Dreams, Hopes and Fulfillments

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we dream, we’re dreaming about fulfilling something in the future. Dreams help keep our hopes going. Dream let us imagine.

We may not have all of what we want in life but we can dream about them. Dreaming about them is motivating. Dreaming about them drives our hopes that these things will be fulfilled.

Our dreams and our hopes keep us going during the tough times. It’s all right to dream. We dream freely while sleeping.

Our brain is remarkable in that we can dream about various events to help discharge repressed emotions and to process our thoughts.

We Are Not Alone In Our Struggles

out of the way

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re not alone in our struggles to make things better for ourselves. Anything we want changed in our lives will be a struggle. To make a change means to break up old habits.

Old habits are hard to die. We feel comfortable and familiar with our old habits. If we want to make changes some of our habits will need breaking up for room for new habits.

With new habits, old habits will render useless. We won’t need them. But to acquire new habits, we must use them everyday and consistently.

There will be times when we’ll forget something that requires memory on our part to execute the new habits.

Our new habits that prove useful for change will require us to struggle a bit until the new habits remain and become a part of our psyche.

Put Things In Perspective

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we’re about to face some difficulties, it is time to put some perspectives on them. Changing a perspective helps change our attitude about the difficulties.

What do we supposed to learn from this? Asking ourselves this question can help us put things in perspective. The difficulty can be dealt with better than if we ask ourselves why is this happening to me?

We take for granted our learning abilities. Learning is a very powerful way to get through difficulties. Life will always have challenges that will force us to make adjustments and that can make us stronger in the long run.

So why not put things in perspective to get through it because playing the victim game only makes things worse not better.

When Biases Hurt and Respect Heals

Showing respect (RIP Ku, Sept 19, 2008)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have biases. However, biases can hurt. We aren’t defined by biases of others and our biases shouldn’t define others.

Therefore, we shouldn’t impose our biases on others, instead we need to learn how to get to know the person. Biases are easily made when we don’t know the other person.

We’re all unique people but with similarities. Respecting others is the first step of letting go of our biases. If we want to be treated with respect, then it must start with us.

We don’t have to wait for someone to show us respect, but to be model examples by showing others respect. When we show respect towards another person, their hostility towards us will decrease.

Biases can hurt but respecting others can be healing.

Sooner is better than Later

Gotta get organized
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“I wish I had done it sooner.” It’s a very common response after doing something that we’ve been prolonging to do.

This tells us a lot about a belief. The main reason we prolong to do something because of what our beliefs or fears say to us.

In spite of our limited beliefs and fears, we still have a choice. The limited beliefs or fears never take away our choices. But the beliefs and fears just make it harder to choose.

Making excuses is another distraction that prolongs what we want to do or choose to do in our lives.

Once the decision is made, we can start working on what we wish to do in our lives. Then, we begin to experience freedom which we didn’t know we had.

We’re no longer prisoners of our fears and limiting beliefs. The realization hits us that we had the choice to do it all along.


Life Changing Experiences

Stone well
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When do we know when we’re on the verge of a life changing experience? Life changing events seems to occur in times of need or desperation.

Life changing events also happens when we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired of situation we’re in and want something to happen.

In other words, we have to stop waiting for something to happen and start to think about what can we do to make a change.

We have the power for change, we just have to use it instead of suppressing it or giving it away.

Doing nothing is giving away our power and our time.

These are the things we need to do to alter our situation, and to know that we’re already halfway there when we believe in ourselves to pull ourselves up out of the well.

Be Confident Being You

Be Your Self by Anna Laurini
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Instead of being impressed about the confidence that another may have, we ought to be confident being ourselves because being confident in ourselves means self-acceptance.

Without self-acceptance there is no confidence. Being confident means feeling good about our selves while in the moment. When we’re confident in ourselves others take notice.

Others are drawn to us when we express confidence, because other people want to know more about us. Expressing confidence is not about hiding our faults.

Besides, no one is without fault. In spite of our faults, we can express our confidence.  Being confident is fully being our selves without reservations.

We don’t have to wonder how others think about us because we’re already accepting everything about us; therefore, we’re more accepting of others.

You Can Wait For Patience

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t waste patience. Patience is time well spent preparing, experimenting, learning, working on something to get results.  Patience is not waiting for the right time to do something because there is never a right time to do it.

When we’re impatient we can’t tolerate the waiting, which makes it twice as long.  Impatience can sometimes be the result of procrastinating. And procrastination consumes our time away from our work and  can only fuel regrets.

But patience is asking us for “the stick to it ness” attitude which we’re going to need for some of us in the long haul.  We just need to move and move and  continue to move to get action going and wait and see what happens.

Doing nothing gets us nothing, doing something, gains us something. What we gain doesn’t necessarily have to be the results we want, but what is experienced during our journey.


Internal Conflicts, or Internal Peace

Peace Of Mind Park
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Having internal conflicts keeps us from doing the things we desire. Sometimes, internal conflicts are fueled by what we desire and what others desire of us.

Sometimes, we need guidance from others, and it’s good to listen to others, and think about what we want to do in our lives.

But, the decision will always be ours to make, just as we must respect and allow others to make their own decisions.

It’s a decision that we’re going to live with not the other person. We have to claim ownership for what decisions are made in our lives.

Internal conflict is very heavy on the shoulders; it’s stressful on the mind and body. We can let go of the conflicts by asking ourselves what do we want that’s satisfying?

This is resolving the conflict and making peace with us. It’s nice to have a mind at peace for a change.


The PASSION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER : Dublin, Ireland : Life through the LENS : SEE : FEEL : WORLD : SENSE! Enjoy the click, every time! :)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What are our passions? Every one of us has some sort of passion in our lives that we look forward experiencing.

Passion is a feeling word. Passion evokes action. Passion keeps our minds undivided. Passion makes the world go around.

We love doing what makes us excited. Enjoying doing what we’re passionate about makes life worth living. Passion is like our sacred place where we go to be ourselves, have a good time and relax.

Passion creates connection with those who have the same passion. Having passion for something makes life refreshing.

Passion makes us feel more alive. It’s also good to take a break from passion because we don’t want to stifle or zap the life out of it.

Passion is a feeling, a thing, an interest, an idea, a thing, a sport, life; anything that keeps our interest.

Thinking or Doing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to rush to make things happen, we just simply need to start doing things, and repeating what works. Just thinking of a perfect solution isn’t going to motivate us into starting a project.

Some of us find it easy to think up everything before we start on a project. But we will never start on a project, if we continue to think up a perfect solution.

But we will never think up a perfect solution that will work until we start moving objects around, testing things, seeing what works and what doesn’t work. Seeing what doesn’t work is good feedback in telling us if we’re going in the right direction.

When Creativity is Ready

 the " ∞ " creativity
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s not a good idea to force creativity. Creativity is ready to show itself when we least expected. This is why it’s a good idea to carry a pen and something to write on.

Just as fast as a great idea flashes in our minds, it can be taken away just as quickly. We all experienced when a great idea or a solution pops into our minds that enlightened our understanding while in the middle of doing something else, somehow get distracted by something, that we forget what that great idea was.

The more we try to recall the idea, the more we can’t remember. The good news is that our unconscious or subconscious mind will always bring up new ideas; we just have to catch them.

What is Self-Worth?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What is self-worth? Self-worth means placing emphasis on how much we value ourselves. How much we value our selves affects every area of our lives. Self-worth can affect our relationships, it can affect our work, and it can even affect our health.

If our self-worth decreases, then those fore mentioned areas of our lives will be affected negatively as well. If our self-worth increases, then those fore mentioned areas of our lives will be affected positively as well.  Increasing our self-worth means to believe and trust in our abilities. Our capacities are there we just need to run with them. The resources are there too, we just need to use them.

Experiencing The New

freedom ... !
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Experiencing something new is the best way to make a change. Some things are unchanging unless we experience something that will help us change.

To experience something means actually doing something. An experience can help expand our minds so we can see that there are more choices available.

When we have more choices we have more freedom to be more of ourselves. Milton Erickson wants us to discover more about our potentials and ourselves.

He wants our minds to concentrate on the vast store of experiences that we all have and learn to use them when in need and/or desire to free ourselves from the rigid ideas.

When Life Teaches Us Something

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It makes one wonder why we’re here living this life. Maybe we’re here to learn something about life. One thing is true we’re always learning something new.

We learn to gain knowledge. We learn to experience something. We learn to better ourselves. We learn to pass on to the next generation our knowledge and experiences. Wisdom comes from years of experiencing life through our learning.

Knowledge isn’t enough for us but it can be useful and helpful. Experience is a deeper way of knowing about the world and about self. Wisdom is learning something through our personal experiences.

When We’re Not Getting The Results We Want

the wonder of numbers...
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we’re not getting the results we want, it clearly means that we have to make readjustments to our behaviors.

If we continue to do the same things and expecting the different results, then we’re going to get frustrated and want to give up.

We must constantly readjust our behaviors until we find the most useful behaviors that will get the results we want.

Combinations of different behaviors are more effective than one useful behavior.

Learning to find what works and what doesn’t work is great for information gathering, because once we find what works in certain situations, we know we can repeat those behaviors.

When We Surprise Ourselves

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s nice to look back on what we’ve done. Sometimes we don’t see the progress when we’re in the mist of working on something. But when we do, we’re surprised.

We’re surprised by how well it’s done. Sometimes it’s difficult to know when you’re done with a project because we see how much we can improve upon it.

It’s easy to get our perfectionism in the way of our work because we see an uncompleted project. Some of us like to bring order to what we think is chaotic.

No matter how many times we walk into a dirty kitchen and continue to prolong washing the dishes, we’re still going to say to ourselves that the kitchen needs to be clean.  But once the kitchen is cleaned and a time has passed since the kitchen has been clean, we go back and say, “wow” look how clean everything is.

The Different Stages of Life

Monarch Life Cycle — 14 of 20

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all go through different stages of our lives. We also take on different roles in our lives. We are born. We are born either a male or a female. We learn about our bodies. We learn to lift or move our arms from left to right and from top to bottom. Everything is new to us. We want to put everything in our mouths.

As we get older more restrictions are placed on us so we can learn civility. The boys have to act a certain way while the girls have to a certain way. We enter public schools to learn more about social interactions. We’re learning to take part in groups.  And yet we’re learning to become more independent from our parent(s).

At 18, we think we know more than our parents. We’re learning a new sport at school. We’re at our first job. We’re learning how to drive for the first time. Some of us have the opportunity to go to college and being away from home for the first time.

We pursue our first careers. Many of us get married and having our first child for the first time. Fifty percent of us will experience our first divorce.

As we get older we experience our first health problem. We attend our first funeral of a loved one or a co-worker. Or we experience becoming an uncle or an aunt for the first time.

We begin to take more of a teaching role, as we get older. We may experience having our first grandchild. We begin to start reflecting on our lives for the first time and what we’ve done in our past.

We experience some regrets but we experience some joy as well. We start to slow down for the first time. We notice that things around us seem to be moving faster just as time is. But we still live because that’s what all we know to do.

Learning About Thyself

Detail, Daniel Chester French's 1904 Boston Public Library Bronze Door, "Knowledge" (Boston, MA)
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Learning about us is a life long experience. Learning about ourselves is about discovering who we are.

When we begin to get a basic understanding of who we are, how we think and feel, then we have the opportunity to control our own behaviors.

We will know our likes and our dislikes, and what’s important and what’s not important.

Learning about us is about knowing when to reward our strengths and knowing when to accept our weaknesses.

Accepting our weaknesses is an important factor in discovering who we are.

Accepting our flaws means giving ourselves permission to make more discoveries about ourselves.  It is better to learn as much as we can about ourselves than not knowing at all.

When We Can Laugh At Our Imperfections

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have imperfections. And we can laugh at them if we wish. Nonetheless, we sometimes focus too much on our imperfections.

When we see a self-portrait of ourselves, all we see is imperfections. In some cases, we may even distort them to an extreme.

But what we see is a lot different from what the other person sees. Two people, seeing the same object, see two different things.

But when we can laugh at our imperfections, our ideation about what we think we should look like eclipses. Interestingly, what we care most about, when it comes to self-image, others care less about.

It’s really about changing our ideation about what we should look like.