Take The Joy With You

La Peyrecout - Swimming Pool with View

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

After a long day of hard work, it is all right to enjoy ourselves. Wherever we go, we can enjoy ourselves, because we take the joy with us. We have many ways to enjoy ourselves. We can enjoy ourselves walking through a park, swimming in a nice cool pool during a hot summer day, or we can enjoy ourselves dining out with friends or family. Enjoying ourselves is the expression of what we do that makes us happy and to share that joy with others in our live. Joy is a positive feeling when we get when we experience life as it is. When we accept things that are out of our control, we’re letting go of things that worry us. Those things that worry us can bring down our energy and zap our joy. But experiencing the feelings of joy is what make us feel good inside.


Focusing On A Specific Goal

Constructing Pebbles

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we see that we aren’t making our goals, probably is because we’re still in a self-doubt mode. If we come to the belief that we can’t meet our goals, then we won’t meet them. If our goals are vague, we must break them down into very specific smaller goals. When goals are specific, tangible and concrete, we have a better handle on them and they will gives us more of a direction on where we want to go with a project. When we don’t have specifics on what step to make in a reaching our goals, our doubts will fill in where there is vagueness. However, when each small task is completed our doubt decreases while our confidence in ourselves increases.

Regroup and Relax For The Self

Deborah rest in his favorite place
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is all right to regroup and take some time off for the self. We need to rest and take it easy so we can renew ourselves. So after we have rested we will notice that our memory is sharper, our mind is clearer, we’re a lot calmer.  Instead of rushing we can just sit back and relax and enjoy the peace and quiet around us. We can smell the different fragrances of  flowers or the freshly cut grass and the wind blowing. Let us return to self and experience what it means to be a human being and not just a human doing.


Experience And Knowledge

316th ESC Soldiers Take the Army PT Test

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The only source of knowledge is experience. ~ Albert Einstein

We learn much faster when we experience learning. The knowledge we gain from learning through experience sticks around longer than if we’ve learned it just by reading a book. The bottom line is, no matter how many times we’ve learned how to do something from a book; we still have to apply what we’ve learned in real life for it to stick. We stimulate growth and excitement when we test our book knowledge or concepts in real life situations. We learn things from our experiences. We have to go through certain experiences for us to get the special knowledge to have an understanding about life. Our experiences show to us what we need to know.


Optimism Is the Difference That Makes The Difference


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Having an optimistic attitude means expecting a positive result in the future. It is our hope that things will work out in the long run no matter how dire the circumstances. We can hope that things will get better in our future. If we see it that way then, we can better cope with everyday difficulties. We don’t have to add stress to an already difficult situation. Our optimism is our beacon of hope that motivates us to do the things we need to do to meet our expectations. The feeling of optimism trickles down from our mind and spreads out to the entire body. So having an optimistic mindset is the difference that makes the difference.



Struggling Is Now A Challenge

Coming about - Hands pulling rope on winch

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Struggling is what gives us meaning in our lives.  What if everything we do came easily for us, then life would seem to be meaningless. The struggle we experience is our body resisting change. Our struggle is about letting go of old patterns that we’re used to.  However, if we reframe the word “struggling” into the word “challenge,” then maybe it becomes our goal in life to live our dreams instead of reacting to things we have no control over. Also, using the word “challenge” helps us to be more in control of our lives than if we looked at everything as a struggle.

When Confusion Is Good

Falling Twins 2

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes it is good to be confused about something we don’t understand. Confusion is our way of letting go of old ideas and forced to better understand new ideas. We can hold on to old ideas for dear life because of the familiarity and comfort that it brings. Without learning new ideas progress can’t be made. The good news is that we’re born to learn. Some of us are more willing to learn new ideas while other aren’t willing to. The state of confusion can lead us to a better understanding of new ideas. When the mind catches hold of a new idea, it can do wonders.



On Being Assertive


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes, we have to be assertive even when we don’t want to. Some of us don’t have a problem being assertive while some of us do.  Being assertive doesn’t mean to be overly aggressive. Being assertive is about setting boundaries and expressing how we feel without hiding and asking for what you want and need. It is like going to a restaurant and the waiter take us to a table and give us a menu.  We read over the menu and decide what we want to eat then the waiter takes our orders. Just like life we have to look at the menu of life and decide what we want in life and then work on it to make things happen and enjoy the tasty satisfaction of life.


Either Way, A Struggle Is Inevitable

Dave Watson at Struggle for Survival, London 2012

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We might as well struggle for the good that can help others, rather than to struggle without a purpose or meaning to our lives. Either way, we will have some struggles. But with struggles come the benefit of getting stronger and hopefully wiser through the experiences of struggling.  The learnings we learn from our struggles can be passed down to our offspring or students who want to learn about life so they can avoid some of the unnecessary struggles. The most we can do with the unnecessary struggles is to learn from them and to move on with our lives without dwelling on what is now behind us. Our experience are really our guideposts to where we what to go now, today.


No One Can Stop You, But You

Stupid photo
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The only people who can stop us from success in life are ourselves. The only people who can help us to success in life are ourselves. We can choose to be our own worse enemy, or our greatest supporter. Sometimes, we got to lay things down on the table and look objectively at what’s on our plate. And we need to use all the resources at our disposal; the tools we need to help us to accomplish our goals.  Learning is always a part of the process of getting to where we want to go.  Learning is like engine oil; it keeps the engine running smoothly so we can travel to interesting places of life.


Learning From Our Strengths and Weaknesses

Push Ups 2

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Yes, it is okay to focus on building our strengths, as it is okay to recognize our weaknesses. Our weaknesses can play a role on how we deal with situation in our lives. For us to be strong we must first admit our weaknesses. Our weaknesses can keep us from focusing on our strengths. Really, our strengths are what guides us through life and our weaknesses are what tell us about our limitations. Our strengths are the opposite of our weaknesses. For example, one character trait is being “hopeful” and its opposite is “uncertainty”.  If we admit that we feel uncertainty about something, then we can better deal with it in a hopeful way.


What Is The Secret Of Life?


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The secret of life is that there is no secret of life.” ˜David Viscott

There are no shortcuts to a better or easier life. We still have to do the hard work to succeed in life. We have to decide if it is worth the time and effort doing the work that requires of us to succeed in our lives. Whatever we do in life, there are always sacrifices. We have to decide, if it is worth the sacrifices. Each one of us wants a meaningful and fulfilled life. To find more meaning in our lives we must find our purpose in this life we live. What is it that we always wanted to do but never got around pursuing, because we somehow lost of way? We can rekindle those dreams we had and make them real in our lives with courage in our hearts.


Our Well Being

Black-capped Chickadee in flight 04-22-2013 148
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to stay in a situation that’s causing stress. We can either change our perspective on it and accept it or, if it is possible, just leave the situation. We still can make choices to take part in something else that are conducive to our well-being. Life is just too short to worry over things that won’t matter in a year from now. We can create a world that is positive to support personal growth so that we can get through the difficult times that are inevitable in our lives and celebrate each day of our lives.




Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes a crisis can be overwhelming. It is a good idea to step back and see if the situation is a real crisis, because we sometimes make things bigger than they are normally. If a crisis is a life and death situation that needs immediate care, then it makes sense to call 911. If something needs a repair around the house or getting a flat tire while driving home from work and no one is not in any immediate danger, then that’s not a crisis. Thinking ahead can be useful like coming up with different ways to keep the situation minimal like having emergency money just in case we need it or telling our neighbors to watch the house and to call us if there is an emergency while on vacation.  These are some useful ways to minimize the situation and to decrease stress.


Start With The Skills We Already Have

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We already have the skills that we can use to start doing what we want to accomplish. We will continue to use those skills until our goal is accomplished. We don’t really have a real excuse not to start something new since we already have skills to begin the project. So we don’t have to delay progress because we have trepidations. We have no reason not to start since we already have the skills to start. So the skills and information we need, we can learn through experiences, and trial and error for us to continue making progress.

Take Change Slowly

A Snail's Pace
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we want to rush things to make changes happen in our lives. We can’t rush change. Change has to be gradual, however, we can’t wait for change to occur. We  have to start the process. The change we make will affect others around us. This may mean pulling away from others and getting closer to others who are making similar changes as well. Change is always difficult that’s why many of us avoid it until we’re forced to make a decision. We all want to stay in our comfort zone but we also want some excitement in our lives. We can make a change but we can do so slowly.

Confidence Building

Jan's Land 30-5-2011
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s all right to start out small. For us to gain a feeling of confidence, we must start accomplishing small things first. The small things that are not as threatening like things that we know we can do. Confident building is important when it comes to accomplishing a task. We can remind ourselves that we have made many accomplishments already. We can draw from those past accomplishments the skills that we have acquired and transfer them to the new tasks that we’re learning.


Saying Goodbye To Our Past

behind the stark shapes of trees

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” ― Eckhart Tolle

When we let go of our past stuff, we regain our strength. We have more energy now to deal with the now. We have a clearer picture on how things are today. We can make better decisions. Letting go of the past can support mental health as well as physical health. Insomnia is the act of holding on to the past as well. Thinking about past things can keep us awake at night when we need a good night sleep. It’s all right to say good-bye to the things of the past that’s pulling against us. Letting go of the past can free us from unnecessary sorrows but can also give us a peace of mind— a quieter mind.


When Our Power Weakens

The Power of a Symbol
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Each one of us has power. Some of us have learned how to wield our power while others haven’t and some of us unfortunately have constantly given away our power.  This is a mistake to just give our power away. We need our power to take control over our own lives. We need our power to vote. We need our power to take initiative. We need our power to go to work everyday and to pay our bills. As citizens we have the power to be accountable to ourselves and to be responsible for our well being. So we don’t have to feel weak when our power weakens, because our power weakens, doesn’t mean we’re without power. Let us stay empowered.


Learning About Learning

Learning how to make a sushi...
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Everyday we have an opportunity to learn something about ourselves and about life. Learning can be a form of entertainment. When we’re experiencing an impasse, we can approach the situation as something we can learn from.  We don’t have to find a solution to get out of the situation. Instead , we can learn to find another way of dealing with the situation. Learning is about gaining experiences and knowledge about us, about life and about the world.  Learning widens our scope so we can see beyond what we already know and for us to have the opportunity to have a variety of options and not feel that we don’t.