Asking A Question

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We all make assumptions all the time for us to maneuver and understand our world. What we don’t understand, we fill in the blanks with our assumptions. It is a good practice for us to ask questions about something we don’t understand so we can reduce our assumptions for us […]

Biases Can Affect Our Behaviors

Post Written By Eugene Morgan First of all, no one is without biases. Biases imply that our decisions or opinions about something have already been formed. For example, when we are presented with a puzzle that eludes us, it will continue to elude us so long as we don’t ask the why, the when, the […]

Stating the Obvious

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this exit? â€”CONFUCIUS This above quote is stating the obvious. What is it that keeps us from seeing the obvious when it comes to solving a problem or finding a solution? Once we see that the […]

The Sun is Out; Challenging Assumptions

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We all make assumptions that aren’t true. There are assumptions that are even in our language, for instance, most of us would say, “The sun is out or the sun is going down.” Even though, we know that the earth rotates and orbits around the sun.  Therefore, the sun isn’t […]