Succeed Through Failures

Crossroads: Success or Failure

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You always pass failure on the way to success. -Mickey Rooney

There are no successes without failures. Failures can tell us where we need improvement so we don’t have to take them personally. Our self worth is build on getting up after a fall and then doing it again until we learn it. We don’t have to be so hard on ourselves.  We all have different levels of learning so we don’t have to rush learning, which means we have to be patient with ourselves.  Learning something constructive is never a waste of our time. Failures are our opportunity to learn something that will help us to improve each time.  Failures are really a step up to success instead of step down as long as we are learning from them. We learn more about ourselves through our failures than through our successes.


[bctt tweet=”You always pass failure on the way to success. -Mickey Rooney”]