Have You Acknowledge Your Reality

Broom Bristle Landscape
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we want to get somewhere in life, carry out a goal, then we must acknowledge where we are now. The decisions we’ve made in the past directly affect us where we are today.

If we don’t like where we are today, then we must make alternative decisions than we made in our past. We cannot afford wasting time fantasizing or regretting about our past decisions.

Instead, we need to use the time working towards what we need and wish in our lives. We don’t have to wait later do something when we can do it now.

If we do something today, then we will begin to fulfill some purpose in our lives. Our desires and wants will fulfill us when we’re actively pursuing them.

If we see that the floor needs sweeping and we complain how dirty the floor is, then we’re lamenting. Instead of lamenting about how dirty the floor is, sweep it.

Finding Your Talent

Ringling Brothers Circus
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Some of us don’t know what talents lie inside of us waiting to get out for the world to see. One of the ways to find out about what talents we may have is to do the things that interest us that we’ve never gotten around doing.

While some talents we’re born with, others are learnt. But even the talents that we’re born with have to be developed into something worthwhile to be called talent.

Some talents we take for granted are underused, but are needed in certain areas of our lives. Some talents we only share with close friends and family when they are meant to be shared with the rest of the world to enhance, to enrich, and to advance our civilization.

Stepping Into Courage

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The opposite of doubt is courage. Stepping into courage means to do it anyway in spite of fears and doubts to move to the next level of learning.

Since we’ve done this in the past, we can do this in the present. Once we’ve done or learned the things in spite of fears, the fear will disappear.

Therefore, courage is no longer needed. Courage is like someone giving us a nudge to go ahead with it when everything in our body feels the opposite.

Sometimes that’s all we need is a push to make the first step. Doubt and courage come from the same energy.

The choice is ours to make whether we want to feed our fears or feed our courage. When we feed our fears, nothing gets done. But if we feed our courage, as a result, we accomplish many things.

Starting Small and Nurturing Growth

seeds planted
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When learning or taking on a major project, start small.  Starting small makes things simpler and easier to complete. When we do a bit at a time on a project, we’re nurturing it.

While we’re nurturing the project into fruition, we’re learning as we’re going along. A good strategist finds ways to stimulate growth into a project.

For example, for a plant to grow and stay healthy, we must do certain things to stimulate growth, such as having good soil, water and sun depending on the kind of plant it is.

I have a plant called “a mother of a thousand plants” that I had in my office that grew from seeds without sunlight for a year. Since I didn’t have any windows in my office, I used a lamp.

Surprisingly enough, the small plants started to grow, however, slow. After a year of growth, I decided to take the plants home, placed them into a larger pot near a window for sun exposure, and watered them daily. And surely enough, they started to grow even faster than before.

This is one way of attending to our projects!

When We Believe in Limited Beliefs

Shooting tethered.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we live with limited beliefs, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to see how far we can go in our abilities. If we have a belief that says we can’t do a certain thing, then pursuing it is out of the question.

We have lost the choice to see and do what we want to do. If we have a belief that says we can’t do this or that because it’s too difficult, then we create a resistance to doing it.

However, we can always challenge our limited beliefs. Inner proof is more powerful than someone trying to persuade us that we can do it. We need to test our beliefs ourselves.

Do We Dare to Focus On The Possibility?

A young boy dreams big dreams of what lies beyond
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we focus on how perfect we need to be, then it would be difficult to focus on what’s possible. We don’t have to be perfect before we can perform on the stage of life, instead we can focus on what is possible.

In what is possible, is self-evidence when we reexamined what we learned over the years. The experiential learning is the gas that helps us fuel the car of life.

We just need to tap into that learning so we can trek to the different places in our lives that we haven’t been before.  We forget that we have a lifetime of learnings ready for us to tap into to further our lives’ journey.

On Being Grateful

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes our attention is focused too much on unpleasant events in our lives or in the world. We forget too soon how grateful we are to be alive.

If we just stand back and see what things that we’re grateful for, then we’ll appreciate life better than before. Some of us are grateful for our health.

Some of us might say that we’re grateful for our kids or grandkids. Some of us might say that we’re grateful for our parents.

Some of us might say that we’re grateful for our teachers that made a difference in our lives and that had life-changing effects on us personally.

Some of us might be grateful for having good friends. Some of us might be grateful for a loving pet. When we focus on the things that make us grateful, the weight of unpleasantness is lifted from our shoulders

Learning the Hard Way

Broken Arm
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes, there are no substitutes for learning the lessons of life the hard way. The benefit of learning lessons the hard way is that they will always stay with us.

These hard lessons can also be given to others who are willing to listen. If we are going to give advice to someone, don’t expect him or her to take it to heart.

We all have to learn our own lessons in life. When we’re given advice, we have to make the decision on our own whether or not to heed the advice or to just ignore the advice that was offered.

Use Existing Skills First, then Build on Them

building a new garage
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Instead of us worrying about the things we can’t do, lets us do the things we can do. There is no reason we shouldn’t do the things we can be doing to get ahead.

If we already have existing skills, why not use them. With a new project, a good starting point would be to use our existing skills first as we begin to learn new ones.  We then can combine our existing skills with our new skills.

We don’t have to lament about what skills we don’t have at the moment. Our existing skills can support and built on our new skills as we’re learning.

When it’s time to Retreat

Point Retreat Lighthouse
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is time to retreat, when we’ve been working on something for a long time. It is time to retreat, when things seem overwhelming. It is time to retreat, when we begin to make too many mistakes.

It is time to retreat, when we are only running on fumes. It is time to retreat, when we grow quick to anger. It is time to retreat, when we’re working on the same projects and neglecting others.

It is time to retreat, when we begin to lose a handle on things. It is time to retreat, when we start to lose our passion for what we’re doing. It is time retreat, when we’re ignoring our other responsibilities.

The benefits of retreating from something help us to get reoriented to about why we started the project or task in the first place. Retreating helps us to stand back and see things objectively.

Retreating is about doing some thinking and making sure we’re still on track of our purpose or mission. It’s easy to stay in the trenches and not see the forest.

Retreating is also useful to help us see how much progress we’ve made over time and how far we have left to go. Retreating renews our energy that we will need when we return.


Be A Listener

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to win an argument or have the last word to feel good about ourselves. We don’t even have to always be right about something to feel good.

But there will come a time when we’ll be right, but even in those times, we can be silent. We can be silent but be great listeners. It’s all right that the other person have an opportunity to be heard. Sometimes hearing someone vent can be painful to our ears but that person will remember us as better listeners.

Being good listener bridges deep connections with one another. We all come with a background of different perspectives. Instead of convincing the other person that we’re right, why not show some interest in other person just by listening.

Although, there are some who will dominate the conversation, but after some time listening, we can politely thank the other person for sharing and that it is time to go to a preplanned engagement or to return to work.

Rewards And Encouragements

Who wants to get rocketed 150 ft in the air in a metal ball?
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Have we rewarded ourselves, lately or said a word of encouragement to ourselves?  When we complete a task, do we reward ourselves?

A reward can be an encouragement to us. It’s all right to buy something nice for our hard work. Sometimes we just need encouragement from ourselves or from a friend or from co-workers that we’re doing a great job.

It makes a big difference in our job when we receive encouragement or reward for our hard work. We all want to believe that what we’re doing is making a difference.

We all like to hear that our efforts have helped someone. Rewards and encouragements can motivate us to press on with the hard work that we do everyday in our lives.

Be In The Trenches

trench creonne
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When anticipating on how difficult a task will be, it’s harder to start and complete it. But when we do start on the task and keep our attention focus on the task at hand, there are usually no doubting and/or nagging thoughts about the tasks itself.

In other words, when we’re in the trenches of a task, our focus is no longer on distractions but on the work.  Although, our goal is to complete the task, the process of the task can be rewarding.

With that kind of focus, the back of our minds is finding better ways of doing an effective job. We learn better while we’re doing the task. While we’re learning our way through a task, we’re getting feedback on what is working and what isn’t working.

Uniqueness Brings Richness To A Community

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one knows what we want in life. We know what are wants, desires and wishes are. What one desires is not always the same as another person’s desires.

Each one of us comes with unique perspectives. No person is exactly the same as another person. Everyone of us has the opportunity to express our uniqueness to the world.

Each one of us grew up differently, therefore has a unique perspective about life. Everyone brings in freshness and richness to a community.

We all can learn something from each other. When we begin to learn something from someone, our experience becomes enriching. Everyone gives and takes away something from a community, it is usually a needed resource of strength and more.

When We Don’t Feel Like It

I was sitting, waiting, wishing...
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We don’t have to be a slave to our feelings, because feelings come, and they go.  Feelings don’t stick around very long.

We can’t always rely on our feelings to motivate us. We know from our personal experiences; that, if we wait for a feeling to motivate us, we will be waiting for a very long time.

Feelings are a product of our thoughts, or our ideas we say to ourselves. So if we say, for instants, “Doing a certain task is difficult” then we may begin to start having a feeling of dread.

But if we replace the word ‘difficult’ to the word ‘challenging in the quote,’ then a feeling of dread may be replace to a feeling of excitement.

When we’re challenged to do something, then we become intrigued and stimulated by the idea of taking action, and that in and of itself can be motivating.

Prepare to Risk, and Risk to Prepare

Roof Jump
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Taking a risk is not always easy to do, especially, if it may cost us something. It’s a lot riskier to not take a risk than to a take one, because, we might lose out on opportunities that might exist.

We can still make preparation before we take a risk. It all depends on the risk, if it’s a risk that could cost us money, and then we ought to put an emergency fund aside. If we have our sight on a particular job, then we must prepare.

Preparation means doing the research about the job to find out if we meet the qualifications. To make preparation for a position may also mean returning to a school for more education and training. So if we’re going to risk, then it’s important to make the necessary preparation as well.


Every Little Thing We Do Helps

Small things
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not to take for granted the little things we do. The little things we do can make the difference. Sometimes we are too quick to get to the meat of the problem when only we need to do is redirect or slightly change it.

Little things are also the simple things. Some things we do aren’t going to be exciting, however they will be useful. We tend to procrastinate on doing the little things because they are so simple.

But starting to do the simple things now will be useful later because they are the building blocks or the foundation for the exciting parts we want to get to do and enjoy doing.

Be Resilient like Children

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Kids are resilient when it comes to recovery from a major injury. Although children may have a cast on from a fractured ankle or a broken arm, they ignore or forget this fact, and continue on painting, drawing, and running around in the yard.

A fractured angle or a broken arm doesn’t stop them from doing some or more what they did before the injury. They find a way to participate with their peers.

They get around their limitations. They know they can push the injury so far, and they respect that.  As adults, we can learn how children are resilient when it comes to going beyond their limits.  We defined not by our limitations, but by the way we deal with our limitations.

Changes Occur Within Us

Sphere within a sphere, UN visitor's plaza, New York City
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Change has to be done by us. No one can make change occur within us. We bear the burden of responsibility to cause change within.

We have to decide what we want changed in our lives. When we commit to changing ourselves, we’re not giving away our power.

We need the power to change. It’s no use to waiting for someone to change us because that’s giving away our power. Changing is a subjective experience that occurs within each of us.

No one has the right to force change on to another person. No one likes change forced upon him or her.  Everyone has to decide to make a change for him or her. Beside we ultimately have to make the changes ourselves, if we want to be adaptive to new situations.

Do you see it as a problem or Do you see it as Feedback?

As the World Turns
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Problem is only a feedback telling us to look at it differently. It stays a problem as long as we see it as one. When we begin to look at the problem differently we begin to readjust our behavior.

When our behavior is readjusted, also the reaction from others will change. Others will no longer see us the same way. Their reactions and/or new responses encourage our new behaviors.

Behaviors and responses are actions. We respect actions because we respond better when we see them. Actions are concrete and easy to see. Actions and/or movements make the world go around.