The Will To Be Responsible

Freedom Sunday 7-2012
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

This quote is a powerful concept because our freedom is based on what we make of our life. How does being responsible make us free? The will to be responsible to ourselves is what makes us free. There is a difference between being told what to do and deciding for ourselves what we need to do. Freedom isn’t about relinquishing responsible, it’s about having the will to do what’s responsible without someone telling us what do. Most of us would rather not be told what to do.  Since we rather not be told what to do, then how come given the opportunity to make an initiative to do something we don’t follow through? The will to be responsible is not easy thing to learn. But if we want more freedom in our lives than we must take on our responsibilities.



Truth and Opinions

Grains of salt
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t keep searching for the truth, just let go of your opinions.” ~ Buddha

It is easy to let our opinions create our world and cloud our judgment. We can be quick to label things when we don’t understand them. In so many ways, we’re pushing the truth away from us by our opinions. Opinions are pre-judgments; pre-judgments aren’t interested in the truth. Truth is not something that we will discover in minutes. Truth is a life long discovery. As we journey through life, our opinions change. If we’re opened minded about things, maybe a gain truth will fall our way.

Dreaming a Dream

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Dreams take us places. In dream, we can be sitting in a boat while fishing, we can be walking through a park, and we can be talking to somebody we haven’t seen in years. A dream can bring back an old feeling from the past. It’s nice to dream at night. In a dream we can explore and discover many rooms of a house. Dreams come from our experiences. Our unconscious mind entertains the conscious mind through dreaming. Dreams are useful for learning something or recalling a forgotten memory. Dreaming is about unloading the experiences that happened that day.

Potential Is Like An Idea

Mustard (Sinapis alba)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Does it matter how much potential we have? What’s important is that we use our potential and not waste it.  We can use it to help humanity and the earth. Our potential is energy ready to be used to help us grow into a skill that’s natural to us.  We each have our unique way to grow our potential into something real that can be helpful to everyone.  It’s incredible that our mind can focus on an idea and that idea can development into something real. The idea has the potential to turn into something real if we make an effort.

Learning to Deal

Storm Clouds Rolln'

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ~ Benjamin Franklin

Why do we expect trouble, when there are no troubles at the moment? When we spend time anticipating trouble, we’re wasting our time when we could be using that time for something useful.  If trouble does come our way, then we need to learn how to deal with it when it does come.  If we anticipate trouble, we can prepare for it and then move on. Dealing with our troubles when they come is the most proper thing to do. If we get through our troubles, then it may make us stronger and wiser. However, if we run from our troubles, they will continue to stay with us.

Let’s Talk About Surprises


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

From time to time, we are presented with surprises in our lives. A surprise is something that happens out of the ordinary. A surprise can shake our world. A surprise can come when we least expected and sometimes when we know it’s coming, we still are surprised. Surprises can be useful. Milton Erickson used them deliberately to break up old frames of reference. At the moment of a surprise, our minds are free and can think clearly before settling back to our rigid ways. Surprises are opportunity to expand our mind.





Go After What You Want

U Street

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” Nora Roberts

As long as we sit idle, we will never have what we want. To get what we want, we have to go after it and do what it takes to get it. If we don’t ask, how would we know the answer. To get to where we want to go, we need to ask how to get there. When we get the information on how to get there, then we must step forward and carry out those things we’ve learned.  If  we  were to do what it takes to get what we want, then inevitably we will get what we want.

In Facing The Right Direction

Walk Away, Walk Away

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. ~ Zen Saying

When we know we’re facing the right direction, sometimes there is a hesitation to keep walking because of fear and anxiety. If we know that’s the path we must follow to get where we want to get, then we must walk through our fears and anxieties. The future will always be uncertain. But as long as we have a direction and a purpose to move forward, than the uncertainty is mute. It is within us that we can turn our uncertainty into courage. In spite of uncertainty in one’s life being courageous makes it certain.


Staying True To Thyself

Self Portrait
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. ~ Richard Bach

What does it means to be true to one’s self? When we’re true to ourselves, we feel comfortable with ourselves. When we’re comfortable with ourselves, we can express honestly and openly with ourselves and others. We don’t have to hide our imperfections but to understand that our imperfections are part of our charm and that’s what we remember the most about a person. It is a lot easier to be ourselves than to use up a lot of time and energy to be someone else we’re not.

When Resting Is Good

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Take the time to just do nothing. It will open up a completely new world of insight for you.” ~Scott Shaw

We need to take a rest between our chaotic schedule. If we just stop at what we’re doing, then maybe our unconscious mind will let go of some of  its creative juices. It is easy to get distracted from our work and not just sit at a quiet location and just rest our bodies, minds and spirits for once. It will do us a lot of good, if we take a break. We will feel much better about ourselves and feel some energy returning back to our bodies. Feeling drained from nonstop working isn’t good for us. Most of our great ideas come from that quiet place inside us. Resting is a natural body function, it heals the mind and soul.




Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ~ Edmund Hillary

Milton Erickson once used this analogy, if a narrow wooden plank were on the ground without hesitation most of us would walk across it. But if the plank was elevated to 200 feet between two buildings and we were asked to walk across it, most of us wouldn’t.  This is what we need to conquer within ourselves. This is where we can learn how to get out of our comfort zone. For us to get what we want, we have to push beyond our comfort zone. We don’t have to start big to move mountains, but we can start small because we don’t want to overwhelm ourselves. Besides, we know from our experience that to improve ourselves we must work at it until we meet our goal even when it feels uncomfortable doing it.


Making Progress

Climb up the rock
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Each time we make progress in what we do, our hope becomes more real. Progress is a good sign that we’re going in the right direction. We begin to see that what we’re doing daily is beginning to pay off. The hard work, determination, discipline and consistency is really paying off. The dull light at the end of tunnel is getting brighter. It’s nice to see that progress has been made. Progress encourages us to continue making more progress because progress begets progress.

Drop The Problem


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

This very moment you can drop all problems because they are your creation. Osho

Only if we learn this concept in the quote above, then maybe we would be a lot better off. Milton Erickson use to say that we all have good luck and bad luck. We don’t have to add to the bad luck because we have enough of that, instead we can add to the good luck. We can consider problem as bad luck. Some problems are real but sometimes we make them out to be bigger than they are. It’s hard to resolve them if we make them too big to resolve. If we drop all problem as suggested from the above quote, then maybe our load would be a lot easier to carry.


Accept the Present Moment

a frivolous moment
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” ― Eckhart Tolle

We all want to be and to feel independent or feel free. It’s seem if we claim to choose the moment that is presented to us, then we feel freedom or feel more in control of the situation. If we make the situation our own, then we gain power. This is not about controlling someone else behavior. This is about taking advantage of the power we have already. If we deny the present moment, we’re giving up our power. If we have a chance and opportunity to fulfill our dreams, but don’t seize the opportunity, then we lose that moment to choose freedom.

When Inconveniences Happens

Long line for Apple
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

An inconvenience is an unrecognised opportunity. ~ Confucius

The first emotion seems to be frustration and then anger when we encounter inconveniences in our lives. We have an internal standard that everything has to go perfectly as plan. We know that inconveniences occur daily. When we’re half way to work, we realize we forget something like a wallet. Or, we’re just about to leave from work to go to the car, when we realized that it’s raining and the umbrella is inside the car. Or, when we’re already 10 minutes late for a doctor’s appointment when we encounter traffic along the way. Or, when we’re waiting in a long line for 45 minutes only to find out that we’re in the wrong line and the line we have to go to is twice as long as the first one. Confucius says these inconveniences are unrecognized opportunities. Patience is one opportunity we can practice each time we encounter inconveniences and learning is another.



The Journey Of Life

Home Depot Sunset
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life is but a journey; death is returning home. ~ Chinese Proverb

The above quote is so powerful.  If we look at our lives as a journey, then it’s really about our experiences. Through out life’s journey, there are many things we have learned and we will continue to experience new things. Through experience we learn something about ourselves everyday. We learn about what we like and what we dislike. We learn about our fears but have the opportunity to learn to take on our fears with courage. We learn about our emotional pains but have the opportunity to learn how to forgive and to heal. Death is one more experience that we have an opportunity to say goodbye to a life well lived without regrets. And return home to rest for a moment before another journey of life.


The Direction Of Peace

✌ peace ✌ mšvidoba ✌ мир ✌ שָׁלוֹם ✌ سلا
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“We’ve been looking outside us for our own peace. We’ve been looking in the wrong direction.” ~Byron Katie

Changes take place internally because that’s where the turmoil of conflict resides. If we want to change the world, it first starts with us. When changes are made, then we can be models for everyone around us. We can only influence others with the persuasiveness of our actions. The old cliché, “Action speaks louder than words.”  Our actions are only influences and are not commandments for others to follow. Those who model after someone is only persuaded to change in the sense that change was based on their own decision not coerced. If the person becomes convinced that a change can be beneficial, then the possibility of a change is inevitable. It is important to us that it was us that made up our minds to change.

Find Your Path

The path to Buttermere
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there. ~ Yogi Berra

What is our purpose in life? Why do we want our own path? Each and every one of us has a purpose and a path we must follow. We just got to find it. If we begin to live and breathe our path, or the first thing we think of when we get out of bed and the last thing we think of when we fall asleep, then we know we have found our true path in life. Once we find our purpose and our path we must not hesitate but to pursue it. We ought not deny ourselves of our talents. Each one of us has a special talent that’s aching to be expressed for the world to see. We ought not shield our talents from others our talents are meant for others to be inspired and encouraged to pursue their talents.

Accepting the Seasons Of Change

Summer time (Algarve)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.” ~Zen Proverb

If it was up to us, we would like the world to be more predictable and unchanging. We love structure and familiarity in our lives, however, as we all know that change happens and it is inevitable. Change is constant, but, what is predictable is the changing of seasons. We know when the summer days arrive, we know when the fall days arrive, and we know when the winter and the spring days arrive.  Adjusting to each season is a must if we want to survive. During the hot summer days we must keep cool and stay hydrated. During the winter months we must keep warm to keep our temperature up.  So adjusting to change is good.

Push Through Doubts

Spring is pushing through
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Lots of things that couldn’t be done have been done. ~ Charles Auston Bates

There are things that others have done; we can do too. If another human person can do it, then we have the possibility to do it as well. We may need training or schooling or more training, but it can be done. If we want it bad enough, then we will carry out our goals. We just have to believe in our selves and develop our potentials into abilities. Daily practice helps us to get closer to our goals. We got to push through our doubts and see how far we can go. We know that our doubts can hold back our potentials and dreams, but with courage we won’t have to hold back instead push through.