The Good Things

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Be patient. Good things take time. —Unknown If we’re patient today, it will pay off in the long run. Being inpatient only adds to the frustration of wanting quick results. Good things can happen if we just wait and see. We can learn a lot when we wait and see. We have to let […]

All The Time It Needs

Post Written Eugene Morgan “Patience has all the time it needs.” ― Allan Lokos If patience has all the time it needs, then impatience waits twice as long. A mind of a patient person is quiet while a mind of an impatient person is stormy. Impatience builds pressure in the human body while patience experiences […]

On Being Patient With The Self

Written By Eugene Morgan We’re not going to get everything right. In fact, it’s impossible to get everything right. We can strive to be our best and accept our limits. Sometimes we set our expectations too high that we become paralyzed and give up. If we just were patient with ourselves, then the task before […]