Plan a Change

Spare change (48/365)
Written by Eugene Morgan

It’s up to us to make a change.  We have the power within ourselves to make a change, if we want to.  If we want to improve our lives, we then have to decide to improve it.  After we decide to improve our situation, we then can write-up a plan.  After a plan is in place, we then can execute the plan until it’s completed.

No other person can make the change for us. In other words, relying on someone to make a change is useless; it won’t ever happen.  When we rely on someone, we are giving away our power. Ultimately, we know what we want in life so it’s better to ask ourselves, “What do I want for my life?” and we then can make a plan and execute it, because within us we have the power.

“If you want it you must obtain it by great labor,” T.S. Eliot.


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