When Feelings Come and Go

wind turbines
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Feelings come and feelings go. We ought to realize we can’t depend on feelings when it comes to starting and completing a project or a task. But most of the time we do feel good after working hard all day.

Even the smallest things we do can give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Starting something new can be the hardest thing to overcome, because we’re truly battling with our thoughts, questioning us about whether this will be worth our time and energy.

These internal conflicts can be settled if we think about the pros and the cons of tasks and what are the risks.

The part of us that’s resistance to starting something new just want to be assured that we’re going to get something out of it, such as, payment, enjoyment, experience, and reward that will help us in the long run.

Risks will always be involved in anything we do. Mistakes big or small will happen. Mistakes are for us to learn and improve.

When Changes Come Into Our Lives

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A person with a dull lifestyle welcomes change while a person who is preoccupied with uncertainties won’t.  When one’s life is mundane and colorless without variety even the slightest change will rock that person’s world into something that’s more meaningful and colorful. However, someone who’s preoccupied with uncertainties change would only increase their anxiety. Someone with uncertainties must learn to remove his or her attention from the uncertainties of life and refocus on the positive aspects of changes.

When Changes Keep Us Off Balance

Balancing Stones
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Changes can keep us off-balance if we don’t learn to readjust.  If I happened to break my right wrist which is my dominate hand. I would have to learn how to write with my left hand which is my non-dominate hand. My many years of writing with my right will now have to be applied to my left where there is little to no experience writing. If I want to write for that matter I must readjust my behavior. It will be a difficult prospect at first but eventually by the time the cast is off of the right hand I will be ambidextrous.


Do Something Different


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Whenever we want to do something differently in our lives, it requires change as well. For example, if we want to change jobs, it requires us to do a series of steps in order for that to take place.

These steps require us to do things outside of our comfort zone. Updating a résumé, looking up job listings in the newspaper or on the Internet. It may mean more training or more education. Then we have to adjust our schedule to go to interviews. A change is a process.

When we begin to accept changes, it gets easier to readjust to them. Changes will still be difficult at first but not as difficult if we continue to resist. When we begin to accept changes we’re not only readjusting our attitude but also our behaviors. And behavior usually follows after attitude.


Finding A Way

Williamsburg - Hedge Maze
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought to never give up on finding a way to succeed. Finding a way means to give ourselves legroom for us to experiment. Experimentation is a form of brainstorming.

We’re trying different things to discover ideas and new associations to create more ideas for more exploration. Being stuck suggests that we’re not there yet.

Experimenting is useful to help us enlarge our thinking. When we enlarge our thinking, we begin seeing what’s possible.    We don’t have to be afraid to find a way or different approach to enlightened our minds.

Struggling With A Belief

Meeting Lille Metropole
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we find ourselves struggling to do a task or start a task, the struggle is more likely a belief that says we can’t do the task.

It’s not so much we don’t have the capabilities but it is the belief that’s telling us we can’t do the task.

The first thing we can do is to test the belief and see if it’s true. We can give ourselves a certain amount of time to see how far we can work on the task, instead of giving up before starting or not really putting in the effort necessary to succeed.

The second thing, if we work on something half-heartedly, we shouldn’t expect to succeed, but if we put in time and effort, there is a possibility of success.

Be Specific

Painting Supplies

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we set goals, it is better to be specific on what goals we want to set. If we for example want to paint the rooms of a house, then we must think about what colors we want for each room.

We would need to go to a warehouse store to look up paint samples that we might want for the rooms. We have to buy paint pushes, paint, plastic coverings to protect furniture and floor.

So basically, we got to make a plan on what to do and when to do it. Just like anything else in life we must narrow things down so we can do exactly what we set out to do.  Plan is important because without one, there is no direction.

Do The Things You Think You Cannot Do

Optical Illusion
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The things we think we cannot do, is fear based. We allow our fears to keep us from doing the things we dream about doing.

Fear is created when we use our old frames of reference (old perspectives) to try to understand something new. Instead we need to widen our minds so we can learn a new perspective to free us from the old so we can see clearly what steps to make.

Fear will continue to grow unless we turn around and face it. When we face our fears directly, then we can wonder if we need them or not.

Most of our fears reside in the way we think. They’re just an illusion, not real, just falsehoods, hollow claims that don’t exist.

Staying Alert During Chaos

Calm sea and shore at sunset
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s difficult to stay alert when everything around you seems chaotic. Keeping track of everyone or everything can be an enormous task.

However, the best thing we can do is stay alert and keep focus on one step at one time. Sometimes taking a step back can be useful, just to keep everything straight in our minds.

It’s seem by our nature we like to keep things in order or at least in our heads. We like to categorize events and past experiences into neat boxes that we have in our minds. So we can pull the boxes out, as we need them in our lives.

Act The Part, The Part Is Yours

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we act the part, then we will become the part. If we pretend to be confident long enough, then we will probably begin feeling some confidence.

We begin to feel confidence because we do things that reinforce our confidence.  Feeling confidence about one’s self is really about depending more on one’s self to carry out a goal.

Relying on self means we know we will get the job done. When we feel confidence in ourselves, other will also sense confidence in us.

Others, who sense the confidence in us, will also be affected to be more confident in themselves.

Having self-confidence creates more opportunities to do more and will be rewarded more in life. If we only believe in ourselves, then we’re already solved half of the problem.

Putting Pressure On Ourselves

Pressure gauge
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We have all experienced pressure in our lives. However, most pressures are what we put on ourselves, because we want things done in a certain way at a certain time.

Also, the pressure comes from trying to get a lot of things done quickly and simultaneously. Our bodies react to the pressures we’ve created in our minds.

We first must quiet our minds and then figure out what needs to be done first. Once we began completing things our stress levels will go down while our energy levels will go up.

The needed energy will be a great factor in completing the rest of things that are causing us pressure.

If we find ourselves thinking too much about doing what we need to complete, we are wasting energy and time when we could be doing those things we’re thinking of doing.

Going Beyond Limitations

'push it to the limit'
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Limitations are the beliefs and thoughts we set for ourselves in our minds. If we say this is too difficult even before we start doing a task then we’ve already setting limits on ourselves, therefore we won’t do it.

We won’t even try, or we would procrastinate before we go ahead with a task, because we already labeled the task as difficult.

Even if we think it’s a difficult task, then it doesn’t mean it’s impossible task to do. That’s what we need to discuss in our minds that it’s all right for the task to be a difficult one and time-consuming to learn the ins and outs.

Learning something new is always difficult and time-consuming. We might as well start learning the task.

We have to accept that no matter how many times we get it wrong, we still need to keep working on it until we want it in the way that’s satisfying.

Most of us would rather have six months of productivity than have six months of procrastination.

Giving Yourself Permission

Missing @hardlylaura, who has trotted off to Turkey. This is her warmup world travel look

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we don’t give ourselves permission to do what we want to do. One part of us has the desire while the other part of us is too cautious.

Sometimes we allow the cautious part of us to dominate our thinking with excuses not to do what we so desire. Over thinking can paralyze us from doing what we want.

It’s all right to listen to the cautious part, but ultimately we have to decide to do what we wish in our lives.  Goals are set up for us to reach.

It’s easy to believe the other person who says, ‘it’s not a good idea’ or ‘that’s a crazy thing to do.’ The people who aren’t supportive is only feeding the cautious part of us.

However, we can give ourselves permission to do it anyway because things are learned faster by doing them.

Nature Has An Intelligence About Itself

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we watch a black ant crawling about, it makes us wonder how such a thing came into fruition. We pride ourselves on learning about how things work like the human body or how different organisms can replicate.

But we still don’t have the slightest idea how to make an ant. Even if we used a computer simulator and replicate body parts of an ant and program it to do what an ant does, it would be an enormous task.

We may manipulate the ant’s DNA, but we don’t know what we’re manipulating the DNA into. The human brain may be the most powerful organ in the universe; however, we still have a lot to learn about how and why things are made.

After all, life is interconnected somehow to keep everything in balance.

What will The Self Offer For The Self

Sunflower Seeds
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The self offers a lot for the self, if only we pay attention to the self, then we will know what’s offered. We have latent potentials waiting for us to be used.

We just have to mold them and shape them to our wishes and desires. Our potentials lie within each of us. We may wonder what our latent potentials are.

Our actions show a glimpse of our potentials.  Those glimpses are the things we tend to gravitate towards our likes, our desires and our dreams.

Our potentials are the by-product from our everyday experiences. Our unconscious minds like to collect experiences and reused them as potentials.

Our potentials take time to develop and mature into something skillful and useful to give to the self and give ultimately to society.

Learning From Our Parent(s)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What we learned from our parents will stay with us our whole lives. Our parents were our models on how to deal with everyday life. 

We have learned good things and the not so good things from the actions of our parents. We’re eternally grateful for all the things they have done for us and accept the things that they haven’t done for us as we were growing up.

Indeed not all our needs were met. But as adult we can meet our own needs. Therefore, we can stop blaming our parents. We need to see our parents not as gods but as human beings and humans aren’t perfect.

So let us lower our expectations and be more accepting towards our parents. When we’re more accepting, our grief gets smaller.

We Have the Ability to Go Against Our Resistances

Jon's Bowflex
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have the ability to learn. We have the ability to experience. We have the ability to think, plan and execute the most basic of things.  If we have these abilities then how come we have so little faith in ourselves to do the things we desire the most?

What we desire usually is a life-changing event. Also what we desire or what goals we want to obtain usually requires of us great labor. If we want to make things happen, we must go against our resistances.

Going against our resistances mean staying focus, even though we don’t feel like working on the project or experiencing doubts, we must do it anyway. When we do it anyway in spite of our lack of motivation or self-doubts, we begin to learn about self-discipline.

If the mind is disciplined, then the rest of body will obey and carry out what is necessary to obtain or complete the goal.

Forgiveness is Healing

Musing, the aftereffects in March 005

Post Written By Eugene

Lets not hold on to what was done to us. Holding on to a grudge means we’re still holding on to pain. The pain we keep only postpones the healing process. Forgiveness doesn’t hold on to pain but lets go.

When we forgive others from the initial pain, we also forgive ourselves from holding on to the pain, which caused more pain. Forgiveness can melt away resentment between two people if they just let things go.

When we let things go, our attention is no longer distracted but working to repair the damage that was caused by the pain.


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When someone smiles, we respond with a smile.  Smile leaves us feeling joy inside. In the mist of chaos, a smile can bring us calmness.

One smile can spread not only in our hearts but also throughout our bodies. A smile is therapeutic to our souls and our psyches. A smile can wipe out temporary sadness. Babies love it when we smile. They read our faces.

A smile indicates that all is well and that life is good. A smile is like the sun; it makes our day sunny. Smiling keeps the doctors away, or least most of the time.  A real smile comes from within and a fake one is a cover up or a mask. A smile supports healing properties. A smile is the universal language.

Having a Mindset or not, we Still have to Work

Corn field

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Having a mindset is very useful when it comes to reaching our goals. With a change in mindset or not, we still have to do the work to reach our goals.

As we’re working towards our goals, our minds will begin to switch into another way of thinking. A mindset can help evoke motivation.

However, motivation can also come from the amount of hard work that has been accomplished over time.

Having a feeling of accomplishment is a nice feeling after a long day of work in that we can look back and see how much was done.

Most of us get a feeling of satisfaction no matter how difficult the work so long there is progress made towards our goal.