Being Nice

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Being nice to someone can make someone’s whole day. A simple smile can brighten someone’s day. Perhaps, the person who has been brightened by our smile can also spread and share smiles with others. We don’t have to wait on someone to brighten our day, but we can brighten someone else’s day. By brightening someone’s day can make us feel brightened as well.  A smile can turn someone’s frown right side up. A simple smile can melt resentment away in instant if we let the smile in and allow it to spread throughout our body. A smile is an invitation for us to join in life’s celebration.


Wait For The Answer

Door / Barrel Distortion Test

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have resources at our disposal but how do we get access to them? When it comes to creativity, it really comes from the back of our mind (the unconscious or the subconscious mind). We all experienced an idea that pops into our mind and we ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I think of that?”  We didn’t come up with it consciously but unconsciously. So we ought to trust our unconscious mind more and just wait to our unconscious mind gives us the answers or steers us in the right direction to find out the answers or the solution to something that’s nagging at us.  Sometime questions can be answered through a dream or after good night sleep.  Our unconscious mind is constantly at work while we’re sleeping and processing everything that happened that day.

Get An Understanding Through Experience

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to understand something or expand our minds, we must first have some sort of experience. During the experience we are learning something in various ways. As we are learning, we are downloading the experiences in our memory banks. During the experience we are exercising our mind so we can better understand what we don’t know at the moment. As we get older our understanding of life begins to change. We begin to switch to a more global understanding about things and see things as much greater than ourselves. Finding meaning in our lives becomes more important to us than material things or ambition.


Hope For A Better Tomorrow

Coming Home . De vuelta al hogar

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we have hope, then there is an opportunity for change. We have hope because we want our circumstances to get better. Hope is an unforeseen future or at least the way we imagine things could be. When we’re hopeful, we’re optimistic about tomorrow. Hope can be a state of mind. There is no doubt in our minds when we’re in this state called hope.  Being hopeful keeps our mind at rest and us centered. Being hopeful prepares us for what things to come. No matter how bad things are today, we can hope for something better tomorrow.


No Longer A Desire

Desire (Mnemosyne - Ana Maria Tavares)a
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we no longer have the desire that we once had in our goal, then we need to ask ourselves what originally got us interested in it before we started. We set goals because we had a desire for change. We want to make a difference in our lives and in others lives as well. Maybe if we make up a mission statement to ourselves, maybe this will keeps us on track in what we are trying to accomplish. We get easily distracted at times so being reminded of our purpose can be very useful and motivating. We need motivation at times when we don’t have it.

Getting Inspired

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is nice to be inspired by someone, especially someone in adversity. In spite of their adversity, they still have the attitude of patience and endurance. Everything is temporary. Nothing last for very long including adversity. Even in adversity there will always be a window of opportunity. An opportunity to inspire others is how we deal with life difficulties.  Through our character we struggle because that’s what we are. All our lives we have gone through life altering changes that we had to make adjustments to. No one is without life adversities. It is how we deal with those adversities that show our true self.



When We Don’t Believe In Ourselves

(Too much) Thinking
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we don’t believe in ourselves, we come up with excuses to keep from taking the steps to use our abilities. But, if we have the ability to think, plan and execute, that’s all we need to believe in ourselves. We do think, plan and execute everyday. If we get up every morning, take a shower, bush our teeth, comb our hair and eat breakfast before we’re off to work, then that’s executing a plan. At some point we had to think about what we were going to do for the next day, then it became second nature.  When we are presented to something new, it just takes more thinking, more planning and more time to execute.  We aren’t going to get it right the first time.  Believing in ourselves means we realize that we have always been equipped to think, plan and execute; it is in our nature to do so.



Sometimes We Need To Be Reminded


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are unique people. Sometimes we need to be reminded that just for being alive we have resources within us to use. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we have choices. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we have the power to change. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we have the freedom to change our minds. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we can enjoy life. Sometimes we need to be reminded that life is a place of learning and sharing in that journey together. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are perfectly human and that humans make mistakes all the time.

Make Things Fun

1 of 2 Two delightful girls give thumbs up - Runners at 1st Annual Rock 2 Rock 5 Mile Fun Run
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is better to use the time we have rather than wasting it on frivolous things that are design to distract us from what we supposed to be doing.  A part of us wants to rebel and that part needs to be in check. We don’t want be driven by the rebellious part of ourselves; we surely will not get anywhere. It’s all right to have the pleasure of spending time doing something else besides always working on something. But after the time is up, we can return to what we’re doing. What we’re doing can be pleasurable as well; it doesn’t have to be unpleasant. We got to make things fun and to look forward to doing the work.


Trying Anything New

Psychedelic Paint Plate
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”  Albert Einstein

How can we learn, if we never make a mistake? Fear of making a mistake can stop us from trying anything new. Mistakes are only feedback to help us learn to do the new thing better each time. For us to acquire a new skill, we must practice so we can continue to make improvements. Improvement is from the feedback of all the mistakes we have made. This is how we give ourselves some room to grow because if we’re afraid to make mistakes, then we won’t consider the possibility of doing anything new. When giving ourselves room to grow, we’re accepting everything about us including our mistakes and to know that we’re just learning our way through life.

Pressure Helps

Pressure Gauge
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we need pressure to get us going on something. Pressures are only meant for us to get us started, to maintain the work and to complete the work. Deadlines can evoke pressure. But too much pressures or having constant pressure isn’t good for the body or the mind for that matter. But pressure has its useful function as long as it’s done right. As we have all experienced, that after we have completed something, the feeling of pressure decreases. If we feel we’re not working on something that we should be working on, then it is time for us to create pressure of some kind to move things forward in a positive way.


Without Overwhelm Feelings

Picture Frame
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It can feel overwhelming when we see how much we got to get done to reach our goal. The overwhelming feeling we get is really from the picture we make inside our head of our project. This is one of the reasons why we procrastinate because enormity of the project we make in our head. Instead we can shrink down the picture and fragment the picture into pieces of the project so we can start doing the work without overwhelming feelings. Our goals can be hard but it also should be enjoyed as well. We must find some joy and satisfaction in what we’re doing so we can go through parts that will be difficult.

Nearing The End Of Winter


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is March 1st. This is a time to start thinking about Spring. Spring brings rain and flowers and ants. Springtime means the days are getting longer and the clocks are sprung forward an hour. Spring is the time to do yard and gardening work. Spring is the time to do spring-cleaning and the time to put away winter cloths. Spring is a metaphor of rebirth and renewal. Green is the symbol of growth. Birds are beginning to return. Squirrels are happy. Oh, the smells of blooming flowers and fresh-cut grass. Those days are returning soon.


When Dreams Don’t Come True

Post Written Eugene Morgan

Not every one of our dreams will come true, is a reality we must face.  All of our dreams aren’t meant to come true but some of them will. A dream is our hope to satisfy something in our lives. A dream is something we think about now to get us motivated.  A dream is the stuff that makes things real in our future. Dreams let us work things out in our head before we make them real. A dream helps us to consider the possibility that something can become real.  Some of our dreams should stay dreams and not made real.


A Shift In The Way We Look

look downstairs into stairwell whirl
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we just got to look at a problem differently for us to better handle it. It does us no good to look at the problem the same way but only see it as something we can’t manage. Just a shift in the way we look at it can help us see things that seemed at the time impossible to solve. We are able to do; we just have to remove the blinds away from our eyes. Things weren’t hidden from us; we just didn’t know what and where to look.  We don’t have to look very far for our treasure, because we all possess it. We just got to learn how to use it.


A Rock and A Hard Place

Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we’re between a rock and a hard place, we find ourselves feeling stuck.  When this happens, it is time to wait and see. Things seem to work themselves out if we wait until an opportunity presents itself for us to take. Everything is in constant change; nothing stays the same. We just have to wait until something comes up that will help us get ourselves unstuck and move on with our lives.  Opportunity will come knocking at our door, if we’re home to answer it.


The Last Week Of February

Calendario Sí Se Puede 2013. Marzo

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is hard to believe that we are fast approaching March. So far we’ve spent almost two months in the year 2013 and have 10 more months to go. For those of us who haven’t started a resolution and still wants to make a change, it isn’t too late. We’re just only two months behind. If we start it now, then by the end of the year, it won’t make much of a difference. It won’t make of a difference because then we’ve making changes for 10 great months. Our only regret is that we should have started sooner but it’s better late than never. Only if we just decide and do it when things begin to start happening.

Step Forward Or Step Back

2012 World's Largest Swimming Lesson
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety. ~ Abraham Maslow

Risk and safety are the two things that as human we’ll experience throughout of our lifetime. This is our test to see how far we go in our life. There is always a risk when we step forward. Safety is our basic instinct for self-preservation. So it is normal to have some trepidations when we step forward into uncharted territory. This was started when we took our first step, when we first step into a pool for the first time for swimming lessons, when we first sat in the driver’s seat of a car for driving lessons, etc. There will always be a first time for something throughout our life that we can learn from each time we move through life experiences.

Be Most Effective

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to be most effective in our work, we must take care of ourselves. It’s important that we rest to renew our energy. Sometimes we need to get away from it all so we can rekindle our spirit and clear our mind. We’re no good when we are tired and stressed out. Learning something different from what we do daily can be useful to keep our mind sharp and physical exercise can get everything circulating in our body. Eating healthy is useful as well in supporting health.

Memories Are The Storehouses

Memory game
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We have good memories and bad memories. We have the tendency to focus on our bad memories. These memories can be triggered by a smell, an image, or a sound. The same things can trigger good memories. But we seemed to be conditioned to focus on the unpleasant memories, which can create negative feelings that aren’t good for our psyche. Our memories are the storehouses of our experiences. We retrieve memories everyday to help us function in the world. We can recall a funny joke and laugh. Our memories can help us find direction. We’re so conditioned that we can recall something second nature. Our memories do so much more than we think.