Celebrating With Family and Friends

Holidays 2010

Written By Eugene Morgan

Today is that day we celebrate. Meet up with some of our family members to celebrate by exchanging gifts, eating dinner and sampling all the desserts. This is the time where we can develop a meaningful experience with our family and friends. The virtue of giving is not about just gift giving, is also about gathering under a roof and experiencing the uniqueness and the company of one another.

Prioritize, Then Have A Peace Of Mind


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we have too many things on our plates. The majority of those things we have to do but it is impossible to do them simultaneously. Instead, we first have to prioritize from what is most important thing to what is least important thing. After we prioritize them, we can start completing what’s most important thing first, down to what is the least important thing. This approach will keep us from being overwhelmed with the amount of things we have to do. We don’t have to have these things clutter our minds. Instead, these things can be written down so we can see what specific thing we can do next. This will give us a peace of mind.



Forgetfulness and Values

Remember me
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If our instincts are telling us that we forgot something, then we should pay attention and find out what it is that we have forgotten. When we know that we’re going to forget something then we should put what we think we’re going to forget to a place where we think it’s going to trigger a memory. What we think is important  is when we say to ourselves that we need to remember to do something in such and such time. We forget to do something, because it is no longer urgent, and our value has switched to something else that’s more important.  Depending on what we’re doing at the moment is all we’re focused on.   We remember things when there is a need for something to get done and we forget things when other needs we’re attending to is more important.

Being In The Moment

329/365  "And in that moment I swear we were infinite."

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Make up your mind to rejoice in this paradise called life. ~ Lao Tzu

We all get busy doing things and forget to stop for moment and look around us. If we just take notice of things around us, we can appreciate life better. We need to experience a little longer the sun on our faces. We need to take a moment to smell the morning air. We need to take a moment and  listen to the sounds around us. We need to spend time thinking about nothing, but experience the sound of silence.  Life is a paradise if we allow our minds to rejoice in the moment because that’s all we have and be thankful when we’re given another day. When we’re given another day to rejoice, we have another opportunity to celebrate life.

Finish What You Started


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The same energy we used to start something is the same energy we can use to finish something. Sometimes we think we need that extra burst of energy to finish something, but we just need to continue doing what we have done for us to complete it. Sometimes we find ourselves delaying finishing something because getting close to finishing it can create some trepidation. Our trepidation in finishing something stems from trying to make it perfect.  Some of us don’t like to feel exposed when our finish work is laying out there for an attack. That’s why it takes courage to let ourselves produce our best work and not worry about the imperfections.


Getting An Understanding?

Mother and Daughter

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Are things meant for us to understand? If we get an understanding or answers about why a tragic event occurred, would we be satisfied with the answer? When something tragic happens we want to look externally for an understanding about why bad things happens to good people. But getting answers will not resolve the painful experience of someone who just lost a loved-one. It takes time for wounds to heal. Some wounds heal faster than others. Sometimes after many years have gone by a mother still holds on to the grief of a child, because that’s the only thing she has left.  No child should lose a parent and no parent should lose a child, but these things happen unfortunately.

Together We Mourn


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one should mourn a loss alone. Most of us have lost someone that’s dear to us some time in our lives. Even those who feel the most comfortable grieving alone will need connection. Just by saying ‘my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,” can help a grieving person to reconnect. A death of a loved-one is about feeling the lost of connectivity. We are meant to connect and to stay connected with one another for to experience the wholeness of humanity.

Rewarding Ourselves With Balance


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we work so hard all day, we should always reward ourselves. Resting, eating, walking and playing are the few things we can do to reward ourselves after working. This is about balancing our lives. We don’t want to burn out and we don’t want to get complacent either. If we find ourselves only thinking about work especially when we’re away from work, then it is time to let work go and spend our time doing something we enjoy. We ought not to deny ourselves the feeling of joy when it comes to rewarding ourselves. We deserve it since we worked so hard all day.

Purpose and Satisfaction

Dogs and Owners

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is nice to feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction on the work we have done. When we experience this, we don’t feel the need to impress someone to boost our egos. Our work is the extent of our expression. We tell others not some much to impress, but we tell others about our work, because we’re excited to share about what we do. And others are happy to hear what we’ve done with our time. It is nice to share ideas and share new discoveries to others who are interested in listening to us.

It’s Okay To Give Yourself Permission To Do

Vintage Garden

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s okay to give ourselves permission to do what we want to do. Even though the things we want to do are difficult, we can give ourselves permission to go ahead and do them anyway. Once we give ourselves permission to do what we want to do. Our doubts won’t enter into the picture then we will began to develop a labor of love. A love that that will grow inside of us. We will eventually have a feeling of satisfaction when we’re done thus an anticipation of doing it again. We won’t hesitate to be willing to do more and more each day because we don’t mind it because it’s our labor of love.

It Is Up To You

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We aren’t forced to do anything we want to do. We can pick and choose what we want to do in our lives. We all have responsibilities. But we still can choose what path we want our life to go. We all have our own difficult paths we must follow for us to grow. When we find our path, it doesn’t mean it get easier. We might as well go on the road that’s meant for us, because the road that isn’t meant for us is going to be just as hard.  There will be some highs and some lows along the way as much as expected. Therefore, we might as well take the path that is unique to us to find out how we’re tide to the universe and to find out more about ourselves.

Making It Feel More Real


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we begin to make changes in our lives or start a new project, the feeling of resistance is just around the corner. In order for us to start the process, there are the preliminary things that we must to do first. Because the preliminary and the mundane stuff are boring, we want to skip over them to start the exciting part of the process first.  However, the mundane stuff is really the foundation to get a project going or to start a change. We know this but it’s easy to ignore. But if we ignore this part of the process, then we’re domed to failure. We will fail because it hasn’t become real to us.  Its laying a foundation down, learning the basic and doing our research for it to feel real to us.

When Saying Goodbye

Goodbye Summer 2011

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Saying goodbye is hard to do when we know it’s indefinite. When saying goodbye, seems final, we’re still left with good memories of that person. Our memory of them can be our treasure. We may have kept pictures of them, recording of their voice, and the feeling of them we use to get while in their presence. These things can aid us in eliciting good memories of them in happy times.  Now these memories are incorporated in us. They are a part of us forever. The memory of that person never dies. We take it wherever we go. When we think of that person, we relive the experiences we had with that person.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Eye on the Ball

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we keep our eyes on the ball, we stay focused. Our attention is only on what we’re doing at that moment. Distractions only bounce off us. Our minds are sharp and are ready to cut through to get to the bottom of what we suppose to do to get things going. We’re no longer focused on ourselves but on what we’re doing. We’re no longer looking at our watches wondering how much time we have left to start a project, instead, we’re looking at our watch wondering how much time we have left to finish the project. We no longer are preoccupied with whether we can do sometime. Instead, we’re preoccupied on what to do next to make it work.

Completing Things

unfinished project

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Completing something is like saying goodbye to a person or ending a relationship.  We don’t want to end it; we want to drag it as long as possible. But closure is very important. It’s hard to move on to doing something else when there is no closure. Completing things can lead us to the next thing we want to do. Completing things are a step forward and not a step backward. When we leave projects unfinished, it’s a step backwards because they’re draining the energy out of us. Energy we cannot afford to waste, but to help us to complete our projects.  We need our attention on what are in front us, our projects not on unfinished project, which are behind us, which we cannot see.

Change Takes Time and Work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Change takes time and hard work. Sometimes we want change to occur immediately. And we get impatient with ourselves when we see that change is harder than we think. We need to be patient with ourselves when we do slack or procrastinate. We needn’t get so hard on ourselves. But allow ourselves time to get used to the process of change. Change requires us to think differently than we did before. Change replaces the old behaviors with new behavior within the process of change. Struggling is okay as long as we continue to struggle for change. Sometimes fear and even doubt can be a motivating factor for changes to occur. Sometimes it is harder to make a change because we have net under us to catch us. So let us feel a little discomfort and take courage for change.

On Being Deliberate


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What does it means to be deliberate? Being deliberate means to take action with intent.  If we want to get something done, we have to be deliberate in our behaviors.  When learning something new we’re forced to be deliberate in our actions. Learning requires us to pay attention or be more aware about what we’re doing while we’re learning.  Being deliberate is a conscious act we must do when we want control back into our lives. We’re the pilots of our lives; we’re responsible for where we want to take our life. Being deliberate is about thinking ahead on what we want to do and making a plan up and following the specific things that the plan has laid out for to do.


tree decoration

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Holidays can be difficult for some of us who have lost a loved-one or has no family around. The holiday seasons is where most of us greet and meet loved-ones and share with one another our love and affection through giving.This is the time some of us want to avoid family because of past differences, disagreements and hard feelings; indeed avoidance is justified.  However, it leaves some of us alone and feeling lonely. Some of us don’t have to be alone, but being around people who care about us. Or, we can treat ourselves for a holiday dinner or we can even do volunteer work. Volunteering is good for the soul because we’re expressing freely ourselves.

Accepting Mistakes


Pos Written By Eugene Morgan

If we want to grow, we must learn to accept our mistakes.  Accepting our mistakes means to leave them in the past. Mistakes are made so we can learn from them and move on. If we’re going over and over in our heads about a mistake we’ve made, then we haven’t let go.  Beating ourselves on the head with our mistakes isn’t as useful as learning from our mistakes. Some of us go so far as to not do anything because we’re afraid we will make a mistake. Mistakes can tell us which way to go towards meeting our goal.

Digging Deeper

Archeological dig continues to discover new artifacts on USACE construction site in Wiesbaden

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper to learn about ourselves. It is easier to stay on the surface of things than to dig deeper. Digging deeper is about stopping for a moment and paying closer attention to our behaviors, our thinking and our feelings. It is easier to be on autopilot and not dig. But if we continue on autopilot, we continue to stay unchanged in our ways without an understanding of self. It is about knowing “thyself”. It is learning about why we feel a certain way in one situation and not feel a certain way in another. Learning about the self is a humbling and a wonderful experience.