Only Your Actions

Spherical ball bearings @ 100 innovationer @ Tekniska Museet
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You cannot control the results, only your actions.” ― Allan Lokos

The only power we have is from our actions. Trying to control something or someone that doesn’t have any bearing on us is a waste of our time and energy.  Even if we study the behaviors of others and find out what makes them tick, we still can’t steer their behaviors or responses to the way we think they should be.  The event may make us feel bad, but if we do something constructive to help us to go through the bad feeling, then maybe it will dissipate.  Just by leaving an unpleasant event can begin to deescalate the negative feelings we are experiencing.



Finding Time

To-do list book.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we find ourselves not working on a project, because we say to ourselves, “I don’t have the time,” then it is time to make the time.  We can’t afford to wait for a moment or for the right time to start a project, because we will wait for it for a long time. Instead, we just got to push other things aside to create a moment where we can do what we need to do to start and complete the project. While we’re driving in to work, there is time we can use to think about the project. While waiting in the checkout line, we can write some ideas down. Even while taking a shower we can problem-solve. We just have to find creative ways to use our time.


Set Backs

Back from DST
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A set back doesn’t mean we have failed. A set back can mean that we need to try another approach. A set back is only a feedback to us that what we’re doing isn’t working. A set back is temporary and so is the disappointment that comes with it. We learn more when there is a set back than if we didn’t have a set back.  A set back is also a temporary delay before a triumph.  It is an inevitable victory that awaits us if we continue to strive and to never give up on the dream.


Sometimes It Rains And Sometimes It Doesn’t


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Life is much better if sometimes it rains and sometimes it doesn’t.” ~ Milton Erickson

If we get sunshine everyday, we won’t appreciate the sun. If everything we do comes easy, we will never feel a satisfaction of doing hard work. Just as there are constant changes in the weather, there are changes in our lives. We want things to go smoothly every time. But there will always be delays, distractions and challenges for us to go through. This is part of life. For us to appreciate sunny days, it must rain. For us to appreciate our health, sometimes we catch a cold.  Life is not all negatives or all positives, but life has both negatives and positives. The negative experiences help us to grow while the positive experiences help us to experience and appreciate the joys of life in a meaningful way.

Live A Happy Life, Then Tie It To A Goal

Skyscraper Pass

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” − Albert Einstein

It is not up to others to make us happy. No one can completely satisfy another. No one can fill in a void of another. It is nice to have things. But nice things can’t fulfill us. We’re excited when we first purchase something, but sooner or later the novelty wears off. If we want to move beyond where we are in our life, then we have to set a goal. Goals are useful because it forces us to be specific on exactly we need to do to get ahead. A goal is define as an aim and a purpose.  All of us want to have a purpose in life, because it becomes meaningful to us and that we have something to aim for to where we want to go.

It’s Not As Hard…

The white blues
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“It’s not as hard as I always think it’s going to be.”

We don’t have to run away from difficult work. Even when we find out that the work is difficult, it’s not impossible to carry it out. We all have experienced thinking how difficult the work is going to be, but when we actually do the work it is not as difficult as we made it out to be. It’s just a feeling of dread we get when we begin a new task. We know the feeling we get is just that a feeling. And the feelings are not long lasting, which is a good thing in this situation. When work is hard we can also see as a challenge and an opportunity for growth. When we look at this way, we don’t mind, therefore, our minds are focused on the task itself.



Life Isn’t As Serious As You Think

Olay Review serious look
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

If we take life as it is and accept things as they are, then we can better take on the day. But if we keep our expectations high on how we think the world should work, then we will never be satisfied and we will always be disappointed. But if we meet people as they are, then we will meet interesting people. Life is full with different experiences that everyone participates in. Our memories are shadows of our experiences that we hold dear.

The Way We Perceive It


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one can perceive things in a 360 degree. We will never see the whole picture. What we perceive will always be through our filters. Our filters are our culture, our education and our background. That means each and every one of us brings in a unique perspective. So if we see someone succeeding far greater than the rest of us, then we know that person has found a way to expand his or her perception. For us to be successful in life we don’t have to see everything, but we can educate ourselves so we can widen our perception. Once our perception is widened then we can see that the choices are more available to us.



When Change Is Needed

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Change is needed when we don’t have a purpose. Change is needed when we don’t have any direction. Change is needed when we don’t have a plan. Change is needed when we don’t change our approach. Change is needed with when we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. Change is needed when we’re bore with our lives. Change is needed when we blame others for our misfortune. Change is needed when we sit idle without a goal to shoot for. Change is needed when we no longer have meaning in our life. Change is needed when we think the other person should change. Change is needed if we do more of the same without a positive outcome.



Endurance Makes Me Stronger

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes we back down on something that challenges us, because we’re afraid that it may harm us somehow. We’re afraid we may not endure the physical or the mental pain. We’re afraid we may react to a challenge as though it’s going to physically harm us even when it’s a mental challenge. If we take on the challenges of life, then we may have the opportunity to strengthen ourselves so we can be better prepare to take on the next challenge. Sometimes we give up too soon just before we get so close to achieving our goal. If we can just endure a little bit at a time, then we will have more of a chance to fulfill our dreams.

Doubt and Beliefs

Which Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Just like the chicken or the egg, what came first— doubt or belief about what we can’t do? When we have doubts in our abilities we fuel the belief that we can’t do something. If we believe we can’t do this or that, then it becomes true. If we let doubt fill our minds, then there will be no room to see any possibility for achievement.  It is normal to have some doubts but too much of it is distracting. Doubt looks only at our limitations while courage looks only at opportunities to see beyond our limitations. In courage, we can do things in spite of our doubts; that’s what builds confidence. We don’t have to keep from doing something, when we don’t really know if we can. Why not we find out and are pleased either way.


Doesn’t Matter What Others Think?

at the computer
“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” ~ Lao Tzu

When we are focused too much on what others think about us, we lose focus on what we want in life and what’s best for us. Sometimes we want to know what others are thinking because we want to belong to something and want to feel accepted. But the best people who will support us are those who have the same desires and interests that we have because they know the struggle, the benefits and most of all like what we’re doing. It would be foolish for us to wonder what others think who doesn’t have the same interest. We don’t need the support of others who don’t know anything about what we’re trying to accomplish.


Writing Your Thoughts Down

365.238 - "Dear Journal..."
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Writing our thoughts down can be a useful tool to find out how we think and what we’re thinking about at the time. If we want to know something about ourselves, then we can start a journal. Journaling can help us through emotional conflicts and also it can help us process things that we may find difficult to process. Journaling can be a therapeutic experience. There are some thoughts we hold private but even those thoughts can be written down as well. Sometimes we hold onto our thoughts so tightly that it becomes our personality. When we write down our thoughts, we become more objective because we can look back and read what we have written and make a better assessment.

When Inspiration Is A No Show

Clouds and Sun rays

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We get frustrated when inspiration doesn’t come when needed. Instead, we must wait until it hit us. When inspiration does hit us, it means our minds are beginning to open up to new ideas. Inspiration stimulates ideas into our minds. If we just keep the inspiration in the forefront of our minds, then we can use it to motivate us enough to make it into something real. It is not always easy for an idea in our heads to become something real, at least something that could be a major change. We need not give up on our inspirations. Maybe there is a reason why we get them. We ought to pay attention and not take them for granted and really see if they are worth investigating.

Finding Satisfaction In What We Do

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Whatever we do we need to find satisfaction. Not everything we do will make us satisfied. Some parts of the work we do will be satisfying while other parts won’t be. This is how life is. To know what’s satisfying to us, we must experience what’s unsatisfying. Since we’re unique, what makes a part of the work satisfying to one person doesn’t mean it is satisfying to the other.  This is our own journey to discover what part of our work will be satisfying to us. Once we find what is satisfying, then we will have something to look forward to doing and that’s motivating.


Listening, Silence and Communication

Listen to your Mother - LA
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we don’t know what to say or do, then it’s okay to be silent, because we can learn a lot just by listening. Being silent doesn’t mean we’re passive participants instead we’re active listeners. We’re listening to the other individual through our filters. Our filters are our culture, our background, etc. Even the one who is speaking is also listening to his or her voice. Communication is very important to us. Communication tells a lot about an individual and about us. Verbal is one way of communicating, but we communicate nonverbally such as our tone(how we speak) and our body language are some of the telltale signs.

How Is Your Resolutions So Far

Ticking time...

Post Written Eugene Morgan

Believe or not, we are almost done with January. Those of us who haven’t started with resolutions, it’s not too late to start now. Because before we know it, five more months would have been passed without anything done. The feeling of regret that we didn’t do anything in six months ago, isn’t a nice feeling especially when we see that half the year has gone already and we look back to see that no progress has not been made during that time.  Time is our most valuable commodity because once it’s lost we can never get it back. So let us start now because February is a short month. And when we begin to see March, we can look back on the progress we have been making in February, and wish that we could’ve done this sooner.


Practice Makes Progress
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we do make some personal progress in our lives, we ought to celebrate. Making progress is a milestone especially if the work is difficult and slow. It requires patience and constant persistence to continue doing difficult work. There are times when every part of our body doesn’t want to do anything but to avoid the work all together. And there are times when we do enjoy every second of our time doing the work. So it is time to celebrate because hard work should be encouraged not discouraged. We are made to make progress. One of the benefits of progress is improving the quality of our lives.


Doing Something Now Saves Time

Suzanne, Mastodon Peak, Cholla cactus garden  Joshua Tree

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is easy to say we are going to do something or we need to do something, than to do it. But when we see that we haven’t done anything about it in two weeks or longer, and then we won’t do it at all. We find ourselves thinking about doing which is a waste of thinking because we could be working on it now. We will need our thinking for problem solving as we’re working and as we’re learning about the work. If we continue thinking about it without doing nothing, then we make the task seems unattainable to do. The time now is what we have because tomorrow isn’t always guaranteed.

When Freedom Ring

Statue of Liberty

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we are in control of our destiny, we feel a sense of freedom. And on the other side of freedom is responsibility. We need both freedom and responsibility in our lives to keep balanced. We can’t have one without the other. If we have too much freedom, nothing will get done but on the other hand if we only do, do and do then we stop being. Freedom allows us to be while we do what we’re required to do in our own way and made by our own decisions. We do the things we do within our values and that’s what’s important.