Meaningful Feelings

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“You will find meaning in life only if you create it.” Osho

We don’t have to search for meaning; we already have the stuff to create it. Meaning is where the heart is.

What touches us, what makes us cry, is where we find our meaning. Meaning is a reflection of what we feel.

Distractions can get in the way of feeling deeply and expressing externally.

If we just sit still and let ourselves feel a thought, a word or an image, then we will begin to feel more. Feelings help us to connect with the world.

When we feel connected to the world, then we’ll find what’s meaningful to us.

Keep Working On Your Goals

Life goals
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“There are only two mistakes one can make on the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting.” ~Buddha

It is easy to set goals, but it is difficult to complete them. If we keep working on our goals, then there is a chance that we might success.

The road to completing ours goals will be the most difficult one. When things are difficult to achieve, we sometimes run the other direction.

Running the other direction, only keep us from working on our goals; and we lose the opportunities to learn.

Besides, having a difficult challenge is good for us, especially, when we achieve what we set out to do.

We will look back and see that the hard work was all worth doing. While in the trenches of working on our goals, it’s difficult to see what progress we have made until the project is done.

Finding Our Own Discoveries

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we want to go to the next level of growth, it’s sometimes difficult to see ourselves at a higher level of growth. And yet we see someone else at that level of what we so desire.

So we investigate on how to get there— maybe finding out their secret to success. Someone else’s secret to success may not necessarily work for us. The person’s secret to success is really from his or her own self-discovery.

They found out on their own what worked for them. That’s the lesson we can learn is that we have to discovery what success means to us, and what direction we want to go to achieve success and how far we want to go.

It’s about self-discovery because when we know what our likes and dislikes are, and what our weaknesses and ours strengths are then we  can know what course of action to take to go to next level.

New Ideas That Change

The art of life is the perspective we need to see beauty, our focus shall always be on the side of the explorer! Enjoy the discoveries ahead!:)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we hear a new idea for the first time, it is very useful to sit with the new idea and ponder its meaning before going on to the next idea.

Just by reflecting on a new idea, creates an inner re-association and a re-organization that can create new understandings about things that would help us to discover new choices and to see things and events differently.

It’s really about thinking about things differently than we have before. Each one of us has a unique way of looking at things because it is through our backgrounds that we really see things differently.

We all have our filters we look through to make sense out of the world. New ideas widened our filters to help us see just a bit more.

Creating An Inner Experience

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is within us that we create our inner experiences. It is within us that we create change. For us to deal with reality, we must close our eyes for moment and think about our dreams and our imaginations and our learned experiences.

We are free to dream up anything we want and to do anything we want in our dreams. Our imaginations are our limit to what we can dream.

In through our dreams and our imaginations we experience many things. We have a storehouse of dreams, experiences and imaginations that are volumes of resources for us to tap into that create within us strength and courage to what we so want in our lives.

If We Want Something Done, Set Deadlines

Project 365 #299: 261010 The Sands Of Time
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes to get us motivated, we must set deadlines to projects that we aren’t getting done. In school, we were conditioned to have our projects or homework completed at a certain date and time.

Some of us waited to the last minute to get our homework done, however, we still got it done. We got it done because the pressure we put ourselves, which motivated us to get it done.

Some of us still thrive to complete things at the last minutes. So long if we get it done, is important to us. We’re capable of doing a lot of things; we just have to make the effort to move things along the way to complete our desired end.

Saying Goodbye

Goodbye wave
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For change to truly occur, we must say our goodbyes to our pasts. To start anew, we must say our goodbyes to the things that are holding us back.

Old ideas can hold us back, therefore, we must say goodbye to them. Saying goodbye isn’t easy because we want to continue to hold on to what is familiar to us.

It also isn’t easy to explore new territory when we don’t know what’s out there. One of the old fables that ends with a moral states: “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Although familiarity feels safe to most of us, we lose respect for the things we experience over and over.

When this happens, then it’s time for us to say goodbye to old things and say hello to new things.

Enjoying Ourselves

Laughing at the Beach
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we let ourselves be free to be ourselves inside, it’s easier to enjoy ourselves. We are human beings with different feelings and emotions that we express.

Some of us dislike feeling uncomfortable emotion, like anger, because we think anger is what we are. Feelings are not at all who we are but our feelings are a way to gage how we respond and react to internal and external events in our lives.

It’s better to accept all parts of ourselves because then we don’t have to be someone we’re not. It’s nice that we can experience all emotions.

When we do experience a negative emotion we’re allowing ourselves freedom to be ourselves, thus allowing other to freely be as well. Our inner conflicts are resolving when we begin the self-accepting process.

Observation brings to life Variety

Pizalun Observation Post
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we go through life without really looking at things. Observation can bring to life variety, because when we don’t look for details, we miss out on something new. Learning something new excites us because of the discovery element.

We learn something interesting that we didn’t know before, or we see something little different from what we’ve seen before. The magic is in the details. Learning about the details take the mystery out of something.

Milton Erickson thought it was very important to experience things without analysis. When we analyze things, the experience becomes lost. But details are different from analyzing an event or something we do like walking and talking.

Learning the details are learning the ‘what’ and analysis is more about learning the ‘why’ we do things a certain way. Observation looks for the ‘what’ to find new discoveries of life.

Believe in the Possibilities

day 7: Possibilities
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we don’t believe in what’s possible, then we don’t have a clear picture in what’s possible. Knowing what’s possible is really looking back at our experiences. In our experiences, we can see that we have made accomplishes and have achieved successes.

Looking back at our experiences are our resources to help us to look into the future in what we could do that’s possible. This exercise is useful because when fears, doubts, and excuses are keeping us from doing what we want to do in our lives, we can always look at what we have done in our pasts that can helps us through them.

If we believe in the impossibility, then our minds are closed. A closed mind doesn’t consider or wonder what’s possible even when we see clearly what’s possible for someone else. We don’t want to believe it to be possible for ourselves because it seems so foreign to us.

If we imagine ourselves outside looking in only seeing the other person doing what’s possible, then it would feel foreign to us to consider doing it ourselves. But if we paint a picture of ourselves doing what we believe is possible, then we will have better grip on the new situation.

Use Your Talent

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s all right to use our talents as much as possible. Our talents ought not be wasted especially in doing good works. In doing good works, others will take notice.

We are born with our talents but it takes experiences to develop. Our talents are part of our personalities that we can’t help but express.

When we keep our talents to ourselves, little growth is made. Our talents ought to be used to contribute society and the world.

We gain little if we isolate our talents only to ourselves, but we gain a lot if we express our talents to the world. Everyone expresses their talents in their own unique way.

Someone may have the same talent as us, but each one of us expresses talents in our own way, which makes things interesting and exciting. We need not let our talents go to waste when we can contribute in a positive way.

Drive Through Success

Drive-Thru Tree
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Where can we find the drive to make things happen in our lives? Sometimes we need the urge to move forward to get things done.

Some of us need a deadline to get us to complete a project while others just need encouragement.  Some of us love to be challenged to move forward while others would rather compete.

Drive is what makes a successful person. But along with drive we need a clear purpose and direction. We don’t want to waste our drive because drive without purpose means a burnout.

Our interests and motivation equals our drive to make things happen. That’s what make a successful person look forward to getting up in the morning to do what they love doing.

Death, Life and the Universe

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Death is a natural process of the cycle of life. For life to continue death has to occur.

Nothing is wasted in the universe. Everything is used in some fashion or another. Our bodies are made from the earth.

The earth is made from materials in space. We are made from the stars above us.

There is something bigger than we can imagine that is taking place now in space. Some call it a miracle, others may call it a mystery and still others call it an accident.

We’re at the beginning stages of describing the indefinable of what’s out there in space. But we can also say what’s out there is where we’re too.

Thus, what is definable is what we can identify in our own experiences. What is important about life is the ‘here and now,’ that’s real to us because it is close enough for us to experience.

Uncertainty About Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all experienced feeling uncertain about things. We want to know everything before we begin something.

That’s good to a certain extent but eventually we will have to move past the knowing, because we will truly know something if we experience it. Uncertainties are what we think might happen in the future.

But what we think might happen in the future is really mostly in our heads and not truly real. No one can predict the future, wondering what’s going to happen in the future is just only that— “just wondering.”

Life is about experiencing things through our senses, like seeing the beautiful sky, enjoying an after rain smell, and feeling and hearing the wind blowing against our bodies, and with experiences like these make our hearts sing about how life is wonderful.

Going Beyond Barriers

Christine Merrill
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have barriers that restrain us from doing what we want to do. Fear of failure, the unknown, lack of information, not willing to learn, time, lack of support, to name a few, could be described as barriers that obstruct us from doing what we want to do.

But these barriers are distracters. They take our attentions away from what is important— action! Action is the key ingredient to making things happen in our lives.

Whatever action we do can affect change. Actions are the accumulated results of progress. Our actions can go beyond our barriers. When we’re in action our attention is in the now. The actions we take on now and everyday will pay off in our future.

As a result of our actions we would have accumulated not only progress, but also the experiences. Experiences are a great resource to rely on when we need them.


A Disdyakis triacontahedron with a sphericity problem
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we defined a problem, we can find the solution quicker. When we identify a problem, the solution will come to us faster.

Until we understand the problem, it will be difficult applying the correct solution. The size of the problem should be matched with the size of the solution.

It’s all right to wait for the right solution for a defining problem. To make something into problem our background and past experiences influence how we identify something as a problem.

What might be a problem to one person may not be a problem for another. Most of time solution finds us, not us finding a solution.

Humor and Perspectives

Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre #5
Post Written Eugene Morgan

Humor is good for our health. Humor can discharge negative energy. Humor helps us to deal with a difficult situation. Humor is entertaining for mind, body and soul.

Humor lets us see things in a different light. Humor stimulates the mind into thinking up new ideas. Humor can be a good exercise in solving problems.

Humor can lift the weight of the world off our shoulders. We can find humor in anything, if we look for it. Humor is good at discharging tension or breaking the ice.

Humor makes us laugh. Humor feels good in our bodies. Humor helps support health as well as mental health. Humor lets us see different perspectives.  Humor has color. Humor finds truth in everything.

Do You Expect Failure or Expect Success?

Diana+ telephoto lens
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have different expectations that we experience everyday. When we arise from our beds in the morning, we expect to do a variety of things before we leave from our residences.

While we’re working, we’re expected to present ourselves in a certain way that is conducive to our jobs.  But when it comes to doing something that we’re unfamiliar and/or uncertain about, we have two choices about how we can approach it.

We can either expect to fail or expect to succeed. Those are our choices. Expectation is very powerful in that it can affect our behaviors on how well we can handle uncertainties.

Attitude is everything. So if we expect to succeed then somehow we will succeed, but if we expect to fail our behaviors will express failure. It’s where we place our expectations. Our attitude is the lens of our expectations.

Being Centered

From my meditation window 11
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we make things worse than what they are. When we get impatient, we get quick to anger. Anger is the last thing we need when we’re in a situation that needs us to keep our cool.

Mistakes are easily made when we’re angry because our minds become cloudy when we need our mind clear at that moment. Giving ourselves a time-out, can help us to center ourselves.

Being centered helps us to make better decisions and to make us more effective in our work or project. Anger can be useful if we channel it to be used for injustice or protection.

Work is Opportunity

working a roof, Marvão
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We sometimes forget that the only way to get where we want to go is to work. Work is something that everyone is inherent to do.

When we put in an earnest amount of work, we feel good about it.  Work is our opportunity to express ourselves.

The word “work” can sound dull and empty. But as humans we can make work exciting and fulfilling if we participant.

Everything we do require us to work. Work is really a mindset. Have you noticed that as children we begin to learn about work and not know it?

We didn’t know that playing with our toys was really about learning how to work.  A little boy loves playing with his toy car.

But someday he will be driving a car to and from work. Every child’s toy has a reference to what grown ups do everyday.  So work doesn’t have to be dull and empty, it can be satisfying and fulfilling.