A Better Place

Hand mirror

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Do we have a vision for ourselves? Vision is about imagining the world and ourselves differently. If we want to make a change in the world, then we first start with us. Once we start making changes, then the world we see begin to change. Or at least certain things we’ve seen before are changing. Sometimes we project our inner turmoil into the world. Nonetheless, we do have enough proof that the world isn’t perfect. There are starving people in the world, the homeless, orphans, wars, crimes, therefore we still need to believe that there is hope, and imagine our world a better place.

To Become A Warrior

Warrior & Horse

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

To meet a challenge, we must become warriors. A warrior is willing to make sacrifices to meet his or her goals. Having the archetype of a warrior is important when it comes to completing our goals. To start something new, we need the warrior’s mentality to move mountains. We need the strength and the will of a warrior in spite of our feelings, distractions— which we will carry through what we set out to do. A warrior believes that he or she is expected to win. A warrior is willing to fight for a cause that could improve the lives of self and others.  A warrior is expected to rise when life challenges are difficult.

This Day

Day out at Waldringfield

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Nothing is worth more than this day. ~ Goethe

Today is what we are experiencing now; it is all we have. Tomorrow is only imagined and yesterday is only remembered. But with the present, we have all we need. What is in front of us is what we attend to that is important. As children we were more present in each of our days, than we are as adults. We don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen, or what we’re going to do next. We don’t have to re-live our past traumas that are keeping us from living in the moment.  We don’t have to live in the past or in the future, because ‘now’ is always the right time.

Rest and Production


Written By Eugene Morgan

“It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles.” ˜ Buddha

Sometimes we think our battle is external. But the truth is that the battle is within. Once we know that to be true, then we can concentrate on what the conflicts are. The battle is between two parts: our desire to meet goals and our desire to rest. The conflict is when the two parts are competing simultaneously. The two parts have to work sequentially. We need to take breaks after a long nonstop workday. We’re made to work but for us to continue to we must rest to rejuvenate. We can conquer ourselves easily when the parts are in balance.

An Antidote for Despair

PROACTIVE - My Word in Your Hand

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Action is the antidote to despair. ~ Joan Baez

We have more control over ourselves than anything external. If it’s something external that is affecting us, then we can do something about it. First, we can change our attitude about the situation by looking for something positive. Second, if it is possible to change the situation that is affecting us, then we can take action. Thirdly, if it isn’t possible to change the situation, then we can remove ourselves from the situation. We don’t have to feel despair if we take a proactive stand. Being proactive decreases the feeling of despair.


Merlin, The Magician

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Magicians would never tell an audience their secrets. Magic is entertainment. A magician’s goal is to create an atmosphere of believing in something magical. Magic is an experience. We don’t want to know how a magic trick works. We’re also entertained by the skill and the artistry of a magician. The goal of a magician is to develop an illusion because  magic is really built on what we can’t see and what we can’t explain. Magic tricks seem to defy logic or the laws of physics. Why are we so fascinated with magic? We like the stimulation we get, when we’re surprised. Magic helps to loosen up rigid thinking.

How Do We See Ourselves

Mirror Picture!

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

How we see ourselves dictates how we behave. If we see ourselves as someone who can’t change, then we won’t change. If we see ourselves as someone who can make a change, then we will change. If we see ourselves unattractive, then we won’t pursue dates. But, if we see ourselves attractive, then we won’t have any problems dating others. If we see ourselves competent, then we will act competently. If we see ourselves self-assure, then we will feel self-assured around others. The point is made that self-image influences us more than we know; it influences our attitude, our feelings and our behaviors. So if we want to change how we see ourselves then we can visualize ourselves in the future doing our desired goal to build up new associations, new feelings to help motivate us to that end.

What’s Your Story


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Each one of us has a story. Stories are made from our experiences. Listening to a story can be a life changing experience. When we hear someone’s life story, it alters our conscious and unconscious mind. We’re changed inside for the better. It changes us from inside out because we’re experiencing the story as we’re listening to the storyteller. Each one of us is a storyteller. We ought not be afraid to tell our story, since our stories are unique. Like our fingerprints, there is no story alike, that’s because we are unique individuals with unique perspectives.


Brompheniramine Model

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Over the years we have accumulated experiences. And over the years we have accumulated generalizations about those experiences. Generalizations can be helpful and they can be harmful. Generalizations are our filters we look through to make sense out of the world. But some of our generalizations can skew our perceptions on how we see things. Change can be difficult if we have certain generalizations that hinder us from making the effort to change. This means we have to change our generalizations if we want to make change easier. Change doesn’t have to be a difficult prospect. The difficulty of change is not letting go of old generalizations, which are stopping us from doing what is necessary for change to take place.

Just Take A Risk

One Giant Leap For Man

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot

If we look back on our lives, we will see over the years what moved us ahead from where we were before. Those times were the life changing events for us. We forget sometimes that if we want to get ahead, we got to take some risks. Those of us who are afraid to take risks fear either physical harm or ego bruising. But in terms of getting ahead in life, we more likely fear getting our egos crushed than getting physically injured.  So if our ego is afraid of failure, then not risking is inevitable. Failure is only a feedback. Failure can only be failure if we see it as a defeat. Would we rather see our failure as our defeat, or would we see our failure as our feedback—it’s our choice?  If we see failures as feedback, then we can use our feedback as clues to make corrections or adjustments to our behaviors.


See What’s Really There

Long Hollow Observation Tower

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is better to pay attention to things around us because it helps us to be more observant. Being observant is a useful skill to help us interact with the world effectively. Observing ourselves is important because we can find clues about ourselves we didn’t know existed.  Learning about our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors can also give us clues as to how we respond to different situations. Sometimes we react to a situation instead of stepping back for a wider scope. Being an active observant means seeing things that others missed. Observation requires us to painstakingly watch something or someone to compare a hunch or an idea to what we’re observing.

Our Purpose and Our Feelings

My old path.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we put our feelings ahead of our purpose. Our feelings can be a distraction if we’re not too careful. Sometimes we find ourselves not doing what we set out to do because of our feelings. They’ll always be distractions in our lives. We have to accept that so we don’t have to be pull down by them, but continue to stay on track of our purpose. It is useful to constantly remind ourselves about why we’re doing what we set ourselves to do. Our purpose is the driving force to what we do not our feelings. Our feelings aren’t reliable because they’re always fading in and fading out.

We Can Reach


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not allow ourselves to overreact to situation that is out of our control. This is difficult to do if you don’t know how not to overreact with emotions. We have limits and we ought to recognize that we do have them and take a break from a difficult situation if it’s all possible. Instead, look for things that we can control and work on that. Things that are out of our reach, we must accept that we can’t reach, but things we can reach, we reach.

Time, Effort, Progress

Earth Sapphire Progress Picture-3 16-july-2011
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Progress is made when we put in the time.  Progress is made when we do what is important first. It’s always nice to look back on how much progress we have made on something. Progress means that we are moving towards our goal. We are getting closer to finishing the race. Progress is self-improvement, knowing that we have done sometimes we hold dear to our hearts. We experience a feeling of accomplishment when we work so hard to achieve. We have fallen many times, but we have gotten back up, because it takes getting back up and never giving up on our dreams.

Unpleasantness of Life


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The unpleasantness of life is always inevitable.  The unpleasantness of life is unavoidable. This is part of life. Life doesn’t need to be defined by unpleasant events. However, we have the power to look differently at unpleasant events. We can look for something good out of something that’s unpleasant.  An unpleasant event can feel uncomfortable. Nonetheless, we do have a choice on how we feel because our feelings are done by us. We can feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation.

Ask The Question

Wrong Way Go Back
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We can only do our best. When we’re confused about something we can always ask someone who knows. Sometimes it is more than a burden to wonder if we’re doing something correctly. We ought not hesitate in asking for help or have a question about something. It’s better for that other person to be irritated with us asking a lot of questions than to find out six months later that we’ve done it the wrong way. Six months of clean up isn’t fun. Growth and learning can get painful and stressful at times.  We won’t always get it right all the time.


Creating A Climate For Better Learning

Music class room
Written By Eugene Morgan

For growth to occur, a setting has to be right. A climate is necessary if we want to learn something important. We can’t have a television on while learning something complex. If we have fewer distractions, we can grasp new ideas quickly. For us to learn, concentration is important.  A good night sleep can help our memory. Exercising can help with better circulation and lower stress which can support better learning skills.

When It’s Too Good To Be True

2012 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Car Review

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When it’s too good to be true, then it is too good to be true. How come we sometimes ignore our inner voice that warns us about something?   What makes a crafty salesperson is that they look for what we think is important to us. For example, if we are the type of person who like fast a car, the salesperson would focus on how the shape of the body of the car is made to help drive top speeds. If we were the type of person who prefers comfort over speed, then the salesperson would focus on how the shocks in the car easily absorbed bumps, or on how nice it would be during chilly morning day to sit on a heated car seat. Sometimes, we enjoy the rush we get from the experience of enjoying the color of the car, the new car smell and the touch of a brand new stirring wheel.  And by the end of the sales pitch, we are ready to buy a car without reconsidering other alternatives.

Being Spontaneous

Glass of Water

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Being spontaneous is about freely expressing ourselves without external forces. We do something naturally without hesitation. Sometimes it’s nice to do something spontaneous rather than planned. Planning something requires thinking while doing something that comes natural is spontaneous. A spontaneous behavior is more honest and unconscious while deliberate  behavior is done consciously. Being spontaneous is an element of freedom in that we feel no restriction in our behavior. The conscious mind interferes with natural order of things. We sleep when we’re sleepy; we eat when we’re hungry.

Finding Your Labor Of Love

Bowl of Fruit

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We won’t know what we can do, if we don’t try. How can we find what we’re good at, if we don’t try? Some of us won’t try because we have a fear of the unknown. Fear can be use as an excuse for not knowing what we’re capable of doing. Even when we have the potential or the genes for it, we still need to work on it, to develop it and to mold it. If we were to ask ourselves what things that are holding us back, it would be commitment, time and labor; these are the ingredients for success if we want to make things happen. If we are willing to make the sacrifice and put in the effort, then the possibility is greater to see the fruit of our labor.