Learning to Quiet the Mind

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.” ~ Atisha

We can’t sleep when we have an active mind. While lying in bed wide awake, we think about what we haven’t done that we forgot to take care of. If we’re thinking about something at work and we’re at home, then leave it at work until the next time we’re there to do something about it. It is reasonable to let go of those things we can resolve tomorrow, besides we need our rest to be at our best at work. Whatever is on our minds, it is all right to let those things go. One way of letting go is to write a list of all the things we’re thinking about.  Or, the hour before bed, we can read a boring book or watch an animal documentary on television to relax our minds.



Having New Eyes

A tribute to M.C. Escher
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~ Marcel Proust

Perception is very powerful. Our perception of an event is really about us. It’s about the reaction we get when we perceived an event differently than the next person. That’s interesting because if we react to an event negatively which can keep us from living our lives, we have the ability to change our perception if we want to. We don’t have to react negatively, instead we can find another way of looking at the event. Going on a voyage can affect our perceptions based on some profound experience. Experience does and can change the way we see thing if we let it happen.

We Can’t Do Everything, So Pick One

'RapaNui' wood carving in reclaimed European Oak 2

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We can’t do everything well, but we can at least do one thing well.  Once we find the skill we can do, let us do it well. We can be grateful we can do it well, because others will call upon us for help. If we do the skill long enough, then we can become the expert in the field. But if we constantly try to be the jack of all trades, we will thin ourselves out and no work will get done. When we do our best in a skill, we’re using our strengths and not our weaknesses. The skill is the expression of our strength.

What You’re Going to Do Isn’t Enough

(17/365) BRAIN POWER!
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Some of us who procrastinate focus too much on what we’re going to do instead of actually doing it. When we focus on what we’re going to do, we’re wasting brainpower on useless thinking. Instead of thinking about what we’re going to do, we can actually used that time to plan out what we want to do first. If we can think about specific things to do, then our minds don’t have to chase after general thoughts we can’t nail down. But we can nail down specifics thoughts. We can follow directions. We can follow a list because our brains are made to plan, retrieve data and execute.

The More You Put in, The More You Get

Colorful Art
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The more we put in, the more we get something out of it. So if we’re not putting in the effort, then we won’t have a feeling of satisfaction.  So what are the benefits of putting more into our goals? We have an opportunity to learn something about the subject. If it is exercise, then there is a health benefit. If it is education, then it may improve our chances of getting higher paying job. When we put in the time and effort, we get a return. Our returns from our efforts don’t necessarily means money. Our returns may be a feeling of satisfaction, having a purpose or desire or just being content doing what we enjoy.

When Hard Work Rewards

farm work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Working hard is not an easy thing to do but it is the most rewarding thing. It is the most rewarding thing because of the amount of time, effort and focus we put into it.  There is a sense of freedom when we work hard for ourselves. Working hard is the driving force that moves mountains. If things were always given to us, life wouldn’t be as rewarding. We gain a certain amount of self-respect when we put our whole self into our work.

“If It Were Easy Everyone Would Be Doing It”

tight rope headstand
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we really want to make a major change in our lives, we have to put in the effort. Our effort makes things move. Effort requires that we push ourselves beyond the call of duty. Not that many people are willing to make that kind of sacrifice. Effort requires time. Time is a commodity we shouldn’t waste. Time is precious that many of us don’t have. Time is used to fine tune our craft or learn a new craft so we can be ready to take on the day. Making an honest effort requires us to put in the time.

When We Make Mountains Out Of Molehills

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we make things bigger than what they really are. When we make things bigger, we overreact instead of looking at the situation objectively.

We’re responding to our inflated opinions about the event instead of stepping back and asking ourselves how can we remedy the situation.

Becoming proactive is helpful because it decreases the anxiety that we created by our inflated opinion about the situation. There are things are truly horrific and there are things that are truly trivial.

We just have to meet in the middle and put things in perspectives without reacting to the situation but instead making some readjustments.

We See Things Through Self

Night Sky
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Learning about self can be a sacred spiritual experience. Most religions based their teachings about self and how we should live our lives. Psychology is the study about behaviors, thinking and feelings of the self. Psychiatrist focuses on mental disorders about the self. Science studies and gathers information about the environment where self resides.

Self is pretty much involved in everything we do. We cannot separate self from self. We will always see things through self. Self will always influence self subjectively so we might as well start to learn about self. Self is the product of the universe. When we close our eyes we not only see darkness but we see sparks of light that look like stars as though we are looking at night sky seeing a glimpse of the universe.  But what we’re seeing is self.

Victim or Victor

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not to allow ourselves to be victim of circumstances. We can’t afford to wait for something to happen before we make a move. We just have to make the move.

We don’t have to analyze whether we should make a move.  Analyzing it is just a distraction.

The more time we wait the more time we lose. Act now is the solution. Most of us know what we need to do to succeed; we just have to take action.

We can make a decision today because they’re others around us who are making decisions and making things happen in their lives everyday.  Only if we take action, we won’t have to feel left out.

Biases Can Affect Our Behaviors

Seagrass Dining Chair
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

First of all, no one is without biases. Biases imply that our decisions or opinions about something have already been formed. For example, when we are presented with a puzzle that eludes us, it will continue to elude us so long as we don’t ask the why, the when, the what and the how questions.

These types of questions help us to think beyond our biases thus will give us more objectivity.  So without asking questions we may end up doing something based on a false assumption.

Assumptions are really short cuts we use all the time. We assume a chair is suitable to sit on because we based it on our experiences on sitting on many different chairs which in turn forms a generalization that most chairs are suitable to sit on.

Therefore, we don’t test or ask anyone if a particular chair is suitable to sit on. But there are assumptions we must ask the four questions to gather information before we go to the next step.

It’s All Right to Please Ourselves, Too

humanity. love. respect.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we don’t do the things we asked ourselves to do, we disappoint ourselves.  It’s all right to please others as long as we please ourselves as well.  When we please others, we go out of our way to make them happy. When we have desires, we can go out of our way to make ourselves happy.

It’s all right to treat self with respect. When we say we’re going to set a goal and meet the goal, we’re respecting ourselves, but if we don’t follow through with our goals we have set then we’re disrespecting ourselves and disappointment and self-doubt can set in.

Since we’re always going to live with ourselves, we might as well get some self-respect. When we start respecting ourselves, things begin to happen, things begin to open up for us.

Don’t Fret, Do

The Leaky Cauldron (Forced Perspective)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not to fret about things, but do. At least we can do what we have control over. Even those things we don’t have control over we can always be put in a certain perspective so we can get through tough times.

Instead of fretting over the things we don’t have any control over, we can make them into a learning experience. The opinion of things is what makes us worry. Opinions can change. We are free to change our opinions about things, if we wish.

Since our attention can only focus on one thing at one time, we can focus on doing something constructive that will keep our minds away from those things we can’t change.


The Fear of Knowing

Knowledge with Wisdom
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

One way to decrease anxiety is to learn about the unknown.  The unknown is what increases anxiety. Only if we learn more on the subject that’s creating the anxiety, then maybe our anxiety will decrease.

The more we are running the opposite direction of our fears, the bigger our fears become. But if we face our fears enough, the fear usually dissipates.

Milton Erickson says there is very little to fear. The lack of knowledge only feeds the fears within us. Not only knowledge is helpful but also experiential learning can bring about courage to face our fears.

No Joy Like Freedom

No Longer a Prisoner (For I am Free!)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We can’t know freedom unless we have experienced restraint and then was released from it. Some of us don’t realized how free we’re really are.

If we have internal restrictions, then we can’t express being and feeling free. Freedom requires responsibility. As long as we aren’t breaking any rules that are harmful and hurtful to others and us, then it’s all right to express our freedoms.

Joy is the result of our freedom.  An inner joy is an expression of our outer freedoms. We live to be free but responsible. There is no joy in restricting our thinking. A closed mind is not a joyous mind, but an open mind keeps the joy pouring through.

Slow and Steady, Wins

Finish Line
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It takes time to learn something new. It’s important to learn the basic of what we’re trying to do. Most of us want to learn things quickly. But there are some things that are difficult to learn. And time is necessary to learn whatever it is as well.

It’s usually at the beginning of learning that things are slow. If we just were a bit patient with ourselves, then maybe we can avoid many of the mistakes in the long run. We will make some mistakes because it’s a part of learning something new. And if we work towards our goals in a steady fashion we will get to the finish line.

Some of us give up on our goals or projects not only because it’s difficult, but also because of the lack of patience to learn what we need to do to get to the end.  Patience is important because it helps us to meet our goals. Consistency is another important element to carry out our goals.  If we work consistently on a project, the possibility is greater each time we work on it that we will succeed.

The Decisions we make today

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The decisions we make today will effect our future tomorrow. So if we’re procrastinating about starting and finishing up a project, we’re already made up our decision.

We have made a decision not to work on a project. As long as we continue pushing projects back, hours will become days, days will become weeks, weeks will become months, months will become years, years will become decade, and decade will become decades.

We’re delaying a decision to move things forward. We may end up with a pile of unfinished projects. It feels good to come up with a great idea.

However, one would soon find out that ideas can be very difficult to make into fruition. Hard work, effort, mistakes and a lot learning will aid us through it all.

Learning To Be

Levitation is a Reality

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Learning to be one’s self can be the most difficult thing to do. Others may want us to be a certain way. Really, others may want us to be a certain a way for them.

Sometimes, we find ourselves doing the same;wanting someone to be what we think they should be or should act. However, we’re all unique in our own way.

Our uniqueness makes things interesting in the world. We ought to respect one another’s uniqueness and accept our own. Each one of us brings in a unique view to the world because all of us need to know different points of views.Variety creates choices and new understandings to old things

Respect keep us in Balance

It is vital to distinguish what you should adopt from what you should reject, without any error or ambiguity.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we respect others like our elders, our teachers, our parent(s) we’re holding them to highest regard because of their wisdom and experiences they have to teach others about life.

Respect is important in our society because it keeps us in balance psychologically. When others respect us we feel good about ourselves. As citizens, we have to give a certain amount of respect for civility.

Some would argue that respect is earned which is true as well. Respecting one another increases positive energy and support that all of us need to succeed in life.

When We Second Guest Our Abilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to second guess our abilities.  For example, we know how to walk so we don’t have to wonder if we’re going to start walking once we place our feet on the ground.

Walking is so automatic that we don’t have to think about it. When we doubt our abilities, we become conscious about it. It begins to feel unnatural like walking consciously.

With any skills that were learned and transferred unconsciously to the storehouse of our mind, should stay in our unconscious mind. However, things that aren’t useful that we have learned can be brought to forefront our minds and changed and the corrected change become unconscious again.