Pressures Of Being Perfect

Sunset over Chicago

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.”— Mark Messier

If the only pressure we’re under is the pressure we put on ourselves, then we can ease up on the pressure anytime we want. We have control on how much pressure we put on ourselves. We all want to do our best and sometimes our best will not be good enough, but that’s okay. Perfection is not the solution. We’re humans with flaws. Perfection infers that the world will judge us harshly if things are not done right and proper. However, we’re not robots, but a person with emotions. So let us ease off on the pressures of being perfect and learn how to be more ourselves as we live each day of our lives. No one is perfect and everyone has feelings. Acceptance is possible when we let go of perfectionism.
[bctt tweet=”The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.— Mark Messier”]


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