when we start to move beyond our comfort zone; our anxiety starts to creep in. Anxiety is really about what’s going to happen in our future. We can never anticipate or predict what’s out there for us in the future. We can only plan, execute and complete the plan-meaning focus on what we have now to do instead of coming up with uncertainties about the future.  Executing a plan keeps us focused on the here and now and as we execute our plan we feel more in control of our future.


Humor And Laughter

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Humor is good when it helps us to make light of things. We don’t have to always take everything seriously. It’s all right to laugh at things. We don’t have to take ourselves seriously. It feels good to laugh out loud. Humor helps us to relief the tension from our body. Our body has the habit of keeping in the tension. To best let go of the tension is to laugh it out of our system. It feels good to laugh. Humor helps us see things in another frame or a different context.



Asking A Question

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all make assumptions all the time for us to maneuver and understand our world. What we don’t understand, we fill in the blanks with our assumptions. It is a good practice for us to ask questions about something we don’t understand so we can reduce our assumptions for us to widen our scope. Our assumptions can limit our choices. Assumption is something we believe to be true when it could be false.  We needn’t be embarrassed to questions about something we don’t understand. When our world is widened, it frees up our minds to see different perspectives that we haven’t seen before.

Archetype Of A Warrior

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is important to remember those who have left this life. Especially those who have made the last sacrifice for us to experience the freedoms that we hold dear to our hearts. Let us not take for granted our freedoms, instead, honor our lives with them. The way we can honor our lives with our freedoms is to live a warrior’s life. The archetype of a warrior is one who plans, set goals and complete them through discipline and concentration. A warrior is willing to go the extra miles without hesitation. These are the characteristics of warrior. Every one of us has this archetype within us where we can tap into bring about those characteristics if we want to do more in our lives.


Making Decisions

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not to allow circumstances to dictate our life, instead we ought to make decisions based on how we want to live our lives.  Let us not wait for something to happen that may force our hand to make choices that we are not ready for. And let us not delay but start doing something now to make progress. Time is of the essence. Better to start now instead of waiting for something to happen later. It is easier to talk about what we want to do than to actually do it. Starting something new can be the hardest thing to do first but after that it gets easier. We just have to remember that there is always a learning curve to everything we do, we just got to be patient with ourselves.


The Harder I Work

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”- Thomas Jefferson

When we work harder, there is always a greater possibility that we will succeed. Hard work is never wasted if we don’t give up on the dream.  Thus, through hard work we will learn something new. It is important to note that working hard can create meaning and purpose in our lives. At times, we will surprise ourselves as to how much we’ve enjoyed working hard on a project. After long day of hard work, we can feel satisfied. Sometimes, we resist doing hard work or working hard on a project because it’s too difficult or we think if we feel the desire and satisfaction first, then we will be more willing to work harder. Feelings come and they go.  We can’t rely on our feelings when it comes to doing hard work. We have to decide for ourselves if it is worth spending the time and effort. The bottom-line is that the harder we work, the more opportunities are available.


We’re Stronger

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re stronger than we think. We just have to realize that we are capable of doing extraordinary things. Through out history humans have done extraordinary things that affect our lives today. Scientists, inventors, philosophers, political leaders, religious leaders, etc have done extraordinary things that shape our views on things. It is through our background and our culture that we have learned these ideas from our leaders, and then we put our own spin on it. Once an idea stimulates our mind, the idea that was intangible become something tangible that we can touch is a powerful experience.



Do, Stop Thinking, Then Be

Allariz - Festa do Boi

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Too much thinking can be paralyzing. Too much thinking can only feed our fears while doing can decrease our fears significantly. Too much thinking can stop us from doing what is necessary to produce growth. Too much thinking subtracts from what we could be doing. However, if we’re constantly doing the same thing without results, then it is time to think about what we need to do to change the way we’re doing it. We need to think and do. We need the balance of both things. If we think and do, then we can be. Being is an expression of our thoughts and behaviors.

Find What’s Motivating


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to start something, we first have to find what motivates us. Motivation is our push to move forward with something. Our purpose is part of the motivation. One motivation is helping others to fulfill their desires and purpose in life. While another motivation or desire is to give out free laptop computers for those who could use to advance their education. It is important to know our purpose so we can have meaning in what we’re doing. Our purpose contributes to our desires and motivations in our life. Meaning makes it worth staying late and putting in the effort because it fulfills a need within us.


Doing Things One At A Time

Laying Bricks
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we walk with our head down, it is harder for us to feel good about ourselves. If we want to build self-confidence, we can always start by working on something that we know we can do and just do it.  We have all experience getting to chores we’ve been avoiding to finally getting them done and feeling the satisfaction and confidence.  Also, it is a lot easier to do one chore at a time rather than trying to do more than one chore at a time. With any kind of project we’re going to be most proficient if we do things one at a time with self-confidence.

When Everything Comes Together

Summer Afternoon

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re getting closer to the middle of the year, 2013. Summer will be here soon. Memorial day is just around the corner. Time seems to move quickly but when we want results time seems to move slowly. We want our efforts to pay off sooner rather than later. But we just got to be patient with ourselves and trust that what we’re doing will get us where we want to go. It is easy to give up during this stage, but if we just hang in there longer, we will see everything beginning to come together and we will be pleased and we will say to ourselves that everything we did to get here was worth all the efforts we have put into our goals.


Our Brain

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The brain is a remarkable organ. Our brain keeps our heart pumping. We think, plan and execute our plan sometimes without our awareness. We can dream while we sleep. Even while we sleep our brain is still regulating our body functions. Our brain is probably the hardest working organ in the body and the most powerful one as well. Our personality resides in our brain, in particular, the cerebral cortex, right above the eyes. We’re very unique that we have intelligence like no other species and we have an awareness of about us. We have the ability to think up an idea and transformed it into something incredible.